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The RT-PCR product was inserted into pTG19-T vector and transformed into E. coli successfully. By blastn, the sequence results of Kunming mus musculus were in complete accordance with the conservative sequence of Genbank NR_003278 (791bp-1153bp). By Blastn in NCBI, the sequence with little difference among animals was confirmed to be conservative. After Blastn, fourteen complete CDS coding for different animals were chosen. According to VECTOR NIT 9.0 software, the similarities between Kunming mus musculus and bos taurus, homo sapiens, erinaceus europaeus, cricetulus griseus, sus scrofa, dasypus novemcinctus, rattus norvegicus, rabbit, equus caballus, macaca fascicularis, didelphis virginiana, monodelphis domestica and vombatus ursinus was 67%, 100%, 100%, 36%, 100%, 100%, 67%, 100%, 100%, 92%, 99%, 99% and 99%. In the phylogenetic tress constructed with the forteen 18S rRNA by Treeview, the Kunming mus musculus clustered with cricetulus griseus, sus scrofa and rabbit, which was nearer to cricetulus griseus and was most far away from macaca fascicularis.(3) After sencodary structure analyses of 18S rRNA of mus musculus, an oligonucleotide fragment for RNAi was designed and synthesized, which was transformed into plasmid, and restriction enzyme analyses and sequencing results should the expression plasmid pGPH1/ GFP/Neo-mouse-sh 18S rRNA were constructed for RNAi successfully.

结果①通过RT-PCR检测显示18S rRNA基因在小鼠卵巢组织和单个GV期、MⅠ期卵母细胞中均有表达,且在未成熟卵母细胞中,MⅠ期的表达明显强于GV期的表达;②RT-PCR产物克隆测序结果显示:昆明小鼠18S rRNA基因保守区序列与基因库序列[NR_003278保守区部分(791bp~1153bp)]完全一致;Blastn比对结果发现:在不同物种中差异较小,选出14种生物18S rRNA全序列经VECTOR NIT 9.0软件分析,提示昆明小鼠18SrRNA与牛、人类、刺猬、中国仓鼠、猪、犰狳、褐鼠、兔子、马、食蟹猴、负鼠、短尾猊、袋熊的18S rRNA的相似率依次为67%,100%,100%,36%,100%,100%,67%,100%,100%,92%,99%,99%,99%;Clustal 1.81和Treeview构建出的分子进化树表明:在上述14种生物中昆明小鼠与中国仓鼠进化关系最近,与兔子、猪聚成一簇,与食蟹猴进化关系最远;③根据18S rRNA二级结构设计并合成RNA干扰寡核苷酸片段,重组质粒经过限制性内切酶及测序表明成功构建了pGPH1/GFP/Neo-mouse-sh 18S rRNA干扰表达质粒。

Dealcoholization temperature markedly influences the surface area and porosity of the resultant MAO-supports. When the support was pretreated at lower or higher temperature, the corresponding MAO-support shows very low surface area;2.XRD and IR analyses indicate that MAO has reacted with the residual ethanol in the supports, which is an important manner to get MAO fixed on the carrier. Morever, XPS analyse indicates that MAO can also be coordinated with MgCl_2, which is another way to get MAO fixed on the support;3.ICP and EDX analyses indicate that dealcoholization temperature not only determined the element content on the solid catalyst, but also influences the element distribution on the carrier;4.The activities of the supported phenoxy-imine catalysts and the properties of resultant polymers are strongly dependent on the dealcoholization temperature. The support (MSP-5) obtained by treating MgCl_2·2.56C_2H_5OH at 160℃for 4 h, then modified by MAO is very effective for immobilizing complex 3, the resultant solid catalyst (MSPC-5) shows very high activity in ethylene polymerization, and its kinetics of polymerization is stable during the reaction process. Finally, PEs with spherical morphology and high bulk density (over 0.35g/ml) were obtained, without reactor fouling;5.In this work, polymerization conditions such as alkylaluminums, Al/Zr ratio, temperature and H_2 had a pronounced effect on the activity of MSPC-5 and properties of PE;(3). New MgCl_2-Supported Single-Site Catalysts for Ethylene PolymerizationIn this work, a kind of new MgCl_2 support was obtained by anhydrous MgCl_2 co-milled with solid MAO, and it is a creative contribution. Then some single-site catalysts were supported on the new MgCl_2 support, and the resulted solid catalysts were tested in ethylene polymerization, the results indicated that:1.XRD and IR analyses indicate that MAO does be coordinated with MgCl_2, which is in good agreement with the results obtained by XPS;2.co-mlling time had no obvious effect on the texture of support after 12 hours;3.In this work, MgCl_2 was co-milled with solid MAO for different hours, and then complex 3 was supported on these co-milled supports. It was found that co-milling time markedly influences the activity of solid catalysts, but it had negligible effect on the kinetic profile and the properties of resultant PE.


Dealcoholization temperature markedly influences the surface area and porosity of the resultant MAO-supports. When the support was pretreated at lower or higher temperature, the corresponding MAO-support shows very low surface area; 2.XRD and IR analyses indicate that MAO has reacted with the residual ethanol in the supports, which is an important manner to get MAO fixed on the carrier. Morever, XPS analyse indicates that MAO can also be coordinated with MgCl_2, which is another way to get MAO fixed on the support; 3.ICP and EDX analyses indicate that dealcoholization temperature not only determined the element content on the solid catalyst, but also influences the element distribution on the carrier; 4.The activities of the supported phenoxy-imine catalysts and the properties of resultant polymers are strongly dependent on the dealcoholization temperature. The support (MSP-5) obtained by treating MgCl_2·2.56C_2H_5OH at 160℃for 4 h, then modified by MAO is very effective for immobilizing complex 3, the resultant solid catalyst (MSPC-5) shows very high activity in ethylene polymerization, and its kinetics of polymerization is stable during the reaction process. Finally, PEs with spherical morphology and high bulk density (over 0.35g/ml) were obtained, without reactor fouling; 5.In this work, polymerization conditions such as alkylaluminums, Al/Zr ratio, temperature and H_2 had a pronounced effect on the activity of MSPC-5 and properties of PE;(3). New MgCl_2-Supported Single-Site Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization In this work, a kind of new MgCl_2 support was obtained by anhydrous MgCl_2 co-milled with solid MAO, and it is a creative contribution. Then some single-site catalysts were supported on the new MgCl_2 support, and the resulted solid catalysts were tested in ethylene polymerization, the results indicated that: 1.XRD and IR analyses indicate that MAO does be coordinated with MgCl_2, which is in good agreement with the results obtained by XPS; 2.co-mlling time had no obvious effect on the texture of support after 12 hours; 3.In this work, MgCl_2 was co-milled with solid MAO for different hours, and then complex 3 was supported on these co-milled supports. It was found that co-milling time markedly influences the activity of solid catalysts, but it had negligible effect on the kinetic profile and the properties of resultant PE.

XPS研究结果表明,MAO不仅仅只和乙醇作用,MAO还与MgCl_2本身有一定的作用,这是一个极为重要的发现; 3、通过ICP和EDX表征,发现载体的脱醇温度直接影响着元素在固体催化剂中的含量及分布; 4、脱醇温度极大地影响着负载苯氧基亚胺类催化剂的活性和聚合物的性能,特别是原始载体经160℃活化4小时制备得到的固体催化剂MSPC-5的活性明显高于其他脱醇温度条件下制得的固体催化,并且催化剂寿命长,表现出稳定的动力学行为,最终获得了高堆密度(大于0.35g/ml)的球形聚乙烯颗粒; 5、本文选择MSPC-5为研究对象,考察了聚合反应参数对催化剂的活性及其聚合物的影响,研究发现:不同的烷基铝对催化剂具有非常重要的影响,特别足TIBA对MSPC-5的助催化活性最高,烷基铝的加入量有一个较佳值,聚合温度为80度时活性最高,H_2的加入使催化剂的活性明显降低且聚合物的分子量也减小;、新型氯化镁载体负载单活性中心催化剂催化乙烯聚合本文创造性采用固体MAO与无水氯化镁直接进行共研磨,制备出了一种的新型的氯化镁载体,并将该载体用于多种单活性中心催化剂的负载化研究,研究表明: 1、通过BET、XRD的表征,再次证实了MAO与MgCl_2之间具有直接作用,与XPS的研究结果相一致; 2、当研磨时间高于12小时时,延长研磨时间对载体的结构没有显著的影响; 3、将配合物3负载于共研磨时间不同的一系列载体上,乙烯聚合结果表明,尽管共研磨时间对负载催化剂的活性具有明显的影响,但是它对聚合物的性能以及催化剂的影响不明显。

Polyether based polyurethanes are among the most interested polymers which have been used suitably for the biomedical applications, especially in cardiovascular system. In order to meet the requirements of the artificial heart program in our college, two sorts of polyether based polyurethane elastomers, PU-BD and PU-MC, were synthesized both based on prepolymer formed by the reaction of polytetramethylene ether glycol and diphenyl methane-4, 4′-diisccyanate, with 1, 4-butanediol and 3, 3′-dich...


The analysis shows that the result of single-bounded dichotomous choice format is around 3~4 times of the result of payment card.


Dimidiate Pixel Model with the soil and land-use data, and NDVI were used to compute...


The results show that the Yager's ranking method is better than the centroid method when the fuzzy numbers of the input factors are dissymmetric. So the solving procedure of the Yager's ranking method is more suitable for this kind of problem.

结果显示,当要素价格为非对称的模糊数值时,Yager 排序法所得到的结果会优於重心法所求解之结果;故Yager 排序法的求解程序为此类问题的较佳求解方法。

The experimental results indicate that the camera data have strong correlation with the physical measurement and also fit well with visual data except for a slight slope shift existing in lightness due to a divinable psychophysical magnitude variation for spatial-dependent color samples.


The results show that the introducing of multivinyl monomer and CaCO3 can slow down polymerization rate to different extent.Using 1%~5% trimethylolpropane trimetbacrylateor divinyl benzene,tight encapsulation of CaCO3 can be realized and beyond 94%PS cannot be extracted. The amount of crosslinker or emulsifier should be accommodated when the load amount of CaCO3 is increased.CaCO3 content in the product increases consequently with the increase of the loaded amount of CaCO3,which can be known from FT-IR and TGA.TEM observations reveal that when the load amount of CaCO3 is 14.8%,most CaCO3 particles are encapsulated and each latex particle contains one CaCO3 particle.Composite particles have well-defined core—shell structure and the thickness of polymer shells is around 10 nm.However,the thickness of polymer shell decreases and many free CaCO3 particles appear when the load amount of CaCO3 reaches 29.3%and 58.7%,respectively.

结果表明,多乙烯基单体以及碳酸钙的引入会使聚合反应速率有不同程度的降低;使用1%~5%的TMPTMA或DVB,可实现PS对碳酸钙颗粒的牢固包覆,不可抽提的PS达94%以上;当碳酸钙用量改变时,需要适当调整乳化剂和多乙烯基单体的用量;IR和TGA的结果表明,随着碳酸钙用量增加,产物中的碳酸钙含量也相应增加;TEM照片和计算结果显示,当碳酸钙用量为14.8%时,绝大部分碳酸钙颗粒被包覆,且基本上每个乳胶粒中包覆一个碳酸钙颗粒,复合粒子具有清晰的核壳结构,壳层厚度约为10 nm,而当碳酸钙用量增加到29.3%和58.7%时,壳层厚度减小,并且出现较多裸露的碳酸钙颗粒。

Result:In the cervical myelopathy patients,no significant difference was found among the results of Hoffmann reflex at neutral position,30°,60°of dorsiflexion,but there was significant differen...


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But we don't care about Battlegrounds.


Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.


Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it.

Tristan ,我不知道把这信寄到哪里,也不知道你是否想收到它。