英语人>网络例句>结合起来 相关的搜索结果


与 结合起来 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research on important paroxysmal event and its report is more,and the newspaper core competence research have been developed.But,only the research combining the important paroxysmal event with the newspaper core competence is infrequency.


In addition, it is positive of the writer to make the linkup between the storyteller and historian. Imagine, is not it creativity if we combine the dull history with interesting story?


Rank is the precedence of the operator, starting with 1 for addition..rpar is set for operators such as subtraction, which require their right operand to be enclosed in parentheses if it uses an operator of equal precedence.

rank 是运算符的优先级,从1递增。。rpar是为了像减号这样的运算符准备的,当减号遇到左操作数使用一个同优先级的运算符时,需要把这个左操作数用括号括起来,以使左操作数和减号结合起来

Xie Juezai transferred ancient topics of "running routine by one s own" and " asking others to work " into modern language fitting the context of time and environment as routinism and bureaucratism, at the same time, he combined the idea closely with the leadership style of that time, so to reflect and develop political and legal tradition systematically with reality.


But two questions are still harrying the translation teachers: what translation theoretical knowledge should be taught in class? And how to combine the theoretical content with students' translation activities in their teaching? This paper argues that, first of all, a scientific, systematic and practical system of theoretical content to be taught should be specified and brought into the framework...


This thesis gains the construction form of xi"an street facility from reflexing on the current street facility, taking xi"an for example, combining traditional elements and city street facility, surveying and analyzing the circumstance of xi"an city"s traditional elements and the form of street facility.


This thesis is based on the project of "Management Information System of Hang Zhou Cigarette Factory ", and has researched on the theory and know-how of DSS and DW.


The method of object-oriented power network topology analysis based on compartment knowledge has been put out. Contingency aggregate and pre-screening method are combined to applied in automatic contingency selection. Contingency performance index has been modified in view of contingency probability. The programme such as contingency aggregate and contingency screening has been compiled.


Taking a general view of the paper, major innovative ideas and returns are as follows: The main innovative ideas are as follows: 1. The paper put forward the new idea that combine water-saving drilling with rotary percussion drilling creatively according to the present situation of water resource lack seriously and the background of implementation of state geological survey strategy. 2. The working principle of new designed system of water-saving hydraulic percussion device completely different from traditional hydraulic percussion device, the system can carry out rotary percussion drilling on the condition that no surface water be consumed, and achieve the purposes that saving surface water, cutting cost and improving drilling efficiency. 3. The design conception of steel ball percussion device is very novel, the percussion device is durable, with a simple structure, at the same time drilling efficiency would be improved highly and drilling cost would be reduced greatly when drill with the steel ball percussion device.

综观全文,论文的主要创新点及研究成果如下:主要创新点: 1、结合我国许多地区水资源严重短缺的现状以及国家实施地质大调查战略的背景,创造性地提出了&节水钻探&和&回转冲击钻进&结合起来的新思维; 2、设计出的节水型液动冲击器系统,其工作原理跳出了传统液动冲击器要消耗大量地表水的原理模式,在基本不消耗地表水的情况下便能实现回转冲击钻进,达到节约地表水、降低成本、提高钻探效率的目的; 3、设计的球体冲击器构思新颖,克服了同类产品冲击功传递效率低的弊端、且结构简单、经久耐用,可大幅度提高钻探效率、降低钻探成本。

Basic hypothesises based on the uncertainty and the bounded rationality, using theoretical analysis, empirical study, institutional analysis and historical method, the research explain the question of the evolution of industrial organization.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
