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与 绑 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The printer's color management system for the adoption of two ways, one is a professional color management software phase, and color management software entirely up to the party, the printer just do simple output; the other option would be to the printer itself integrates color management system, color management is accomplished by the printer.


If you want more control you need to use bound columns.


Let's type some unique endpoint address and then click on the combobox Binding.


To prevent such changes, it is illegal to bind a plain reference to a const object.

为阻止这样的修改,需要规定将普通的引用定到 const 对象是不合法的。

His posture - flat upon his back, with his hands crossed upon his stomach and tied with something that he easily broke without profitably altering the situation - the strict confinement of his entire person, the black darkness and profound silence, made a body of evidence impossible to controvert and he accepted it without cavil.


His posture - flat upon his back, with his hands crossed upon his stomach tied with something that he easily broke without profitably altering the situation - the strict confinement of his entire person, the black darkness profound silence, made a body of evidence impossible to controvert he accepted it without cavil.

他的姿势(身体平躺,双手交错放在肚子上,手腕被什么东西着,而他是不需调整 ssbbwW.com 最佳姿势就可以 www.ssbbww.com 轻松挣断这个 www.8ttt8.com 东西的)、他被牢牢禁锢着的身体、漆黑的夜色和悚然的寂静,这一切都是无可辩驳的证据,他只能无可奈何地接受。

BGHS;Base of Gas Hydrate Stability, we attached 5 miniature temperature probes to the outside walls of a sediment corer to measure the temperature and thermal gradient of sub-seafloor when taking a core sample.


The packaging machine is attached to vats for mixing the jelly by pipes held together with masking tape; the corrugated iron roof is covered with strips of plastic to keep the rain out.


One hypothesis the researchers investigated is that the age-related decline in neurogenesis is tied to a rise in corticosterone in middle age.


In addition, the "crosh cuirn" would be tied to the tails of cows or placed in the cowshed, to protect the cattle from harm.

另外, crosh cuirn还会被在牛的尾巴上或者放在牛舍里,用来庇护牛群不受伤害。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
