英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under optical microscope, the cell of NS arrayed as nest, the nuclear was big, deep-stained, thickened-karyotheca, chromatin granulated, Pathologic karyokinesis can be seen.


Each group with drug had effect on inhibiting Lewis lung cancer tumor,LNT DDP had the best effect,46.2%,the rate of inhibitory effect of LNT、DDP was 35.6%、39.7%respectively.3.Under optical microscope,the cell of NS arrayed as nest,the nuclear was big,deep-stained,thickened-karyotheca,chromatin granulated,Pathologic karyokinesis can be seen.

DDP组癌巢周围可见少量纤维组织增生、局灶性坏死,并可见炎细胞浸润;LNT组镜下见少量细胞凋亡,凋亡细胞变小,变圆,核固缩,胞浆浓缩,染色加深,凋亡细胞周围未见炎症反应;LNT DDP组与LNT组镜下大体相同,但可见到较多量的凋亡细胞。

He type of ossein in group B was mainly type Ⅰ collagen while that in group A type Ⅱ and it exhibited as a process of fiber formation in group C. The reason for why TGF-β〓 can promote ossification induced by BMP is that can promote the differentiation and proliferation of mesenchymal cells to supply more target cells for BMP, promote the differentiation and proliferation of mature osteocytes and chondrocytes, inhibit metalloproteinase to decrease the destruction of bone tissue and promote calcification of bone matrix.


1.To study the expression of in the different glucose concentration with the time changing. 2.To study the effect of different concentration of Hepatocyte Growth Factor on the Integrin-linked kinase in protein and mRNA level by Mesangial Cells in high concentration (25 mmol/L) of glucose. 3.To study the effect of different concentration of HGF on the Fibronectin'secretary by Mesangial Cells. 4.To study latent therapeutic action and possible mechanism of HGF on the glomeruler sclerosis. The difference of ILK's experession on mRNA level in different concentration of glucose and HGF are detected by means of revers transcription-polymerase chain reaction,and by means of immunohistochemistry to detect their difference in protein level;the effection of HGF to the FN's secretary in high glucose are detected by means of enzyme linked innunosorbent assay.

1探讨在不同的血糖浓度下大鼠肾小球系膜细胞中ILK伴随时间变化在蛋白和mRNA水平表达的差异 2探讨不同浓度的HGF对高糖环境下(25mmol/L)大鼠肾小球系膜细胞中ILK在蛋白和mRNA水平表达的影响 3探讨不同浓度的HGF对高糖环境下大鼠肾小球系膜细胞的FN的分泌的影响 4初步探讨HGF对肾小球硬化的潜在的治疗作用及其可能机制采用RT-PCR的方法分析在不同血糖浓度和不同HGF浓度下大鼠肾小球系膜细胞中ILK在mRNA水平表达的差异;采用免疫组织化学的方法直观的观察它们在蛋白水平表达的差异;采用ELISA法分析不同浓度的HGF对高糖环境下大鼠肾小球系膜细胞的FN的分泌的影响。

Histological and cellular research on rachis of healthy and inoculated spikes of the mutants at the different stages showed that, structure and developed tendency of cortical sclerenchyma tissue and green tissue and fibrovascular tissue in the rachis were alike between the mutants and their donors at anthesis stage, which also showed no apparent difference in the inoculated spikes'rachis between the mutants and their donors, major difference was that the mutants had less hyphae number than their donors.


But the chondrocytes lost primary characteristics after several passages.Conclusion A great of chondrocytes can be got from xiphoid, and the chondrocytes can grow in suspension and keep primary characteristics for a long time when they are cultured with polyHEMA in vitro. In this way, good seed cells are provided for experiment in vitro, and for the study of tissue engineering, and for clinical study.


The quantitive value of DNA was 1.82% and 1.92% respectively in nonembryonic cells and the embryonic; during bicellular stage, quadracellular stage and multicellular stage, content of DNA increase slowly, and reach the peak at pear-shap ed embryonic stage keep high level at mature embryonic stage.


The quantitive value of DNA was 1.82%and 1.92%respectively in nonembryonic cells and the embryonic; during bicellular stage, quadracellular stage and multicellular stage, content of DNA increase slowly, and reach the peak at pear-shaped embryonic stage keep high level at mature embryonic stage.


Using acupotomology incise and separate the hip joint articular capsule and ligament and the periosteum on the collum ossis femoris and the soft tissue nearby the joint can cause slight hurt and haemorrhage. The hurt factor is release from the local tissue. Human self-rebuilding system is activated, Building bone function of osteoblast is accelerated, new bone is built quickly. New blood vessel and nerve ending is rebirth. Local tissue's blood supply and nerve nourishment is improved. The developing of bone necrosis is prevented. The necrotic part is re-blood vessel. The conditions of the necrotic's absorbing tissue and the new bone's replacing are established.


Then the cell proliferation activity was detected using MTT colorimetrics, the cell cycle and apoptosis after LPS stimulation using flow cytometry, and expressions of caspase3, Bcl2, Bax using immunocytochemical staining.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
