英语人>网络例句>结构体 相关的搜索结果


与 结构体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is found that there exists an obvious prepeak in the low-Q domain (Q=15.7 nm^-^1) of the structure factor. In the X-diffraction pattern, the liquid diffraction curve is corresponding with the solid diffraction curve. There exist the prepeaks for them in the low-Q domain, which shows that there is the comparability in the microstructure between them.


By applying density functional theory, the relationships between the electron structures and the complexation of the two types of bis-β-diketone ligands (dithiol-γ-linked or alkyl-γ-linked) were investigated, based on the polarized continuum model of the self-consistent reaction field. Using the model B3LYP/6-31G**, the geometries of the ligands were optimized and the electron structure changes calculated.


Based on the characteristic of multi resolution of wavelets analysis, a effective method for displaying any cross section from coarse to fine resolution is presented; Based on OpenGL, the paper improved Ray-Casting arithmetic and footprint arithmetic considering the characteristic of seismic data; After introducing the characteristic of geology data and the process of seismic interpretation, the paper presents a theory frame of 3D geological interpretation software and partly realize the frame.


The molecular structure of this isomer has been determined by X-ray diffraction and it is the first time to report the crystal structure of this kind of isomer which was proposed erroneously in the literature.


Using 1,3-dicyanobenzene as a precursor, we have obtained two coordination polymer of rare earth metal bridged by isophthalato ligand, Eu complex (4) and Sm complexe coordinated (5). X-ray single crystal diffraction investigation confirms that complex 4 and 5 are isomorphous with near isostructural 〓 unit.


Combining the fully stressed optimality criterion with finite element analysis, the material distribution is optimized after several iterations.


The PROTHALLUS of Lycophyta, Sphenophyta, and Filicinophyta, which may be a green structure on the soil surface or a subterranean mycorrhizal structure, is the gametophyta.


For the raft, an isoparametric element method and VoigtKelvin model are adopted, which can be used to derive viscoelastic element stiffness matrices, a reform of successive approximation of Rayleigh Quotient is used to solve the eigenvalue problem of the composite structure.


The research is little and unclear about the physiological metabolism and biological activity caused by structural differences between yam steroid saponins and sapogenin. In this study, therefore, the furostanol glycosides and spirostanol glycosides with different forms of glycoside, and diosgenin with no glycone were isolated from yam (Dioscorea Pseudojaponica Yamamoto in Taiwan) that were investigated the effect and mechanism on anti-cancer for the structurally different Saponins and sapogenin.

然由於目前对於山药类固醇皂及皂元间结构差异所造成的生理代谢与生物活性之研究甚少,仍不甚明了,因此本研究以台湾基隆山药为原料,分离出furostanol glycosides和spirostanol glycosides等不同形式配醣体结构之皂,并与不含醣基之薯蓣皂元(diosgenin;DIO)进行实验,探讨山药皂抗癌之功效与机制,并进ㄧ步探讨比对此些功效与机制是否因山药皂配醣体结构(furosten和spirosten)形式之不同,以及醣基之有无而有所差异。

In the meantime, the peak value of structure resonance contributes little to the response. The distribution of vertical displacement and wave bending moment of transverse section, which is along the direction of the floating structure length, appears unsymmetrical character. According to the wave scatter diagram of BI sea area of northwest pacific, which is in fairly calm condition, the amplitude values of long term prediction of wave bending moment in midsection and deck bending stress are quite large.


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He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure. The true test came during the devastating drought of2000-02, when Mr Murage's vegetable gardens fared better than his neighbours'. At least 300 farmers have visited his gardens and taken up at least one of the practices he espouses.


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For example, propellants are considered to consist of a fuel/binder and oxidizer, without regard to specific formulations.
