英语人>网络例句>继承人 相关的搜索结果


与 继承人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the novels of the period, the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress.


Slowly, actors who don't hail from filmy families are finding it more and more difficult to get a break in Bollywood as the support system of Bollywood's heirs is much stronger.


You and Fiona are next in line for the throne.


Before the death of my father, he has 5.5 million dollars in a fixed deposit account in my country which I am the next of kin.


In Thelemic circles, Aleister Crowley named Frater Achad his magical heir and Achad was fully expected to lead the cause of Thelemic Magick after Crowley's death--until publication of this book caused a rift between the two and Crowley began to distance himself from Achad.


The Church, formerly the declared enemy of Rome-Babel, had become her ally, accepting Edom's blessing,"By thy sword shalt thou live"(Gen. xxvii. 40), as her own; and, on the other hand, there appeared her priests ("galla"= hair-clipped) and monks, in the guise of the old Hebrew Nazarites and saints, claiming to be the true heirs to Israel's prophecy and priesthood.

教会的前身宣布的敌人,罗马的通天塔,已成为她的盟友,接受益登的祝福,"你的剑本当你的生活"(创二十七40 ),她自己,以及对另一方面,出现了她的神父(" galla "=头发夹)和僧侣(" kummarim "),在花样翻新的旧希伯来语nazarites与圣人,自称为真正继承人以色列的预言和神职人员。

Even at St Andrew's University, Prince William has apparently had to take refuge for a large proportion of his time in Gloucestershire and London.


It appears that he, and not Amar'e Stoudemire, is the spiritual son of Moses Malone, an o-board gobbler (3.4 per last year and well north of three per in his career as a starter) and already the 81st-best shooter (at .505) in NBA history.

从种种迹象看来,他比小斯更像是摩西-马龙的继承人,一个冲抢进攻篮板的高手(上赛季场均3.4个进攻篮板,作为先发出阵的他职业生涯可以场均抢下3个)而且他已在 NBA 历史上的投篮命中率排行榜位列第81位(命中率50.5%)。

"My godfather. I am his heir and he is mine."


Both Lear and Gloucester have children who are truly loyal to them (Cordelia and Edgar, respectively) and children who are planning to do them harm (Goneril and Regan, and Edmund, respectively); both fathers mistake the unloving for the loving, banishing the loyal children and designating the wicked ones their heirs.

李和格洛斯特两个孩子谁是真正忠于他们和儿童计划谁做他们的伤害( Goneril和Regan ,和何厚铧分别);两个父亲错误的unloving的爱好,放逐的忠诚的儿童和邪恶的指定其继承人

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
