英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The method uses groovy histology and immunity to organize chemical technology, observation mars agent 6- hydroxide via celiac inject sympathetic much cling to small rat small intestine is epithelial after amine the amount of endolymph cell, cup shape cell, IgA+ oar cell, corpulent cell distributings change.

概要: 目的探究交感神经对肠道黏膜屏障的调节功能。方法采用常规组织学和免疫组织化学技术,观察经腹腔注射交感神经损毁剂6-羟多巴胺后小鼠小肠上皮内淋巴细胞、杯状细胞、IgA+浆细胞、肥大细胞的数量分布变化。

All the patients had mucocutaneous pigmentation, gastrointestinal polyps, abdominal pain, anemia, and so on. All the patients were examined by endoscopy, polyps were removed by electrocautery snear under endoscopes, and 3 cases underwent enterotomy operation because of intestinal obstruction and intussusception.


Description: The bioactive factors can rapidly eliminate allergy, soothe the skin, improve the immunity of skin, repair damaged skin, promote the collagen synthesis of fibrocyte of skin tissue, improve the blood circulation of skin tissue, and reduce the release of cell histamine of skin. They have the efficacy of desensitization, can replenish water and nutrients, and add a natural barrier to sensitive skin.


The goal is to simplify the neural-computing of biovision process modeled inthe Boundary Contour System of FACADE theory, and to extract subjective contour in.a new way. The procedure consists of DOG filtering, cooperative filtering,post-processing of cooperative cues and regrouping of endpoints, corresponding to theoriented edge filtering by simple cells, cooperative filtering by bipole cells and end-stopeffect formulated by hypercomplex cells in biovision system respectively. The last oneis an algorithm based on connection relation graph, which judges whether two keypoints should be connected according to their positions and orientations and thenconnect the key points that Should be connected to complete the subjective contour.


Purposes: To observe intakes of 〓p-sodium-orthophosphate and 〓P-chromium- orthophosphate at various concentrations by brain gliomas cell; To make thorough inquiry of the inhibition to the SHG44 cell by 〓P-sodium-orthophosphate and 〓P-chromium-orthophosphate at various concentrations; To find out the regularities about the accumulation and elimination in the major organs of rats after inter-brain injection with 〓P-sodium-orthophosphate and 〓P-chromic-orthophosphate; To investigate the therapeutic effects of intert-injection with 〓p-chromium-orthophosphate on the neoplasia transplanted in the brain and hypoderma; To estimate the absorbed dose of the neoplasia body in rats after internal radiation; To study the pathological changes in the rat cells and tissues caused by the radiation exposure from 〓p.


The lignification of bamboo stem were studied by means of light microscope and Transmission electron microscope coupled with histochemical and cytochemical methods.


Another important yet little-appreciated cause of anticancer drug resistance is the limited ability of drugs to penetrate tumor tissue and to reach all of the tumor cells in a potentially lethal concentration. To reach all viable cells in the tumor, anticancer drugs must be delivered efficiently through the tumor vasculature, cross the vessel wall, and traverse the tumor tissue.


Pathology and ultrastructure detection revealed cell necrosis and collapse, sever nuclear damage was observed in the death cells. The early characteristics of necrosis such as margination of heterochromatin was also found in some tumor cells. Besides, well differentiated tumor cells, degenerative tumor cells and some lymphocytes were seen.


Methods: The expression of EOMES gene, ETS-1 gene and MEF (myeloid Elf-1 like factor) gene in 25 cases of N-NK/T-L and 25 control cases including 11 cases of B cell lymphoma (BCL, 6 cases of T cell lymphoma, 3 cases of normal spleen, 5 cases of chronic nasopharyngitis were detected by tissue microarray and in situ hybridization.


The results are as follows:(1) The morphological investigation indicated that the nectaries werelacked on the main nervation, calyx and bract of cotton line 97014 comparedwith TM-1. Alveolate hollow was absent at main nervation of the mature leaf.Results of cytological analysis showed that 97014 lacked nectariferous structure.Where nectary inserted were parenchyma cells, cupped structure and brownnectariferous substance on the lower epidermis were not found.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
