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When it was all over in October 1946, and ten defendants had been hanged messily in the Palace of Justice's gymnasium, this first Nuremberg trial stood as the judicial Everest of those who hoped, as Jackson did, that the rule of law could punish, if not prevent, the atrocities of war.


The whole successful rate was 90%. Nearly all cases with different degree hematuria and 5 cases with nephric angina were alleciated after conservative therepy and double "J" stents.

结果:36例患者经输尿管镜成功取出结石32例,成功率为90%; 36例患者都出现不同程度的血尿,肾痛5例,均在保守治疗或留置双&J&管后缓解消失。

Results:There were no abdominal pain and fever,jaundice faded away gradually postoperation.Biliary drainage was 300ml-1000ml/d more or less.Colour of bile changed into normal by degrees.Intra peritoneal drainage was open and the colour was light bloody.Amount of drainage dropped off day after day.Whole blood cell test, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase,serum glutamic oxalacetic transarninase,total serum protein,serum albumin and serum globulin returned to normal in first week postoperation.Serum bilirubin,serum glutamyltranspetidase and serum alkaline phosphatase declined gradually in first week postoperation.T-tube was clipped at twelfth day postoperation.T-tube Cholangiography was clear at 24~ day postoperation.

结果:术后无上腹部痛、高热,黄疸逐渐减退,每日引流胆汁300ml-1000ml不等,由淡黄色混浊、内有胆泥过渡到金黄色清亮的正常胆汁,腹腔引流通畅,引流液为淡红色,量从最初的200ml迅速过渡到10ml,血常规、血清谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白等1周内均恢复正常,血清总胆红素、直接胆红素、间接胆红素、谷氨酰转肽酶、碱性磷酸酶逐渐下降,术后12d夹闭T管,术后24d T管造影提示左、右肝管及胆总管下端通畅,无狭窄。

I can still remember The "Triple Stars Fish Balls" in the center Market of my city,the outside skin of which mixture fish meat and pachyrhizus powders and shark meat is comminuted inside.When keeping them in boiled meat soup for minutes,the fish balls begin to expand and appear like big snow balls and have elasticity.


A year ago, without apparent cause appears pale yellow thin water-like diarrhea, 7-8 times per day, night, with periumbilical abdominal distension, cramping, toilet.


The rate of micronucleus of the red blood cells with polychromasia and the rate of chromosome aberration was used as the guideline of DNA damage.


Methods 7 cases of postcaval ureter were retrospectively reviewed regarding to clinical presentation, imaging findings, treatment and prognosis.


Many women suffer from extreme bouts of premenstrual syndrome, and cramping while on their periods or going through the change of life.


I was wondered about the designer of the new hotel, was he the same as me, had he even pilgrim aged to this hotel a few times every year. Did he ever think to keep, and to reconsolidate the old things, mixing them with all the contemporary elements to make something that could last an eternity?


Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb is well kmown as " Ginseng "in the South.mixing with Ge Gen refinedly,it is "Ge Gen Tea".


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
