英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods HPDLFs were primary cultured from tissue explants, and the cells of the 5th to 8th passages were used after immunohistochemical identification of keratin and vimentin expressions. The cells were divided into 5 groups and treated with TP at 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, and 0.0625 mg/ml, respectively, with another group without TP treatment as the blank control group. Cell counting and MTT colorimetric assay were performed to assess the cell proliferation, and flow cytometry was employed to determine the DNA content of the HPDLFs.


In the brain of adult rat, the positive immunohistochemical product of lSL-l (ISL-l-positive) was mainly located in the neuronal nucleus and found in discrete regions except to brain cortex, such as the Purkinje cell layer and the granular cell layer of cerebellum, the granular cell layer and the pyramidal cell layer of hippocampus, the mitral cell layer, the internal and external plexiform layer, the granular cell layer and the granular cell layer of olfactory bulb and so on, and several nuclei of the hypothalamus, midbrain and pons, such as claustrum, anterior olfactory nucleus, accumbens nucleus, caudate-ptamen, pallidum, substantia nigra, striatum, islands of Callaje, mammillary nucleus, anterior pretactal nucleus, habenular nucleus, amygdaloid nucleus, cuneate nucleus, rubral nucleus, gigantocellular reticular nucleus and so on.


The suspension cells of the heart at E11 were respectively cultured in co-culture system based in the stromal cells from the heart, the fetal liver and AGM region with the same conceptus age, and c-kit+ cells were analyzed by flow cytometer, estimating the effect of different stromal cells on HSCs\' amplification.

将培养24h后的E11心脏悬浮细胞分别置入由同期的心脏内皮细胞、胎肝基质细胞和AGM区基质细胞构成的共培养体系中,于0h, 24h和48h分别检测c-kit+细胞比率,研究各组织基质细胞对HSCs扩增的影响。

Prepare 131I-labbelled anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody using lodogen iodine labelling;(2)Measure the immunity activation of labbelled antibody by means of both cell combine analysis and LDH cytotoxicity detection kit;(3)Evaluate the injury rate of tumor exposed to 131I-chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody in vitro. The MTT method and the experiment of cell growth control are used;(4)Record the apotosis of Daudi cell using gelose electrophoresis;(5)Learn the inhibition effect of radioactive medication on the marrow. Radiohnmunoimages are taken on various intervals after injection of the labeled antibodies to the nude mice. The distribution of radioactive medication, I31l-labeled antibodies, in the marrow tissue indicates the inhibition effect. Here a B cell non-hodgkin lymphoma model in nude mice is established by us;(6)28-day observation are done in 3 groups of nude mice model.

(1) 用lodogen标记法制备131I-国产人鼠嵌合抗CD20单抗;(2)采用细胞结合分析法和乳酸脱氢酶法细胞杀伤性实验测定131I标记后国产人鼠嵌合抗CD20单抗与靶细胞的免疫活和利结合能力;(3) MTT法和细胞生长抑制实验测定131I-国产人鼠嵌合抗CD20单抗的体外杀瘤活性;(4)用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法研究131I-国产人鼠嵌合抗CD20单抗致Daudi细胞凋亡;(5)建立荷人B细胞淋巴瘤移植瘤裸鼠模型,应用γ计数法检测注射到荷瘤裸鼠体内的131I-国产人鼠嵌合抗CD20单抗的组织分布情况,明确其靶向性;(6)将荷瘤裸鼠分3组进行放射免疫治疗,分别为阴性对照组、131I-国产人鼠嵌合抗CD20单抗组、国产人鼠嵌合抗CD20单抗组。

Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; floor plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages


Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; floor plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neurulation; neuroblasts; neural stem cells; neuroprogenitor cells; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; neuroblastoma cells; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages


Neuroectoderm; neural crest; neural plate; floor plate; neural tube; neuraxis; neurulation; neuroblasts; stem cells; differentiation; ontogeny; morphogenesis; histogenesis; organogenesis; synaptogenesis; gangliogenesis; embryogenesis; axonogenesis; retinogenesis; gliogenesis; glial progenitor cells; oligodendrocyte progenitor cells; retinal progenitor cells; nerve growth factor; neurotrophic factors; trophic factors; growth factors; neural tube defects; anencephaly; spina bifida; neuroblastoma cells; cell migration; neurogenesis; development; developmental stages

神经外胚层;神经脊;神经板;底板;神经管;轴索;神经胚形成;成神经细胞;干细胞;分化;个体发生;形态发生;组织发生;器官发生;突触发生;gangliogenesis;胚胎发生;axonogenesis;retinogenesis;gliogenesis;神经胶质祖细胞;少突神经胶质细胞祖细胞;视网膜祖细胞;神经生长因子;神经营养因子;营养因子;生长因素;神经管故障;无脑;脊柱裂;成神经细胞瘤细胞;细胞迁移;神经发生;发展;发展进程首页上一页下一页末页共有 22 条记录,本页从第 11 到第 20 条。

Immunohistochemical identification of cultured conjunctival cellsWhen the second cultured generation of conjunctival cells close to confluence, the glass coverslips were removed in situ fixation by methanol and DAB color immunohistochemical staining by CK13 monoclonal antibody in time.3. growth curve of conjunctival cellsThe 1st,3rd,5th passage cells were selectecd randomly and subcultured at the density of 5×10~4/ml,after culturing for another 1-9 days, were counted and compared the cell number every day.


Some of transplanted cells expressed titin and the assembled titin could be detected in the cells adjacent to host myocardium. Cx43 could be observed between these cells. But the size and structure of transplanted cells were different from normal contractile myocardium.3. Most of the grafted cells were isolated by fibrous tissue. Part of these cells differentiated into fibrocytes. The structure of host myocardium was slightly disturbed.


Methods: By the adherence , to isolate the bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and adipose mesenchymal stem cells , to compare the characteristics of the two cells , including obtain the quantity of the cells 、 the morphos of the cells 、 the rate of adherence 、 cell kinetics 、 cell surface marker .


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
