英语人>网络例句>结构体 相关的搜索结果


与 结构体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ResultsMorphological features with diagnostic value were established as follows:①Irregular or round-mesh basket type nucleolus;②Malformed nucleus and lobate nucleus with fine bridge;③Perinuclear microfilaments;④Nuclear bodies;⑤Nuclear inclusion bodies;⑥Marked cell pleomorphism arranged irregularly,like a disordered stone pavement;⑦Strange cell and/or giant cancer cell were found;⑧Peculiar papillae or cell clusters were formed;⑨Specific function structure on the surface of cell differentiated poorly.

结果 确定了具有诊断意义的形态学特征:①不规则奇形核仁或网孔状核仁;②畸形核,分叶核伴细桥-核间桥形成;③核旁微丝;④核体;⑤核包涵体;⑥细胞重度多形性,排列紊乱,似乱石铺堆;⑦出现奇形细胞和/或癌巨细胞;⑧形成奇形乳头和奇形细胞簇;⑨细胞表面特异功能结构分化不良。

In order to probe into the development feature of telencephalon of Onychodactylus fischeri, and enrich the research data of comparable neurobiology, preliminary studies of telencephalon of adult and subadult Onychodactylus fischeris have been made by using HE-staining method to describe the characters of their histological structures.

为了探讨爪鲵端脑的发育特点,充实比较神经生物学的研究资料,本文采用常规 HE 染色法,初步研究了成体和亚成体爪鲵端脑的组织学结构特征。

It has certain changes in the structure of the population that juvenile and subadult reduce the proportion and aged adult has an increasing proportion.The number growth speed is gradually slowing down;so,the need for further increasing the level of environmental capacity is necessary.


Firstly in this paper human mandibula was scanned by spiral CT. Then the data from CT was import into software (MIMICS 7.10) to reconstruct 3-D digital model. Software (Surfacer 10.5) was used to remove useless points , smooth the curves and output the STL file. The file was input into the rapid prototyping system, and was converted to slice format.


In the Filicinophyta, Sphenophyta, and Lyophyta the embryo sporophyte produces a footlike structure that remains embedded in the tissues of the parent gametophyte plant, absorbing nutrients like the suspensor of higher plants.

在真蕨门 filicinophyta ,楔叶门 sphenophyta,和石松门 lycophyta 中,胚胎孢子体产生足状结构,仍然包裹于双亲配子体植物内。胚胎吸收营养的方式同高等植物从胚柄那样吸收营养一样。

These results have indicated that the telencephalon of the subadults had the roughly similar structure with the adults, and that Onychodctylus fischeri is a relatively primitive type in amphibian. This research, at some extent, has filled in the blank space data in nerve system and nerve development of tailed amphibian type.


The perturbation formulas of the electron paramagnetic resonance parameters g factors g(subscript //), g(subscript ⊥) and the hyperfine structure constants A(subscript //), A(subscript ⊥) are established for a 3d(superscript 1) ion in tetragonally distorted octahedra, by including the contributions from the p-and s-orbitals as well as the spin-orbit coupling of the ligands based on the cluster approach.


Interestingly, in liquid Fe75B25 the situation is reversed. About 35% of 1441, 1431, 1421 and 1422 pairs are found, indicating that tetrahedral local order is preponderant.


Dot plot image of DNA fluorescence could form region of diploid and tetraploid in integrated cell.


Dot plot image of DNA fluorescence could farm region of diploid and tetraploid in integrated cell.


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