英语人>网络例句>绅士的 相关的搜索结果


与 绅士的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He chose a bowler hat[2], slightly too small for him, a tight jacket, outsize pants, enormous boots and a jaunty[3] little swagger cane-- the Little Tramp. And he had picked up the toes-out shuffle watching an old drunk when he was a child.


He chose a bowler hat[2], slightly too small for him, a tight jacket, outsize pants, enormous boots and a jaunty[3] little swagger cane-- the Little Tramp.


A usually transparent glass or plastic dome .He chose a bowler hat[2], slightly too small for him, a tight jacket, outsize pants, enormous boots and a jaunty[3] little swagger cane-- the Little Tramp. And he had picked up the toes-out shuffle watching an old drunk when he was a child.


He chose a bowler hat, slightly too small for him, a tight jacket, outsize pants, enormous boots and a jaunty little swagger cane-- the Little Tramp.


Mrs. weston, who seemed to have walked there on purpose to be tired, and sit all the time with him, remained, when all the others were invited or persuaded out, his patient listener and sympathiser.


We had enough of sympathy for fifty years;it nev-er brought us anything;and we would rather havean angry man going to the government and saying,my business is interfered with and I won't submitto its being interfered with any longer because youwon't give women the vote,than to have a gentle-man come onto our platforms year in and year outand talk about his ardent sympathy with woman suffrage.


He was dressed in a particularly gorgeous manner, with plenty of articles of jewellery about him---all about three sizes larger than those which are usually worn by gentlemen---and a rough great-coat, he thrust his left hand the moment he dismounted, while from the other he drew forth with his right, a very bright and glaring silk handkerchief, with which he whiskered a speck or two of dust from his boots, and then, crumbling it in his hand, swaggered up the court.

Dickens, Pickwick Papers 主人是四十来岁的男子,长着黑头发和细心梳理好的胡须,穿戴得非常华丽:戴了大量的珠宝饰物——全都比一般绅士们通常戴的要大三倍光景——外面再加上一件粗质地大衣。他下车就把左手插进大衣的一只口袋,同时用右手从另外一只口袋里掏出一条非常耀眼的丝手绢,用它掸一掸靴子上的一两点灰尘,然后把它捏在手心里,大模大样地走了了胡同。

In china, Hachette Advertising cooperate with local press and publish Chinese edition of ELLE, Marie Claire, ELLE Decoration, Woman's Day, Car and Driver, Psychologies, Femina and Mr.


In china, Hachette Advertising cooperate with local press and publish Chinese edition of ELLE, Marie Claire, ELLE Decoration, Woman's Day, Car and Driver, Psychologies, Femina and Mr. Modern.


We wanted to make a story on diversity, an amusing story for children. That is why "Spotless" was born, the story of a white fat, ugly dog fallen in love with a wonderful black white-spotted dog lady. To win her love he decides to paint his coat with some black spots, so he turns into the finest dog in Dog Town and he wins her heart over.

那时候,正思索著要写一本大人小孩都可以看的书,於是有了 'Spotless'的诞生,内容在描述一只白色肥肥的、丑丑的小狗,爱上了一只有著黑白斑点的母狗,为此他跑去买一件衣服上面画满黑白斑纹,然后把自己变的很绅士,到了小狗城去赢得这位小姐的芳心。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
