英语人>网络例句>继承人 相关的搜索结果


与 继承人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Difficult to give up, he handed over to this branch of his successor WERNER FLIESS.

他很难割舍把这个分部移交给他的继承人WERNER FLIESS。

She has been the numbers face of Countdown with the late Richard Whiteley for over two decades and a popular TV-presenting personality in her own right.


There is a traditional male fear of illegitimacy at work, of course, as we observe in the king's attempts to see his own likeness in Mamillius's face--in a time when male heirs were critical to dynastic survival, wifely adultery was a great fear, as one could witness with Henry VIII and his execution of multiple wives only a half-century before Shakespeare.


William replaced the Witan, the council of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, with the Grand Council of his new tenants-in-chief, on which they were required to serve when summoned.


" Prince Vassily looked inquiringly at the princess, but he could not make out whether she was considering what he had said, or was simply staring at him."I pray to God for one thing only continually, mon cousin," she replied,"that He may have mercy upon him, and allow his noble soul to leave this …""Yes, quite so," Prince Vassily continued impatiently, rubbing his bald head and again wrathfully moving the table towards him that he had just moved away,"but in fact … in fact the point is, as you are yourself aware, that last winter the count made a will by which, passing over his direct heirs and us, he bequeathed all his property to Pierre.

" 瓦西里公爵以疑问的眼神望望公爵小姐,但他没法弄明白,她是否在想他对她说的话,还是随便地望着他……"我为一桩事一直都在祷告上帝,mon cousin,"她答道,"祈祷上帝宽恕他,让他高尚的灵魂平安地离开这个……""对,是这样的,"瓦西里公爵心情急躁地继续说下去,一面用手搓着秃头,愤愤地把推开的茶几移到身边来,"可是,到头来,到头来,问题就在于,你自己知道,去冬伯爵写了遗嘱,把他的全部产业留给皮埃尔,我们这些直系继承人都没有份了。

Slavik has proven {time of the yap} he is...


Acrisius , the king of ancient Argos , felt chagrined at not having a male heir , so he went to Delphi to ask for an oracle into this problem .


The Civil Law, as I have already stated for another purpose, calLs to the inheritance only three orders of successors in their turn; the Unemancipated children, the nearest class of Agnatic kindred, and the Gentiles.


Twinkle twinkle can't you see need you need you but let you go somebody said to me that life is a mysiery and that you never know what's out there awaiting for you everything is meant to happen, to write a story of life even when you are so alone even when you are so afraid with this loneliness you'll be alright 'cuz it will lead your way come on twinkle why don't you clap your hands just open your door for the belter tomorrow and play your own life like you're a movie star don't you know that we're all dreamers twinkle twinkle can't you see need you need but let you go the future's in your hands and heres the map showing the way to find yourself again, a part of you we never knew tell yourself it'll be alright to give up and swallow your pride believe in yourself don't be afraid all your worries will go away because you will fight to win your life with strength to carry on come on twinkle why don't you clap your hands just open your door for the better tomorrow and play your own life like you're a movie star don't you know that we're all dreamers suddenly the sadness took my soul away like a rain on perfect day but let me go and live my life come on twinkle why don't you clap your hands play your own life like you're a movie star come on twinkle why don't you clap your hands just open your door for the better tomorrow and play your own life like you're a movie star don't you know that we're all dreamers and we walk out the door.

闪耀闪耀你不能看见需要你需要你但是让你去有人向我说生活是一mysiery 和你从不知道所的什么无法使用那里为了你等待每件事被意味着发生,写生活的一个故事甚至当你是如此孤独的甚至当你这孤独的如此害怕你将是alright'cuz它将领导你的方式在上来闪耀为什么你不拍击你的手公正敞开你的地带的门明天和玩你像你一样的自己生活是一个电影明星你不要知道我们都是梦想者闪耀闪耀你不能看见需要你需要但是让你去未来你的手同时,继承人显示方式的地图再一次为了找到你自己,一部分你我们从不知道告诉你自己它将是alright 为了放弃并且吞咽你的骄傲相信你自己不害怕所有你的担心将离开因为你将战斗赢得你的生活具有力量继续在上来闪耀为什么你不拍击你的手公正敞开你的门更好明天和玩你像你一样的自己生活是一个电影明星你不要知道我们都是梦想者悲哀突然地拿我的灵魂像一场雨一样完美天但是,让我去并且过着我的生活在上来闪耀为什么你不拍击你的手玩你像你一样的自己生活是一个电影明星在上来闪耀为什么你不拍击你的手公正敞开你的门更好明天和玩你像你一样的自己生活是一个电影明星你不要知道我们都是梦想者同时,我们出去door。

And Caesarian is your heir!


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
