英语人>网络例句>结合起来 相关的搜索结果


与 结合起来 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was a combination of two things that lead to this defacement happening - apart from a hacker willing to take a shot at a form hosted on a Microsoft website.


With the comparative method,this dissertation does some research on the product liability system of China in the aspects of product range, product defectiveness, the principle of fixation and compensation for the damage.


By combing the phenomenon of degeneracy with neuron coding, we can better understand the degeneracy phenomenon.


The crisis demonstrates that the world has been unable to combine liberalised capital markets with a reasonable degree of financial stability.


Index and text words representing the deice/procedure names were combined with terms for ertebral compression fractures.


The purpose of transformation of the urban industrial ecology is to realize the economic growth and dematerialization and there are the identical purposes with the industrial symbiosis network.


The Utilitarianism purpose theory and morals deontology each have advantage and disadvantage, but they can fill up with each other , and combining them together will have positive practice significance.


To explain the derivational process of the two constructions, this thesis weaves the event structure theory into the theory of Minimalist Program and proposes the biprojection hypothesis.


This paper connects TCP and UDP dexterously with three SinSock control units,UDP is used for searching and TCP is used for connecting,implementing automatic searching and connecting in client terminal .

通过使用三个SinSock控件,巧妙地将TC P与UDP结合起来,利用UDP进行查找, TCP进行连接,实现了客户端自动查找并连接服务器端。

Its historical value lies in the following: it saves human beings from mythical view and explains the nature with nonmythical view, that is a materialistic view, which marks the beginning of philosophy; in addition, it combines the objective matter with their motion and achieves the unification of materialism and dialecticism in a plain way.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
