英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

M^2, p=0.46. The study showed no difference between the juvenile macromastic breast and non-tumor part of cancer breast in mammary epithelial cells, suggesting that the cause of juvenile macromastia may be from factors other than abnormal mammary epithelial cell size.

69.5±10.0μm^2, p=0.46。本研究发现青春期巨乳症的乳房组织与乳癌病患未受癌症感染之乳房组织,在上皮细胞之尺寸方面并没有差异,青春期巨乳症的成因可能是与乳房上皮细胞之生长较为相关。

The leaf in the Karst area was isolateral and had closely arranged mesophyllous cells.


Under imitated daily field microclimatic conditions for heat stress, the rice cultivar "Jinyou63"(which is a hybrid rice combination) was treated with a consecutive 3-day heat stress during meiosis in phytotron. Anther and pollen tissues at different development stages after subjected to heat stress were sampled and analyzed for transverse abnormalities.

本研究模拟田间典型灾害天气条件,在人工气候箱内对杂交水稻&金优63&花粉母细胞减数分裂期进行连续3 d的热害胁迫处理,对处理后不同发育时期的花药组织取样切片观察,从组织、细胞水平探讨水稻受高温胁迫后花药可能出现的早期异常特征。

Methods Immunohistochemical and morphometrical analysis methods were performed on vital skin wounds. Results In normal and injury mouse skin IL-10 immunoreactivity was observed in epidermal cells.


Prenatal EGF can improve pulmonary hypoplasia in the Nitrofen-induced CDH rat model, which was manifested as increased Lw/Bw and more mature histological and morphometrical pulmonary appearances. Moreover, EGF can promote type Ⅱ pneumocytes differentiation and increase their amounts, thus increase the production of surfactant.


Results:(1) FSN can inhibit secondary joints swelling and multi-arthritis evidently, improve the whole condition of rats; at the same time, it can also lighten the synovial inflammation and hyperplasia of lesion joints distinctly, and prevent the joint cartilage and bone from destruction; the collective efficiency of FSN is better than TWP.(2) FSN can raise AA rats low LTT of spleen to normal nearly, remedy the disorder of Th / Ts and Thl / Th2 cells balance in peripheral blood, restrain exorbitant TNF- a ? IL-1 produced by PM O , thereof exert anti-inflammatory and immunoregulation effect.(3) Inside the lesion joints, FSN can depress abnormal hyper-expression of TNF- a mRNA and NF-kB in synovial tissues, as well as advance the expression of Caspase-3 (a proteolytic enzyme of apoptosis), reduce synovial immflamination and proliferation.(4) FSN can lower the expression of VEGF in synovial tissue,reduce neogenetic veins, so inhibit the growth of pannus tissue and the damage of cartilage and bone by that.(5) The above effect of FSN are in proportion to its dosage.Conclusions: FSN has inhibitory effects on symptom and condition of experimental RA, which is better than TWP as a whole.


FSN can raise AA rats low LTT of spleen to normal nearly, remedy the disorder of Th/Ts and Th1/Th2 cells balance in peripheral blood, restrain exorbitant TNF-α、IL-1 produced by PMφ, thereof exert anti-inflammatory and immunoregulation effect.(3) Inside the lesion joints, FSN can depress abnormal hyper-expression of TNF-αmRNA and NF-kB in synovial tissues, as well as advance the expression of Caspase-3 (a proteolytic enzyme of apoptosis), reduce synovial immflammation and proliferation.(4) FSN can lower the expression of VEGF in synovial tissue, reduce neogenetic veins, so inhibit the growth of pannus tissue and the damage of cartilage and bone by that.(5) The above effect of FSN are in proportion to its dosage. Conclusions: FSN has inhibitory effects on symptom and condition of experimental RA, which is better than TWP as a whole.


Nonadherent cells were removed on day 1 at the time of the first medium change, and fresh medium was changed every 3 days thereafter.


The Western blot results were consistent with those of immunohistochemical method. CONCLUSION: p38 MAPK expression increases in alveolar and airway epithelial cells in LPS induced acute lung injury rat models. The activation of p38 MAPK is found in most lung tissues, suggesting that p38 MAPK participates in the signal transduction in inflammatory and noninflammatory cells.

LPS诱发的大鼠急性肺损伤模型中,磷酸化p38 MAPK在气道和肺组织内表达增加,p38 MAPK的激活见于肺组织内多数细胞,提示肺内炎性和非炎性细胞均有p38 MAPK信号分子的激活。

When they are released into the extracellular environment, or when they are membrane-bound and in contact with the pericellular zone, these enzymes degrade a broad range of connective tissue proteins and are important during the development of healthy tissue as well as in remodeling damaged tissue.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
