英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the process of long-time adaptive evolution, wetland plants adopted a series of special strategies to acclimate to salt stress. The main strategies are: 1 life history adjustment, e. g., to adjust seed germination time, implement seed dormancy and viviparity, and change reproductive manner to escape from direct salt stress, 2 morphological adjustment, e. g., to adjust biomass allocation pattern, age stem, defoliate, and carnify vegetative organs to isolate the redundant Na(superscript +) to the inactive-metabolism shoots or exclude the Na(superscript +)from tissues; 3 anatomic adjustment, e. g., to sink stoma, develop aerenchyma, and thicken cuticle and phellogen to maintain normal photosynthesis and respiration; 4 physiological and biochemical adjustment, e. g., to exclude and excrete salt, compartmentalize ions, adjust osmosis, do selective absorption, regulate hormones, and induce antioxidative enzymes to maintain the osmotic equilibrium and eliminate the active oxygen in cell; and 5 molecular level adjustment, e. g., to start up many salt-induced genes to regulate the metabolic responses to salt stress.


The results showed that compared with soil culture, the root cap was not obvious with less amyloplast and polysaccharose substance under water culture. The root epidermis under water culture was thinner than that of soil culture, with little root hair or not, in which cortex parenchyma tissue developed with big cell, solution proliferative aerenchyma in intercellular space, and thin cell wall. However, the root cap under soil culture was big, with strong PAS reaction and no aerenchyma tissue.


Abstract] objective to study the pathological features and histopathological type and differential diagnosis of hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia.methods the clinicopathological characteristics of 40 cases of fnh were studied.all were evaluted by use of paraffin embedded sections and he staining before light microcope observation.results there were 28 females and 12 males fnh patients whose age were from 16 to 62 years(median 41.3),all alpha-fetoprotein was negative and had no hepatitis history.25 cases were classic type showed characteristic central stellate fibrotic scar,composed of fibrous connestive tissue and tortuous blood vessels.8 cases were telangiectic type,the left were mixed type and adenomatoid type.conclusion fnh is a reactive proliferation of hepatic cells to local blood vessel anomalies,it is not realy a tumor.its differential diagnosis includes hepatic adenomatous hyperplasia nodule,hepatic anaplasia nodular hyperplasia,fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatocellular adenoma.

目的 探讨肝局灶性结节性增生的病理形态特点、组织分型及鉴别诊断。方法分析40例肝局灶性结节性增生的临床资料,并采用石蜡包埋he染色光镜下观察其组织学特点。结果 40例肝局灶性结节性增生患者中,女28例,男12例,年龄18~62岁,平均年龄41.3岁,所有病例术前均无肝炎病史,甲胎蛋白阴性,组织学上25例为经典型,有特征性的中央纤维瘢痕,由纤维结缔组织及扭曲血管组成。8例为毛细血管扩张型,其余为混合型及腺瘤样增生型。结论肝结节性增生是一种肝细胞对局部血管的异常反应性增生,并非真性肿瘤,主要与肝腺瘤样增生性结节、肝间变性结节状增生、肝纤维板层癌及肝细胞腺瘤鉴别。

METHODS: Autologous whole blood was injected into the vitreous cavity of albino rabbits after canalization, thus induced experimental PVR model. Concentration of PDGF.


In recent years,masenchymal stem cells have been applied in cartilage tissue engineering and they have shown significant potenital for carriage repair in animal models,and are being used as an ideal cell source in cartilage tissue engineering.


Then the intracellular calcium concentration of neurons was measured by laser confocal scanning microscope , represented by the mean intracellular fluorescent intensity. On the ice, the cerebral cortical tissue at the infarction margin of the section after optic chiasm was rapidly dissociated about 100mg, then made into brain homogenate in low temperature. The high performance liquid chromatography was used to determine the Glu, Asp and Gly contents in homogenized brain tissue.


In addition, using RT-PCR to detect expression of centrin homogene during Urechis unicinctus spermatid deferentiation and early embryonic development. The result revealed that (1) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during spermatid defferentiation including spermtid and sperm, but not in adult tissues including body wall tissue,intestinal mucous memberane cells and cell in coelom succus;(2) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is not present in unfertilized oocytes but present in that of released polar bodies after fertilization and parthenogenesis oocytes treated with A23187;(3) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during early embryonic development including two-cell stage,multicell stage,gastrula to trochophora.


Then we hypothesize that mesenchyma stem cells from DAC are heterology,which have the potential ability to regenerate root/periodontal complex structures as a new kind of seed cells. Therefore, this study focuses on characteristics of the mesenchyma stem cells at tooth root developing stage and the evaluation of the possibility of being seeds cells.


Six days after inoculation, the cucumber root tip was slightly swollen and symmetrical root-knots were observed at the meristematic and elongation zones. Giant cells were differentiated by previous cambium cells in the center of the root; 10days after inoculation, symmetrical and secondary root-knots were observed at the root hair and upper zones. Vessels were separated by giant cells, around which protoxylem vessels were observed; l6days after inoculation, hypo-vascular tissue appeared earlier than normal; 20-30 days after inoculation, the vertical arrangement of vessels was disordered, shape was distorted and a new vascular tissue appeared in the cortex.

结果显示:接种后6 d的根尖分生区、伸长区出现膨大、对称的根结,根中心的原形成层细胞分化出巨型细胞;10 d在根毛区及以上部位出现既有对称又有偏于一侧的根结,周围有原生木质部导管出现,根结中巨型细胞阻断了导管;16 d次生维管组织提早出现;20~30 d导管纵向排列无序,形状扭曲,皮层中有新维管组织产生。

Results VEGF and PLGF were mainly expressed in trophoblast, next in decidua and endothelial cells, and also in stroma.

结果 各组孕妇胎盘组织中的VEGF和PLGF主要分布于滋养叶细胞,其次是蜕膜组织,绒毛血管内皮细胞和部分间质细胞也有表达。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
