英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results indicate that the longitudinal nerve fibers in cerebral ganglia and a few of small cells in the surface layer of cerebral ganglia present NOS positive reaction. Abundant NOS positive small cells are in the surface layer of pedal ganglia, and abundant transverse positive nerve fibers in the center of pedal ganglia. A large number of transverse positive nerve fibers are in the center of visceral ganglia; abundant positive small cells and nerve fibers are in two anterior lobes; a few of positive small cells and many encircled positive nerve fibers are in the posterior lobe; a large number of radiate positive nerve fibers are in the lateral lobes.


Results:(1)Among 40 rats, 36 rats were successfully established and the rate of success is 90 percent;(2)All the successfully established models demonstrated polydipsia, polyuria and the body weight was not increased. 6 rats suffered cataract after 3 months, and 4 rats died in 6 months;(3)There was an approximately 61% loss of retinal ganglion cells in the central retina and the thickness of retina thinner under microscope ( P 0.01 ).(4) Electroscope changes include the thinner of retina, disorganization of the membranous disc of the rod cells and the thickness of basal membrane of vessal.(5)In normal group, 1 month dibetes mellitus and 1 month treatmen group, there was no expression of ERK1/ERK2 on the retina tissues. In 3 month diabetes mellitus group, the expression of ERK1/ERK2 was positive.


The traits of dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of the explants form H. sampsonii show that the calli the stem and leaf usually form buds at its parietal cells. In the presence of auxin, the parenchyma of the leaf gap at the node is initiated firstly, then, develops blastemata that form buds in a cluster on the node without callus. These show that the various parts ofthe herb differ greatly in cell initiation and organ differentiation.


Mechanical environment, as a native survival one, is very complicated and constituted of many different kinds of forces, such as the forces in vitro or between tissues and cells, and the interactive intracellular stress during the process of formation and remodification of cytoskeletons. All these forces regulate bodies' developments and cellular differentiations, which is particularly obvious in bone tissues.


With western blot analysis and DNA polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism assay,protein product of Rb gene and mutation in exon 5~8 of P_(53) gene were examined in 17 cases of human testicular seminoma.


In this report, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques were perfected to examine the expression of bFGF, fibroblast growth factor receptor-I and bFGFmRNA of cultured HEP-2 laryngo-tumor cell and 803 gastro-tumor cell and of the solid tumor tissue formed by implanting the cultured cells into subcutis of nude mice, intending to elucidate the correlation between the expression level and the tumor formation.

本研究建立了免疫组化和原位杂交的检测方法,通过对体外培养的HEP-2喉癌细胞和803胃癌细胞和这两株细胞在裸鼠皮下形成的实体瘤组织中bFGF,纤维细胞生长因子受体-1(fibroblast growth factor receptor-1,FGFR-1)和bFGFmRNA的检测试图揭示三者在体外和体内表达以及与肿瘤形成的关系,从而为这方面的研究提供更多的材料。

The RNA in situ hybridization experiments revealed that MOC1 was initially expressed in a few epidermal or subepidermal cells in the leaf axil prior to the formation of axillary meristem. The expression of MOC1 was continued during the formation process of axillary meristem. MOC1 was still expressed after axillary meristem has differentiated into tiller buds.


Some single embryogenic cells produced an embryonic cell and a suspensor cell by the first division and embryonal suspensor masses were produced after several divisions.


The experiment result showed that the highest content of oleuropein was in the flower,On the basis of more than 300 times of experiments and more than 2000 test samples of data determination in this thesis, we gained the achievements in the following:1. The establishment of callus culture system and the suspension cell culture system of Syringa pubescens Turcz.


To elucidate whether overexpression of Nolz-1 may negatively regulate cell proliferation and cell survival during neurogenesis, we performed immunohistochemistry analysis in the developing telencephalon with specific markers of cycling cells and apoptotic cells.

为了阐明过度表现 Nolz-1在神经发生过程中,是否会负向调控细胞增生及细胞生存,我们利用周期细胞和凋亡细胞专一性抗体,在发育端脑中进免疫组织染色分析。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
