英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is very important for yong mammalian. This article reviewed the thermogenesis mechanism and differentiation of brown adipose tissue.


Tissue engineering often requires ex vivo cell expansion to obtain a large number of transplantable cells.


Each medicine used in the study totally has obivious effect on lens sodium-pump. Either on the molecular and cellular level or on the histological and organic level , they all have their distinctive demonstration. 1.Ouabain、Digoxine、DMSO decrease the expression of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level , the cell morphology and ultramicroscopic structure demonstrated destructive effect,it indicates the cause of cataract of the medicines.2.D-thyroxine、Amphotericin B、Vitamin E increase the expression of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level ,from the demonstration of the cell morphology and ultramicroscopic structure ,it indicates the medicines have protective or anti-distructive effect on lens.3.The medicines have isoform-specific action on lens sodium-pump,it indicates exploitting isoform-specific medicine has a promising clinical application.4. Lens sodium-pumps are inhibited probably lead to cataract, so in clinical medication, especially to the cardiovascular doctor, while he is using the sodium-pump inhibitors, he should pay more attention to adjust the dosage and duration of the drug therapy. 5. To creat the animal model of cataract through inhibiting lens sodium-pump, whether it can be a kind of classical method or not, it is worthy of further research.

本研究所选用的药物对晶状体钠泵均有明显的影响作用,在分子水平、细胞水平、组织器官水平均有特异的表现:1、哇巴因、地高辛、二甲基亚砜三种药物可降低晶状体钠泵α亚单位在 mRNA水平的表达,在细胞形态和超微结构上表现为损伤效应,提示了其潜在的导致白内障的可能。2、D甲状腺素、两性霉素B、维生素 E三种药物可升高晶状体钠泵α亚单位在 mRNA水平的表达,从细胞形态和超微结构上的表现,提示了其对晶状体有保护作用或抗损伤效应。3、药物作用于晶状体钠泵具有重整异构特异性,提示了开发出特异的具有重整异构作用的药物是极有临床应用前景的。4晶状体钠泵抑制后可能导致白内障的发生,故临床用药,尤其是心内科医生在使用这些钠泵抑制剂时应注意调整用药剂量及药物疗程。5 通过抑制晶状体钠泵来制作白内障动物模型能否成为一种经典的制作方法,还有待于进一步研究。

Basic fibroblast growth factor is a potent mitogen for a variety of mesoderm- and neuroectoderm-derived cells and has been found in aqueous humor, vitreous and other ocular tissues.

碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor bFGF)是对广泛来源于中胚层和神经外胚层细胞的有效促细胞分裂因子,已在房水、玻璃体和其它眼组织中发现。

Excessive O(superscript – subscript 2) could lead to the damage of cytomembrane, and as a result, the cytomembrane permeability was increase finally. On the other hand, the two kinds of weedicide could damage cell construct, expand cell interspaces, and shrink the guard cell.


In the computer vision analysis system of wood across compression,early wood cell,latewood cell,wood ray cell and resin canal cell were recognized and classified automatically byusing neural network technology,applying the function of network recognition and the learningfunction of self-organizing and self-adapting,and wood tectonics feature were taken down byinstructed-learning or uninstructed-learning.


There is still no consensus on the expression of the two isoforms in the human prostate and their cellular locations are also controversial. It is not known to which extent each of these isozymes contributes to overall enzyme activity in different prostatic tissues. In an attempt to elucidate which isoform of the 5α-reductases is responsible for the metabolism of T in normal and diseased human prostate, we performed qualitative and semi-quantitative studies of both enzymes in normal, benign hyperplastic and adenocarcinomatous human prostate tissues by RT-PCR and Immunohistochemistry methods.


Antibodies against col Ⅲ reacted strongly in the entire pterygial stroma. Conclusions Components of ECM are changed in the pterygium: the sub-epithelial connective tissues and vessels are more prominent in the pterygia than in normal conjunctiva tissues, and abnormal fibers are visible only in the deeper subepithelial connective tissues. This study documents the overexpression of LN and col Ⅲ. They may play roles in cellular adherency, migration and angiogenesis. Also this study documents the overexpression of MMP3 which may degrade ECM in the pathogenesis of the pterygium.

结论翼状胬肉组织中ECM的成分较正常球结膜发生改变,有大量的弹性纤维变性、胶原纤维增生及新生血管形成;col Ⅲ在翼状胬肉组织中表达增加,LN及胶原纤维可能对翼状胬肉中血管形成、细胞粘附和迁移及ECM重建起作用;MMP-3在翼状胬肉组织中表达增加,其对ECM成分的降解作用可能有助于翼状胬肉的形成和向角膜中央侵袭。

Cell cycle and surface antigen were detected with flow cytometry. Adipogenic differentiation and osteogenic differentiationwere tested by immunohistochemistry.


The results were showed that embryogenic calli were induced from young leaves, which were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D 2mg/L and KT 0.2mg/L. For the proliferation of embryogenic calli, the suitable culture medium was MS+BA 8mg/L +NAA 1mg/L. The development and maturation of somatic embryo could be much improved by using the medium of MS+ZT 2mg/L or BA 5mg/L +IAA 0.2mg/L. For the induction of secondary somatic embryo from integral somatic embryo, the suitable culture medium was MS+KT 0.1mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L or MS+ZT 0.1mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L, the proliferation frequency is 214%, 256% respectively. The cotyledonary generated from somatic embryos of Aesculus hippocastanum L.

本文就欧洲七叶树的组织培养和体细胞胚发生以及植株再生进行了系统研究,主要结果如下:以植物细胞具有全能性的理论为依据,以欧洲七叶树幼嫩叶片为外植体,进行体细胞胚胎发生研究,研究结果表明,诱导愈伤组织的适宜培养基是MS+2,4-D 2mg/L+KT0.2mg/L,MS+BA 8mg/L+NAA 1mg/L有利于胚性愈伤组织的诱导和增殖,添加ZT 2mg/L或BA 5mg/L和IAA 0.2mg/L的MS培养基有利于体细胞胚发育和成熟,体细胞胚可直接诱导次生胚发生,MS+KT 0.1mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L或MS+ZT 0.1mg/L+NAA 0.01 mg/L培养基诱导效果最好,增殖频率分别为214%、256%。

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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。