英语人>网络例句>继承人 相关的搜索结果


与 继承人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They recognize the Que as their Sovereigns because she is the inheritor of the medieval Dukedom of Normandy.

他们 承认女王是他们的君主,因为她是中世纪诺曼底公国的继承人

At one time during his early life, and before the birth of the 10th Duke, Sir Winston Churchill was heir to the Dukedom.


The Letters Patent creating this dukedom contained the standard remainder to male heirs of the body lawfully begotten.


Therefore, on 24 April 1900, Queen Victoria signed Letters Patent creating a second Dukedom of Fife, along with the Earldom of Macduff in the Peerage of the United Kingdom with a special remainder: in default of a male heir, these peerages would pass to the daughters of the 1st Duke and then to their male descendants.


The British Act of Settlement 1701 designated the Electress Sophia and her descent as the royal family of the United Kingdom, once both King William III and his sister-in-law and successor, Queen Anne, were dead.


That the most excellent Princess Sophia, Electress and Duchess Dowager of Hanover, daughter of the most excellent Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of Bohemia, daughter of our late sovereign lord King James the First, of happy memory, be and is hereby declared to be the next in succession, in the Protestant line, to the imperial Crown and dignity of the said Realms of England, France, and Ireland, with the dominions and territories thereunto belonging, after His Majesty, and the Princess Anne of Denmark, and in default of issue of the said Princess Anne, and of His Majesty respectively

索非亚公主殿下,女继承人和 Hanover 公爵遗孀 Hanover 公爵夫人,已故的波西米亚女王伊丽莎白公主殿下和我们已故的至高无上的詹姆斯国王一世之女, of happy memory,因此由于安妮公主以及威廉王子的过世,宣布其为新教徒的次序顺为继承人,继承王位以及英格兰,法兰西,爱尔兰,以及其领土

The substitution of a stranger for the actual Heir in the functions of "Familiae Emptor" had other ulterior consequences.


If so, you may be able to trim your estate tax by giving options to your heirs.


He is now my right-hand man and my eventual successor.


Be heir to those who are now exanimate .


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
