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与 绅士的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The popular idea that blondeness is a desirable attribute we owe to Anita Loos, a Hollywood scriptwriter the title of whose book, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, is known to people who have never read it.


At this moment, there walked into the room: supporting himself by a thick stick, a stout old gentleman, rather lame in one leg, who was dressed in a blue coat, striped waist-coat, nankeen breeches and gaiters, and a broad-brimmed white hat, with the sides turned up with green.

Dickens, Oliver Twist 就在这当儿,屋里走进一位胖胖的老绅士,拄着一根挺粗的手杖,一条腿颇有点瘸;他穿一件蓝色的外套,一件条纹背心和一条本色布面马裤,下面裹一幅皮绑腿,头戴翻起绿色镶边的宽檐白 1 礼貌。

Rely on the the privileged position entrusted by feudal country , the Gentleman Stratum occupy a pivotal position in local society in Qing Dynasty .


The real England has not to do with gentlemen in bowler hats and rolled umbrellas. It has more to do with the skull mad crossbones


However, the only difference lies in that, after graduation and social contacts, they still have to face the misery and depravation.


Mr. Brocklehurst, who, from his wealth and family connections, could not be overlooked, still retained the post of treasurer; but he was aided in the discharge of his duties by gentlemen of rather more enlarged and sympathising minds: his office of inspector, too, was shared by those who knew how to combine reason with strictness, comfort with economy, compassion with uprightness.


Hills golf resort, Tenniel Chu. As often is the case in China, the family is Canadian and has


William, the third son of King George III and younger brother and successor of King George IV, was the penultimate monarch of the House of Hanover.


Many of the hows and whys of the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changsha are saying.


My inspiration comes from the gentleman in the old United Kingdom.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
