英语人>网络例句>结晶 相关的搜索结果


与 结晶 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At 336 h after treatment, residues of CV were not detectable.


The Deuteronomist depends on the two preceding documents, J and E, both for his history land his legislation; the historical details not found in these may have been derived from other sources not known to us, and the laws not contained in the Sinaitic legislation and the decalogue are either pure fiction or a crystallization of the prophetic teaching.

该Deuteronomist取决於前两个文件, J和英文,对他的他的历史的土地立法的历史资料中找不到这些可能是来自其他来源的不知道,我们的法律中不包含的Sinaitic立法和十诫不是纯粹的小说或结晶先知教学。

The result indicates that the base glass without composite nucleating agent experiences no devitrification in the heat treatment process.


Glass-ceramics material is prepared out of the base glass via controlled crystallization and devitrification treatments.


Through repeated experimental investigation, a composite nano-crystalline structured thin film was realized on the sapphire substrate, and the devitrification effect at high temperature has been eliminated.


This is the vitality in the end What I think it is - plain and the crystallization of dialectics and medicine.


I stained it for PAS with diastase pretreatment, and saw NO CYTOPLASMIC PAS-POSITIVE CRYSTALS (the photos of PAS-positive crystals shown above were taken from the vertebral tumor resected later).

我经淀粉酶消化后染 PAS ,没有看到胞浆内的 PAS 阳性结晶(PAS阳性的图象是椎骨肿物后染的阳性)。

It was shown that 1%Eu-PZT films have the highest Rayleigh constant, which indicates the minimal interaction of defect-domain walls and high contributions to dielectric and polarization. The high mobility of domain walls, combined with the obvious improved crystallization of 1%Eu-PZT results in the increase of dielectric constant and remanent polarization.


A Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer, a solid state Si-NMR, a scanning electron microscope, an X-ray diffractometer, a thermogravimetric analyzer and a differential calorimeter were used to measure the structural and thermal properties of the WPU/silica hybrids.


The wide angle X-ray diffraction patterns showed the disappearance of the crystallization peaks of PI.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
