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与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In PsNPV infected treatment, the color of the gland was purple-black dyed with eosin and the cells were distortedly squeezed together. The tracheae nearby showed grievous pathological changes and a lot of white granules deposited around it. The pathological changes in PsGV infected treatment showed another pattern. The gland body was relative small with smaller individual cells, most of which were red dyed with eosin. The cell limits were obscure.In coinfected treatment,there were few gland cells colorated by esoin.


It will provide the rational for exploring the ideal treatment for liver cancer by detecting the expression of c-Met,hTERT and MAGE-1,which has high expression in liver cancer,in cancer tissues and tissues surrounding tumor by immunohistochemistry,analyzing the different expression of gene in tumor tissue and tissues with different distance from tumor,and then initially debate the molecular boundary in liver tumor exairesis.


In this study, Mono-nuclear cells containing hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells were isolated from umbilical cord blood of normal full-term deliveries, healthy adult and heterocellular HPFH patient bone marrow by density gradient centrifugation. After simple purification and expansion in vitro, MNCs were induced to erythroid cell differentiation using different culture systems and cytokines including Epo, IL-3 and GM-CSF.

本研究首先利用密度梯度离心方法,从正常成人和异细胞型遗传性胎儿血红蛋白持续存在综合症家系患者的骨髓组织、健康足月正常分娩胎儿脐带血中分离得到了含有造血干/祖细胞的单个核细胞(Mono-Nuclear Cell,MNC),进行初步纯化及体外扩增后,组合使用Epo、IL-3、GM-CSF等细胞因子,将造血干/祖细胞向红系方向进行诱导培养。

C2C12 cells were induced to differentiation into muscle cells in vitro and the myogenesis model was detected by inverted microscope, RT-PCR, western-blot, cell immunofluorescence histochemistry, flow cytometry and confirmed to be successful. On the foundation of differentiation model, miR-206 was detected by northern hybridization and the result showed that the expression level increasing gradually during muscle differentiation with a character of phase specificity.


Brane, such as synoviocytes, macrophages, osteoclasts and TNF-αvv acts on different kinds of cell in synovial memchondrocytes, which can produce metalloproteinase,collagenase, stromelysin and so on, further induce pannus formation, joint inflammation, bone erosion and cartilage degradation.


The human cartilages are composed of chondrocyte and extracellular matrix , the form of chondrocytes are hypertrophy and the quantity are less; the ECM of cartilage are compised of type Ⅱ collagen and proteoglycan. Articular cartilages are all hyaline with little fibers. Trauma and arthritis are the main cause of cartilage injury, the ommilayer injury ofcartilage can be recovered by marrow, but because of without stimulation mechanism, the new tissues are merely fibrocartilages, they can not be coincide with hyaline cartilage in menchanics; the purely damage of articular cartilage can not stimulate chondrocyte to regenerate because of without blood circulation, thus, the plerosis of articular catilage can not depend on the proliferation of local chondrocyte. Ever since, people tried their best to find a way to reconstruct articular cartilage.

中文题名人骨髓基质干细胞成软骨诱导及多孔复合材料作为细胞载体的体外实验研究副题名外文题名 Cartilage induction of human mesenchymal stem cells and experiment on compound porous materials as cells' scaffold in vitro 论文作者刘晓岚导师周江南学科专业外科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中南大学学位授予日期2003 论文页码总数68页关键词骨组织工程软骨细胞骨髓基质干细胞壳聚糖高分子外消旋聚乳酸馆藏号BSLW /2003 /R68 /10 造成人体关节软骨损伤的原因主要为创伤和关节炎,关节软骨全层损伤可由于骨髓中间充质干细胞的高速增殖修复,但这种修复由于缺乏相应的刺激机制,只能形成纤维软骨,而不能形成符合关节生理、力学要求的透明软骨;单纯软骨部分损伤软骨组织内无血管,软骨细胞迁移迟缓,无法使损伤区域软骨细胞再生,因此,关节炎及关节创伤后的软骨修复不能依赖于软骨细胞的增殖和迁移。

While the tissue spaces surrounding a few blood vessels wasAl and Fg positive,no Al or Fg positive cells were observed.In antemortem injurygroup,diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage,cerebral edema,swelling or pyknotic neu-rons could be observed.The axons showed irregular swelling and disconnection at1~3h,marked swelling and disconnection at 6h,and retraction ball at 15h whichwas more remarkable at 24h after injury.The space between myelin sheaths andaxons was increased at 3~6h after injury.Tortuous and wavelike myelin sheathswhich adhered on axons incompletely,or even peeled off could be found from 15hto 24h after injury.Perinuclear lysis of Nissl bodies began at 24h after injury.Thenumber of GFAP positive cells in cerebrum and brain-stem increased significantlyfollowed by decrease,and then increased again,but the time courses of the changesin different areas of brain were not same.Al and Fg positive neural cells,mainlysurrounded blood vessels,with diffuse or peripherally distributed positive matter incytoplasm could be observed at 0.5h after injury.The number of Al or Fg positivecells and the intensity of immunoreaction increased with the time of injury.The areaof SYN positivity in medulla oblongata and pons decreased notably 3~6h afterinjury,then return to normal levels and continued to 24h after injury.


Using New Zealand rabbit ears cartilage makes chondrocyte suspension, Fibrinogen was mixed with D-hank's makes a final fibrinogen concentration of 50mg/ml mixture solution, then chondrocytes resuspend with fibrinogen solution, chondrocytes-seeded fibrinogen was mixed with thrombin (25U/ml in 40mM calcium choride) to make chondrocytes/fibrin glue polymer. Pluronic F-127 was mixed with D-hank's makes a final Pluronic F-127 concentration of 400mg/ml mixture solution, then chondrocytes resuspend with Pluronic F-127 solution to make chondrocytes/Pluronic F-127 polymer. The chondrocyte concentrations was 10 million chondrocyte/ml of polymer.

为确定纤维蛋白凝胶与Pluronic F-127在注射方式形成组织工程化软骨过程中的优劣,我们进行了如下实验:应用新西兰大白兔耳软骨获取软骨细胞并体外培养,纤维蛋白原应用D-hank's液配制为50mg/ml,然后以纤维蛋白原溶液重悬软骨细胞,再与40mM的氯化钙配制的25U/ml凝血酶混合形成软骨细胞—纤维蛋白凝胶复合物;Pluronic F-127应用D-hank's液配制为400mg/ml,同样用PluronicF-127溶液重悬软骨细胞而形成软骨细胞—Pluronic F-127凝胶复合物。

Much progress has been made in recent years through studying septic shock,however brain injury is rarely involved.This study takes the models of endotoxin-shock rats as research object to simulate septic shock.The study aims are to explore anomalous signal transduction in brain injury caused by septic shock and the effect of Sini Decoction in the process;define the molecular and cellular mechanisms of reviving yang for resuscitation method used to prevent and treat brain injury in septic shock and establish the scientific foundation for modernizing traditional Chinese medicine.


Concludes:Three subsets of mast cell in human tissue are sorted and depurated with antibodies of specific enzyme and immunofluorescence labelling and flow cytometry. Mast cell of containing profuse secretary vacuoles could be displayed by confocal microscopy. It demonstrate that mast cell have material substructure offering for fast reaction of I type allergies of human being.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
