英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHODS: The presence and number of recently developed extra-articular manifestations and a weighted EAM score, as well as the levels of serological markers, were compared between 31 patients with RA with histologically proven vasculitis and 50 patients with RA in whom vasculitis could not be documented histologically. The following markers were evaluated: circulating immune complexes, complement components C3 and C4, class-specific rheumatoid factors, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, antinuclear antibodies, antiendothelial antibodies, circulating intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and -3, circulating vascular cell adhesion molecule and E-selectin, cellular fibronectin, von Willebrand factor antigen, and C reactive protein.

对比组织学上已证实有血管炎的31例 RA 例和组织学上无血管炎的50例 RA 患者间的临床及血清学标记物,这些资料包括最近发生的关节外表现数量、关节外表现加权得分、循环免疫复合物、补体 C3和 C4、类风湿因子( IgM-RF,IgG-RF,IgA-RF )、抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体、抗内皮细胞抗体、循环细胞间粘附分子-1和-3、循环血管内皮粘附分子和 E-选择素、细胞纤连蛋白、假性血友病因子抗原( von Willebrand factor antigen )及 C-反应蛋白。

MTT assay was used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of β-TCP/col on the proliferation of PDLCs. PDLCs were cultured on β-TCP/col and observed by scanning electron microscope.β-TCP/col was implated into muscles of nude mice to observe tissue reactions by histologic methods.Ⅱ° furcation involvements models in beagle dogs were established, scaffold and and scaffold with cells and cytokines were implanted into defects. Histologic observation were conducted.

通过 MTT 法测定β-TCP/col 对犬 PDLCs 增殖的影响,在β-TCP/col 上复合培养犬 PDLCs 并进行电镜观察;将β-TCP/col 植入裸鼠肌袋内并进行组织学观察;建立比格犬Ⅱ°根分叉病变模型,分别植入材料、材料/细胞复合体或材料/细胞/细胞因子复合体,进行组织学观察。

Our experiments proved that VEGF have relationship with proliferation and involuting of hemangiomas.


Methods: The expression of P57(superscript kip2) was examined in proliferating, involuting human hemangiomas and normal skin tissues by using immunohisto-chemical technique. Immunohistochemical technique for factor Ⅷ-related antigen was used to identify that the cells which expressed P57(superscript kip2) were endothelia.

采用免疫组织化学方法检测人皮肤血管瘤增生期、退化期及正常皮肤组织中P57(上标 kip2)的表达水平,并结合第Ⅷ因子相关抗原的免疫组织化学染色证实表达P57(上标 kip2)的细胞是血管内皮细胞。

Some cell dropped into the cavity and became free. Thrombosis or part organization could be seen. The internal elastic layer became thin, disappear or broken. In internal and middle layer existed fibroblasts, fibrocytes and collagen. Some of the wall indicated hyaline change, soomth muscle cell decreased greatly. The massive inflammatory cells invaded the middle and external layer. There were many foam cells in the capsule tissue. Cytoplasm was filled with fatty tissue and cholesterol. some cavities were full of thrombosis. Some thrombosis was fibrosis, the bottom was organization. The surface of the thrombosis existed red blood cell and librae.(2)Elatic fibrila staining: the internal elastic menbrane almost completely disappeared, the intact internal elastic menbran could be seen in the new small vessels.


No US-pin plastic treatment therapy, a comprehensive alternative to traditional plastic injection of the United States (with the needle and micro-needle) is efficient, non-invasive and safe,"mesoderm into beauty therapy" is the latest technology of water use and water channel protein electrophoresis principle of development Note the infiltration hole electric technology to non-needle injection principle, the use of "point to a plane," AMD permeation technology in skin electroporation Act under the influence of pulsed current stimulation, so that pores have a physical reaction to the rapid spread in two seconds 650-800 of fine pores, forming an instant electronic delivery channels of nutrition, nutrition Note dialysis therapy immediately with electrophoresis, soft laser stimulation and ice, etc., in the most secure and fast, the skin will be required for nutritional products , 99% transmitted to the basal cells, and can be stored as long as 72 hours, the skin smooth and more compact, creating a perfect Beautiful Skin.


Detecting each marker and cmparison the location of sequential tissuesection could determine the area loceation relationship of the markers, but it is difficulte to determine their correlation intra-cells exactly. No report of detecting virus genome and antigenes on a one section with triple staning techniques exists in the lit erature. in this report. by combining immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization (with dioxigenin labelled HBV DNA probe), a triple staining technigce was established. With this technic, on one formalin-fixed and paraffin embeded section, HBV DNA, HBsAg and HBcAg were determinated one after the other.

各个细胞内病毒的复制和表达水平以及与肝细胞病变的关系,是乙型肝炎发病机理研究的一个重要方面:目前常用的在系列切片上对各标志物分别检测,比较观察的方法,一般只能大致了解各待检物在某一区域的定位关系,很难准确地了解它们在同一细胞内的关系:国内外尚未见有在同一张切片上三重标记染色检测病毒核酸及其多种抗原的报道:本文结合免疫组织化学ABC法及地高辛配基标记HBV DNA探针原位杂交,建立三重标记染色技术:在一张福尔马林固定石蜡包埋肝组织切片上先后检测,同时显示HBV DNA、HBcAg和HBsAg。

The results showed that the plant had the character of damp-inhabiting, the cutical on the epidermis of stem and leaf is rather thin but without wax-layer, its stomata protrude clearly on the lower surface of leaf, the rate of palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma is rather low and the cortex is well developed in root.


The results of this reseach showed that administration of SF intracolonically had protective effect on the colon injury in the rat model of colitis induced by acetic acid enema, which was probably due to the mechanism of antioxidation, inhibition ofarachidonic acid metabolis and platelets activation, administration of SF intracolonically also showed protective effect on the colon injury in the rat model of colitis induced by trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid and ethanol, which was probably due to antioxidation and inhibition of macrophages activation.


The thoracic duct endothelia in vitro could remain their biological properties, and could be made a tool for studing their functions and cancer metastasis mechanism by lymphatics. The positive expression of VEGF-C in cancer cells was correlated with cancer development, it seem to be that VEGF-C induce lymphoangiogenesis through its receptor Flt-4. The Flt-4 expression of lymphatics in cancer tissues was assosiated with cancer development, it is considered that there are new lymphatics in cancer tissues.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
