英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The anesthesia range was narrowed and anesthesia duration was shortened with the prolongation of epidural catheter placement,Epidural roentgenography showed that the medium diffused normally within epidural space,biopsy of epidural tissues showed that there were inflammative cells infiltration and fiber proliferation with longer epidural catheter placement(more than 4 weeks),without significant differences between both groups.Conclusion Epidural corticosteroids can not prevent epidural adhesion from occurrance induced with long-term epidural catheter placement.

结果 随着硬膜外腔置管时间延长,麻醉阻滞范围变窄,麻醉阻滞时间也明显缩短,两组之间没有明显区别;硬膜外腔造影显示:造影剂在硬膜外腔扩散良好,无明显受阻;组织学检查显示:置管时间长(4周以上)的动物,硬膜外组织炎细胞浸润、纤维组织增生、硬膜增厚,而且随置管时间延长,这"种变化更"加显著,但两组之间没有明显区别。

The cells of B group crawled outward from the tissue inoculation in 2-3 days and the cells were polygen or rotundity and contacted each other.


In the present study,we intend to establish a new model of traumatic brain-steminjury,and to study the pathological changes of neuron,axon,astrocyte,plasmaproteins,blood vessel endothelia,synapse,neurotransmitter and cytokines in rat'sand human injured brain-stem,using routing histochemistry,immunohistochemistry,in situ hybridization,LSCM and computerized image analysis.


C/EBPβnuclear translocation was observed clearly in the 1-15 days silicotic tissue. There was a significant over-expression of C/EBPβin lung tissue of silica exposed rats as compared with that in the normal ones.


Results ec was cultured and subcultured successfully. vascular endothelial cells show slabstone appearance enchased arrange under phase contrast microscope. the growth appearance was showed under sem. some dispersive high electron density of rod type weible palade body were seen under tem.

结果 培养出血管内皮细胞并传代,倒置显微镜下血管内皮细胞呈"鹅卵石"形态,扫描电镜显示"铺路石"样生长,透射电镜可见内皮细胞特征性w p小体,免疫组织化学鉴定ⅷ因子。

Methods Cell titer 96 Non-radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay was used to study the growth of cultured thyrocytes from thyroid adenomas and paraadenomatous tissues in response to various concentration of sodium iodide.


The first 0.1%collagenaseⅣ 0.1% hyaluronidase for 20 min and than 0.25% trypsin 0.04% EDTA 5μg/mL DNaseⅠfor 5 min,its enough to obtain germ cells and have optimal cell viability. 8.4±2.6×106 cells per gram testis were isolated and there was(19.7±5.3)% of PGP9.5 spermatogonium and (23.8±3.6)% of c-kit spermatogonium.

采用两步酶消化法,0.1%胶原酶和0.1%透明质酸酶消化20 min,0.25%胰酶 0.04% EDTA 5μg/mL DNaseⅠ处理5 min,就可以使睾丸生殖细胞充分分离处出来,每克睾丸组织克获得8.4±2.6×106个细胞,其中PGP9.5 精原细胞占(19.7±5.3)%,c-kit 精原细胞占总数的(23.8±3.6)%。

Sprague Dawley rat models of caudate nucleus hemorrhage were established. 10 μL of cell suspension was separately collected from the OB-OEC transplantation group and OM-OEC transplantation group, injected into rat brain tissues (1 μL/min) using a microinjector under the stereotaxis. The same volume of medium was infused into the right caudate nucleus from rats of the control group.

取SD大鼠制备尾状核出血模型,嗅球来源嗅鞘细胞移植组及嗅黏膜嗅鞘细胞移植组各取10μL细胞悬液在立体定向下引导微量注射器向大鼠脑组织内匀速注射(1 μL/min),对照组注入等量培养基,注射点为右侧尾状核。

Expressions of cytokeratin 19 and subtractive gene P02 in hepatocellular carcinoma and oval cells.


Combined with self-organized theory of cell ular automata and elasto - plastic theory, the elasto-plastic cell ular automata updating rule is presented.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。