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与 结合起来 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Globalization is now becoming one of the most hot-point of the social science,akey idea by which we understand th...


This paper presents a Tableau decision algorithm for the dynamic description logic D-ALCO.D-ALCO is a combination of the description logic ALCO,the dynamic logic,and an action theory based on the possible models approach.


The categorical names are often combined, with a six-carbon-atom aldehyde sugar being termed AN aldohexose.


If the blood mixed with feces, and accompanied by mucus, combined with the patient's medical history, symptoms and signs, should be considered separately cancer, polyps, chronic bacterial or amoebic dysentery, and other non-specific ulcerative colitis.


For one hand, he explained that the special mode of the inter-party cooperation between KMT and CCP did not incorporate with bourgeois. On the other hand, he combined the desire of the Comintern and the opinion of the Sun Yat-sen about the civil and the national revolution, so that to guide the Guomin revolution of Sun Yat-sen to the national revolution for anti-imperialism and antifeudal.


Theeffective size of populations under maximum negative or positive assortive mating is larger thanrandom mating of selected parents.


There, teaching in his garden, epicurus and his students created a unique theory of life that integrated their atomistic view of the physical world with ethical principles designed to liberate humanity from the superstitious terrors of religion.


Now, the method of attemptable and simulation is used in choosing the coefficients of DMC, it costs a lot of time and energy.


On the aspect of intelligent control, fuzzy neurons network technology which integrating artificial neural network and fuzzy logic organically has strong ability of studying, adapting, fault-toleranting and disposing indeterminate information, it can execute autonomically the process of"ratiocination— dicision", this kind of method is the important development direction of lighting intelligent control in the future.


Spikelets all alike, somewhat laterally compressed, with 1 to several fertile florets; rachilla usually disarticulating below each floret, occasionally strictly 3 florets with lower 2 staminate or barren and of different appearance from upper fertile floret, then disarticulating above glumes and florets falling together; glumes persistent, often equal to spikelet or at least longer than first floret, commonly membranous with broad, shining, hyaline margins; floret callus bearded; lemmas hyaline to leathery, 3- to several-veined ( Coleanthus 1-veined), apex entire or denticulate, awned from back, rarely awnless; awn usually geniculate with twisted column; palea hyaline, subequaling or much shorter than lemma.

全部一样的小穗,有点侧面压扁,具1到数个能育的小花;脱节的通常小穗轴在下面每小花,偶尔严格加雄蕊或者无意义的更低的2的3小花和上面肥沃小花的不同外表,然后脱节的上述颖片和小花结合起来;宿存的颖片,等于小穗或长于前小花,宽的膜质具,发亮,透明边缘的通常的至少的通常;公然反对的小花结茧;透明的外稃到革质,3-到数枚脉(Coleanthus 1脉),先端全缘或具小齿,从背面,很少awnless那里具芒;用盘旋的柱子通常膝曲的芒;透明的内稃,近相等或者远短于外稃。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
