英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result: Schwann-like cells disperse in the hole of nerve graft at oneweek under Scanning Electronic Microscope, the processes of thesatellite-like cells adhere to the wall of graft.There was no statisticaldifference of activity of cells in both group(P>0.05) using MTT. At 12weeks,the result of appearance, histology and TEM were similar, therewere no statistical difference in SFI%, NEP and quantitative analysis ofrecovery rate of myelinated fiber populations, diameter of myelinatedfiber and thickness of myelin sheat.


Tissue engineering cornea stromata were constructed in vitro.


The results showed:(1) The histological changes of KC were in fact a wound-repair process;(2) The increased melanin in KC coordinated with "multi-overlapping screen" effect, a result of multiple layers of "supranuclear cap", was the direct cause of hyperpigmentation of the graft and (3) The hydrolytic disturbance of melanin in KC and the longer life span of the KC were probably the important reasons for the increase of melanin in the epidermis.


Animals, as material, were used to study the toxicity of outer substance and made sure the estrogen effect of BBP by whole animal experiment, and the chronic toxicity of BBP was studied, designed and valued through several dosages and different exposed time. The result showed that BBP could make testis, epididymis and prostate withdrawl. Tectology changes were observed in testis, epididymis and liver. Especially the atrophy and degeneration of seminiferous tubules, decrease of spermatogenic cell and the turbulence of Sertoli cell and spermatogenic cell of seminiferous epithelium were also observed. The linkage between cells vanished.


Measure normal early pregnancy choria tissue and JAR cell by RT-PCR, LH/hCG receptor mRNA expression on both pregnancy choria tissue and JAR cell which is consistent with that be measured in ovarian granulosa cells, indicate that JAR cell and normal choria trophocyte presence LH/hCG receptor, hCG is one of the autocrine hormone.


ABSTRACT Objective To discuss the clinical pathologic features and differential diagnosis of mixed germ cell sex cord stromal tumorwith malignant variant of germ cell tumor Methods The clinical pathologic datum and immunophenotype were studied in the case of ovary MGCSCST with malignant variance of germ cell tumor Results The patient's genital anatomy and female phenotype were normal,karotypes was 46xx with uterogestation The tumor tissue consisted of mixed germ cells and sex cord stromal cells with evident malignancy of mixed germ cells There was no atypical structure of gonadoblastoma in tumor tissue Conclusion MGCSCSST has complex morphosis,thus,to prevent misdiagnosis,more samples should be collected and more slices be cut The patient may have prognosis malo when there are high malignant variants of mixed germ cells in tumor tissue

目的 探讨混合性生殖细胞性索间质肿瘤(mixed germ cell sex cord stromal tumor,MGCSCST)伴恶性生殖细胞肿瘤变异型的临床病理特点及鉴别诊断。方法卵巢MGCSCST伴恶性生殖细胞肿瘤变异型的病例进行临床病理特征和免疫表型分析。结果患者生殖器的解剖结构和女性表型正常,染色体组型是46xx,足月妊娠。肿瘤组织由混合性生殖细胞和性索间质肿瘤构成,混合性生殖细胞有显著的恶性特征。瘤组织中没有典型的性腺母细胞瘤结构。结论 MGCSCST有复杂的形态结构,因此更多的取材和切片可以防止误诊,当肿瘤组织中的混合性生殖细胞有高度恶性变异时,患者预后不良。卵巢肿瘤;生殖细胞性索间质肿瘤;免疫组织化学

Results 17β-HSD type 2 was found in the cytoplasm of tumor cells in 5.3% of cases.In adjacent non-malignant tissues,82.9% of cases were positive and the enzyme was detected in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of the acini and ducts.


In Part 1 of our research, BGSCs were sorted through immunomagnetic beads marking by CD133 and cultured in vitro, and character as a stem cell was identified by stem cell markers (CD133 and Nestin) and differentiated cell markers [ microtubule-associated protein 2(MAP2), glial acidic fibrillary protein and myelin basic protein] , ultrastructure observing with electron microscopeand engrafting to severe combined immunodeficiency mice for tumorigenesis test. The results were as following: Only a small subset of CD133+ glioma cells in glioma cell lines and fresh specimens from various pathologic grade could express stem cell markers CD133 and Nestin, view ultrastructure of a stem cell and be capacity of serial passage in culture. These CD133+ cells possese a marked capacity for multipotent differentiation and could differentiate into tumor cells expressing MAP2,β-TubulinⅢ, GFAP and MBP; When engrafted into SCID mice, they can generate and form tumors that phenotypically resembl the tumor from the patient.


The expression was higher in undifferentiated NPC than in keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma and non-keratinizing carcinomas.


Objective: To determine whether the cells that we obtained from the in vitro culture of human embyonic genital ridges and dorsal mesenteries were the undifferentiated human embryonic germ cells , to find out the best kind of passaging method , and finally to identify these serial passaged cells .


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。