英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: The expression of NGF mRNA in aganglionic and hypoganglionic colon(2/9) was less than that in the proximal normal colon(8/9) and normal control.

结果: 无神经节细胞的巨结肠狭窄段和节细胞过少的肠组织与扩张段近端正常肠组织相比,其NGF mRNA表达水平降低,阳性率分别是2/9和8/9,肠神经元发育不良的病变肠组织NGF mRNA表达水平亦有下调趋势。

Results: The expression of NGF mRNA in aganglionic and hypoganglionic colon(2/9) was less than that in the proximal normal colon(8/9) and normal control. The IND specimen also showed decreased expression.

结果: 无神经节细胞的巨结肠狭窄段和节细胞过少的肠组织与扩张段近端正常肠组织相比,其NGF mRNA表达水平降低,阳性率分别是2/9和8/9,肠神经元发育不良的病变肠组织NGF mRNA表达水平亦有下调趋势。

Results: Neonatal rats in hypoxic-ischemicgroup behaved restlessness, cyanosis, deep and rapid breath, astasia, lethargy, irritation and spasm; There were local pyknosis, fragmentation, dissymmetry, blur or disappearance of nucleoli, raritas of ground substance in left cerebral cortex; but there was no statistic significance in chinese traditional medicine group and sham group. The expression of HIF-1α mRNA in brain tissue of experimental group and chinese traditional medicine group were higher than that in sham group, especially chinese traditional medicine group at 3d; HIF-1α positive cells were found in cerebral cortex and hippocampus. There were more HIF-1α positive cells in experimental group and chinese traditional medicine group and mainly in vascular endothelial cells.

结果 缺氧缺血后大鼠相继表现为烦躁不安、全身发给、呼吸加深加快、站立不稳、嗜睡、激惹或间断发作的痉挛和抽搐;HE染色显示实验组大鼠左侧大脑皮层出现局灶性神经元核固缩,核碎裂,核仁偏位,不清或消失,基质疏松;中药组大鼠脑组织结构基本接近假手术组,无明显水肿和坏死表现;实验组和中药组大鼠脑组织HIF-1α mRNA表达较假手术组明显增加,尤其是中药组实验第3日者;免疫组化显示实验组和中药组各时间点大鼠大脑皮层和海马区均可见不同程度的HIF-1α表达,明显高于假手术组,阳性表达主要在血管内皮细胞,海马和皮层的锥体细胞亦有HIF-1α阳性细胞分布。

RESULTS: During tooth root patterning, expression of MSX1 was found not only in dental papilla of the apical area, dental sac and odontoblasts, but also in dental attachment apparatus such as cementoblast, periodontal supporting tissues and alveolar bone.


At 4 weeks following implantation, cells on the surface of coralline hydroxyapatite were found and connective tissues were seen in the material pores in the experimental group. Cells on the coralline hydroxyapatite were observed only in the control group. At 8 weeks, new bone formation was detected on the surface of coralline hydroxyapatite; bony tissue deposition and a few chondroid tissues were found in the pores or surrounding the pores in the experimental group. A few fibrous connective tissues were observed in the control group. At 12 weeks, abundant mature woven bone was detected on the surface of coralline hydroxyapatite; medullary cavity-like structure and vessels were found in some regions in the experimental group. No new bone or bony tissues were found in the control group.


Through upregulating the production of MMPs in deciduas and chorionic villi, the upregulation of the expression of EMMPRIN in syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast column of the villi in the threatened abortion can degenerate deciduas and denudates embryo.


However, another investigation12 using the immunolocalization of MMP1, MMP2, MMP9, and MMP14 (MMP14 is a membrane-bound MMP) showed elevated levels of MMP2 and MMP14 in macrophages, as well as in the type II cells and fibroblasts, in emphysematous, compared to nonemphysematous, tissue.

但是在另一项对MMP 1,MMP 2和MMP 14(MMP 14 为有膜MMP)的免疫定位的研究中发现,气肿性组织较非气肿性组织而言,巨噬细胞中的MMP 2与MMP 14水平有升高,II型细胞和层纤维细胞亦如此现象。

Fibroplastic proliferation was observed at 14th days and later.


The digestion process includes the following steps: adding 0.15 % concentration collagenase II solution compounded with DMEM into blood vessel smooth muscle tissue block and acting in water bath for 1.5 hr until forming floccular tissue; cleaning with 0.02 % EDTA solution, adding 0.125 % trypsase solution and water bath vibrating to digest at 37 deg.c to obtain dispersed smooth muscle cells; terminating enzyme action with 10 % new born ox serum culture liquid; regulating cell concentration with 20 % new born ox serum culture liquid to 50,000-500,000/L, inoculation, and culturing in culture tank with 5 % CO2 and first 37 deg.c to cell fusion of 70-80 %; and subculturing conventionally.


Results The results showed that the number of mast cells around the periphery of gingival cancer tissue increased significantly.

结果 在牙龈癌周围组织中肥大细胞显著增多,在组织化学上与正常牙龈组织的肥大细胞不同,不含肝素。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
