英语人>网络例句>结合起来 相关的搜索结果


与 结合起来 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Carry this work, the author tries to optimize craft with the system program union rises, achieve the goal that craft and construction of system improve at the same time thereby.


The economic management of foundry technology must rise union of craft, character, cost, management, take the trial-produce of the product and feedback seriously, raise quality of enterprise.


He enunciated three basic maxims :nulla poena sine lega ,nulla poena sine crimine nullan crimen sine poena legali , His integration of the prevailing political liberalism with penal policy was simple enough :only one who violates the liberty guaranteed by the social contract and safeguarded by penal law commits a crime .


The main job and contribution of this paper are as follows:Based on narrowband signal processing, we propose a new method for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation. Firstly, compute the cross-correlation function of FH signals from multichannels, then we get the cross power spectral density matrixCSDM Secondly, select the hops of FH signals from the CSDM via processing and analyzing the CSDM, meanwhile reduce the influence coming from noise, fixed frequency signal and other interferences; Lastly, estimating the DOA of every hop and according to the DOA, we can separate the hops, get the number of FH signals and their parameters. Propose a new method for designing the threshold in FH signal detection. This method makes it easy to get the threshold by theoretic computing and it can extremely reduce the interference of non-FH signals.Based on broadband signal processing, we propose a new method for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation. Firstly, get the DOA of the signals by wideband spatial spectrum estimation; secondly, separate the signals by spatial filtering using wideband beamformer; Lastly, we propose two methods for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation, one is for several constant hop-rate FH signals whose dwell-time are different and another is for a single FH signal whose hop-rate is alterable.By employing spatial interpolation in broadband signal beamforming, it can reduce the number of antenna elements and corresponding RF modules, A/D converters, etc. It can also eliminate the mutual coupling between antenna elements while getting the narrower main beamwidth and lower sidelobe level.


Use cross-fertilization to bring ideas and concepts from one field or specialty to another.


The combination of Forbidden City's mode and "emperor's power and prestige"is a new way of thinking in crossly research of esthetics and culture.


And moral education is a key point to the cul...


Specially nice when it's cutely ruffled and combined with daft faces : D

同意!特别是削尖的发梢和他那呆脸结合起来尤其好看 XDDDDD

Dauntless, not afraid of failure setbacks, the spirit of hard struggle to achieve their goals.


Integrating ontologicaldifference with the difference describing in structuralism liguistics,Derridadesigned Grammatology in order to emphasize undecidability and maintain contextis the condition of decidability.


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Even if he can, he underwent surgery and contrasts what can rest, half of the brain?


Past study re-sults had indicated that MMC in the apomictic type could at most develop to te-trad stage.We observed that the sexual embryo sac of"Pingyi Tiancha"coulddevelop into 4-nuclei embry sac.


This was the birthplace of Indian Musical Raga and Swaras.
