英语人>网络例句>结缕草 相关的搜索结果


与 结缕草 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grass that is adapted to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are: caragana, sand sagebrush, lucerne, sweet clover, sudan grass, ryegrass, lyme grass, astragulus adsurgens, puccinellia tenuiflora, bromus inermis, agropyron elongatum, harmel, siberian wildrye , sainfoin, tall fescue , red fescue, cynodon dactylon, zoysia, clover, bluegrass, ryegrass etc..


Any of several creeping grasses of the genus Zoysia, native to southeast Asia and New Zealand and widely cultivated for lawns.


The age structure of natural clonal population of Zoysia japonlca is studied by generational and morphological methods. The results show that if the relationship between age and tiller? s morphology has been found, the morphological method is better because it can show the seasonal change of age structure.


It could be concluded that compound fertilizer could improve the trampling resistance of Shanghai JD-1 Zoysia and 50 g/m^2 were optimum application rate.


In conclusion, Based on Leaf abaxial epidermis, Caryopsis morphology, Silica body, Molecular phylogeny, the present tresults differ from the tradtional study indicate that Perotis, Tragus and Zoysia are immerged into Chloridoideae the subfam. Eragrostis, the tresults of this thesis support the conclusion of Flora of China (Zhou T-Y et al, 2001) and the three genera is not independently treated as a tribe.

从叶表皮微形态、颖果和硅酸体形态以及分子系统学证据等方面来看,本文的研究结果与传统分类有所不同:结缕草属、锋芒草属、茅根属应放在虎尾草族,画眉草亚科,本文支持周太炎等(2001)《Flora of China》中的处理意见,取消结缕草族,将结缕草属、锋芒草属和茅根属做为虎尾草族的三个独立的属处理。

In the industrialized treatment of Z macrostachya seeds, the method could be used as the measure for breaking the dormancy of Z macrostachya seeds.


Result In 5 kinds of chemical treatments, treating Z. macrostachya seeds with 20 % NaOH solution for 20 min and then cleaning the seeds with clear water got the best effect of breaking seed dormancy. By this treatment, the seed germination potential reached 83.5% in 10 d, being 58.2 % higher than CK; reached 85 % in 15 d, being 55 % higher than CK, which was near to the potential germination rate of Z. macrostachya seeds. Compared with CK, the germination duration was obviously shortened.


The effect of compound fertilize on the trampling resistance of Shanghai JD-1 Zoysia was tested through simulative tramper. The results showed that both aboveground phytomass and green grass rate were increased along with the application amount of compound fertilizer with or without the trampling stress.

通过践踏器模拟践踏,研究氮、磷、钾复合肥对践踏胁迫下上海&JD-1结缕草&草坪耐践踏性的影响,结果表明:非践踏区和践踏区内,结缕草Zoysia japonica的地上生物量和绿叶率随着复合肥用量的增加而增加。

II. Significant differences exist in 15 external morphological traits of zoysiajaponica such as length of creeping stem, number of spikelets, length of ligules and so on due to affection by different geological environment.


In China, seed dormancy breaking treatment is widely used in zoysiagrass seed production, and zoysiagrass turf establishment by seed is a promising method.


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