英语人>网络例句>结合起来 相关的搜索结果


与 结合起来 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research into the contemporary consciousness should be integrated with Marxist principles, views and methods with new scientific achievements.


If you have several broken pieces, you may be able to combine them into something you love.


The right for local governments to issue bonds must be tied up with China's urbanization strategy.


RVA's 139,200 sq foot East Wing addition, which unites the historic 1916 Beaux-Arts building and the 1971 Marcel Breuer addition, is the first of three planned wings.


In the author's opinion,the legislative tendency of secured interest ought to betaken into account in the designation of its functions.


The algorithm combines active learning, biased classification and incremental learning to model the small sample biased learning problem in relevance feedback process.


The application and the problems of expert system and neural network in blasting field has been discussed in this paper .


Together with the Blowfish encryption technology, this ensures that only you can have access to the content of the zip file.


De Bonald (1754-1840), in his theory that language is of divine origin, containing, preserving, and transmitting the primitive revelation of Good to man; De Lammenais (1782-1854), in his theory that individual reason is powerless, and social reason alone competent; Bonetty (1798-1879), in his advocacy of faith in God, the Scriptures, and the Church, afford instances of Catholic theologians attempting to combine belief in moral and religious truths with the denial that valid knowledge of the same is attainable by reason apart from revelation and tradition.

德伯纳尔德( 1754年至1840年),在他的理论认为,语言是神圣的原产地,载,维护,并转递原始的启示,以良好的男子;德lammenais ( 1782年至1854年),在他的理论,个别的原因是无能为力的,社会的原因,仅主管; bonetty ( 1798年至1879年),在他的倡导对上帝的信仰,圣经,和教会,负担得起的实例天主教神学家,企图结合起来的信仰,道德和宗教的真理与否认有效的知识,同时是可以实现的理由,除了从启示和传统。

This excellent program combines a boot manager, partition manager, and imaging tool in one product.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
