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与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that it adapted to saltmorphic circumstances through the following characters: A lot of aerenchyma existed in the vegetative organs;Phellem highly expanded in roots;thick cuticula;more mucilage cells and aleurone grains in parenchyma of roots and stems;A lot of water storing...


F. bidentis leaf was of isobilateral type, and had thicker epidermis cell wall and cuticle, obvious cryptopores, and highly developed palisade tissue, with typical C4-plant Kranz anatomy. The collenchymas and vascular tissue in stem and the aerenchyma in root were well developed. Secretory structure was found in all vegetative organs. According to the analyses of soil physical and chemical properties and relevant ecological factors, F.


To investigate whether the expression of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in spermatogenic cells during spermatogenesis is actually a temperature dependent event, in situ hybridization, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry analysis were used to study the expression of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in normal and cryptorchid testis. Results showed that heat would differentially hurt male germ cells in different developmental stages during spermatogenesis, especially the pachytene primary spermatocytes. Most of spermatogonia in contralateral cryptorchid testis were not harmed fatally by heat as yet, indicating that spermatogonia could resist to beat to a certain extent. In this case spermatogonia could develop to pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes, but they could not acquire the ability to complete the transition from mitosis to meiosis, and then appeared to go through apoptosis. Therefore, we could not find the descendants of meiosis: secondary spermatocytes and round spermatids, elongated spermatids and spermatozoon. The abdominal temperature had no significant influence on the transcription of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in the spermatogonia and pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes. In normal rabbit testis, cyclin B1 increased in the pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes before meiosis and reached its peak in the spermatids.

为了解精子正常发生过程中cdc2和cyclin B1表达的低温依赖性,我们利用原位杂交和免疫组化等方法,研究了正常和隐睾精子发生过程中cdc2和cyclin B1的转录和翻译调控活动,结果表明:(1)热对各阶段的雄性生殖细胞都有损害,粗线期的初级精母细胞尤为敏感,实验性隐睾内的精原细胞尚未完全受到"致命"影响,说明精原细胞对热有一定的耐受性,但即使成为粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞,却未能获得由有丝分裂过渡到减数分裂的能力,呈现不同程度的凋亡,所以在整个切片中找不到源自减数分裂的产物----次级精母细胞、圆形精子细胞,更谈不上长形精子细胞和精子的形成;(2)腹腔高温未明显地影响隐睾精原细胞和粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞中cyclinB1和cdc2的转录,说明高温并不是通过影响cyclin B1和cdc2的转录活动而导致生精过程阻断的;(3)正常兔睾丸组织中,〓在精原细胞和粗线期/双线期精母细胞中均有表达:cyclin B1蛋白在减数分裂前期的粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞中的表达量增加,于变态末期的精子细胞中达高峰。

Decidual tissue is a very complex and highly concordant tiny environment between mother and embryo during pregnancy, which is constituted of the variety cells such as extravi11ous trophoblast,endometrium cells, bone marrow cells, decidua l microphage,T cells and a few B cells and so on.

正常蜕膜组织是母-胎界面间一个非常复杂而又高度协调的微环境,它由多种细胞如侵袭至蜕膜的绒毛外滋养细胞(extravi11ous trophoblast,EVT)、子宫内膜源性细胞(如上皮细胞和血管内皮细胞)、骨髓源性细胞(如大颗粒淋巴细胞、蜕膜巨噬细胞、T细胞和少许B细胞)构成,这些细胞以及由这些细胞、母体和胎儿所分泌到蜕膜的细胞因子共同形成了母-胎间信息交流的平台,并对胚胎滋养细胞"有控性"侵袭、子宫内膜的免疫容受性、蜕膜化和胎盘的形成进行精细的调控。

The study showed the recombinant wt/mCREG protein depressed the VSMC proliferation depending on dose and the optimal concentration was 400nM;2biologic function of CREG protein and the membrance receptor mechanism:①effect on VSMC migration: the wound healing experiment showed the OB2 cells migration was slower significantly after added wt/mCREG(400Nm) in supernatant. The HITASY cells migration were very slowly and no remarkable change. The gelatinase digestion and Western blot analysis showed the matrix metalloproteinase was decreased and TIMPs was increased;②effect on differentiation: after added wt/mCREG(400nM), the expression of myocardin, SMα-actin, MHC and caldesmin were increased and that of LM-1 and FN were decreased in OB2 cells. These effects were more significant when adding wtCREG.;③effect on VSMC proliferation: Cell cycle assay and BrDU stain showed: after added the wtCREG and mCREG protein, the ratio of cell in G0/G1 phase increased to 0.5773 and 0.5572 from 0.5308 respectively in OB2 group, which increased to 0.7369 and 0.7034 respectively from 0.6297 in HITASY group;3Role of M6P/IGF2R in CREG biologic function:①ELISA and co-immunoprecipitation showed the wt/mCREG binding to M6P/IGF2R directly.②antibody blocking test: when the anti-IGF2R was added to medium at the same time with wt/mCREG at different concentration(2μg/mL、4μg/mL、8μg/mL),the effects of CREG protein which depressing proliferation, migration, secretion and promoting differentiation were blocked, which had the positive correlation to the concentration of added anti body. The studies showed two combinant CREG promoted VSMC switch to differentiation phaenotype, at the same time, depress VSMC proliferation, migration and secreting extracellular matrix.

上述实验结果证实:两种重组CREG蛋白对VSMC增殖均有剂量依赖性的抑制作用,并且相同浓度的糖基化的CREG蛋白对细胞增殖的抑制效应更为显著,最佳效应浓度为400nM;2两种重组CREG蛋白添加后对HITASY和OB2细胞生物学行为的影响:①CREG蛋白对VSMC迁移的影响:刮伤实验发现,加入最佳效应浓度的wtCREG和mCREG蛋白24h后,OB2组迁移能力下降,HITASY组无明显变化;细胞外基质金属蛋白酶-2,9(Matrix metallo-proteinase 2,9,MMP2 ,9)明胶酶电泳检测和Western blot检测结果证实,两种CREG蛋白均可以使OB2细胞合成细胞外基质MMP2,9减少,而组织金属蛋白酶抑制物(Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases,TIMPs)增加;②CREG蛋白对VSMC分化的影响:加入400nM的wtCREG和mCREG蛋白12h后,OB2细胞myocardin、SMα-actin、MHC、caldesmin表达增加,LM-1、FN表达减少;③流式细胞仪分析细胞周期和BrDU染色分析证实,加入400nM的wtCREG和mCREG蛋白后,OB2组G0/G1期细胞由0.5308分别增加至0.5773和0.5572,HITASY组G0/G1期细胞由0.6297分别增加至0.7369和0.7034;3M6P/IGF2R在重组CREG蛋白的生物学功能中的调控作用:①免疫共沉淀和免疫荧光双染色分析结果显示,CREG蛋白与M6P/IGF2R存在直接结合;②应用抗体阻断实验:将不同浓度的anti- M6P/IGF2R(2、4、8μg /mL)与两种CREG蛋白同时加入培养液中,CREG蛋白抑制VSMC增值、迁移和合成细胞外基质、促进分化的效应减弱,而且与加入anti- M6P/IGF2R浓度正相关。

Fig.1 SHEE cultured on coverslide, the living cells were growing in single layer with rich cytoplasm, the nuclei were uniform in size with a nucleolus ph ×400 Fig.2 SHEE had a nucleus with ellipse shape, large nucleolus and the cytoplasm contained mitochondria and tonofibrilEM ×10 000 Fig.3 SHEE was spherical in shape, with pseudopods attached on petri dish and abundant villi on cell surface SEM ×5 000 Fig.4 Same as in Fig.3, cell attached on petri dish, appeared stellate or polygonal in shape, with abundant pseudopods and cytoplasmic processes. Protrusive nuclear region in central part of the cell had more micro-villi SEM ×5 000 Fig.5 Chromosomes of SHEE cells belonged to diploidy type Giemsa ×1 000 Fig.6 The SHEE cells of stained in dark brown by Ki67 immunohistochemistry were the proliferative cells Immunohistochemistry ×400 Fig.7 In SHEE cell culture, the nucleus stained red or pink by PI was dead cell, the green nucleus was living cell Fluorescent ×400 Fig.8 The cell labeled by TdT was apoptotic cell in which the chromatin of nucleus condensed in block, a pyknotic nucleus in the upper right conner was seen TdT labeled ×400

图1 SHEE培养在盖坡片上,活细胞单层生长,胞浆较丰富,细胞核大小一致,有核仁×400 图2 SHEE培养细胞细胞核椭圆形,核仁较大,胞浆有较丰富的线粒体和张力原纤维EM ×10 000 图3 SHEE细胞呈球状,有伪足贴壁,表面有密集微绒毛SEM ×5 000 图4 同上细胞贴壁,呈星状或多角形,有丰富伪足和胞浆突,核区隆起有较多微绒毛SEM ×5 000 图5 SHEE细胞染色体仍属二倍体Giemsa染色×1 000 图6 SHEE细胞Ki67免疫组织化学染棕黄色为增殖细胞×400 图7 SHEE培养细胞出现死细胞,胞核和胞浆PI染色呈红色或淡红色,蓝色细胞核为活细胞荧光显微镜×400 图8 细胞TdT标记阳性为凋亡细胞,染色质凝集呈块状,右上角有一固缩细胞核TdT标记×400

As for the transverse section of leaf,oil cells distribute in all mesophyll in some species, in the spongy parenchyma between palisade and spongy parenchyma in some species, and only in palisade parenchyma in some other species.


Results SDF-1/CXCR4 was present in the basal epithelial cells of normal conjunctiva. Of 20 pterygia cases, 17 expressed SDF-1/CXCR4 in the full thickness of the epithelium and CXCR4 was also found in the inflamed cells and vascular endothelial cells in the tissues; 3 primary pterygium cases showed the same staining pattern as that in normal conjunctiva.

结果 在正常结膜组织中SDF-1/CXCR4仅表达于基底部上皮细胞;胬肉组织中有17例,全层上皮细胞均有SDF-1/CXCR4的表达,胬肉基质层中浸润的炎性细胞、血管内皮细胞均有CXCR4的蛋白表达;3例初发性翼状胬肉表达方式与正常结膜相似。

A cell is not just a well-mixed container of chemicals, but an extremely intricate system of membranes, vesicles and signaling pathways. Although a number of milestones have been built though endeavor for over a century, much is still left to discover about the spatial organization and mobility of macro-molecules (such as proteins, protein complexes, nucleic acids, signaling substances, etc.) in cells, and the spatial relationships between cells in tissues.


CGRP content in myocardium gradually enhanced from normal group to controls group, and model group's was the highest. We found immunopositive neurons and nerve fibers of nNOS and CGRP by immunochemistry in normal myocardium. They were mainly round-shaped and oval-shaped, also tadpole-shaped、 shuttle-shaped、triangle-shaped、ring-shaped and irregular-shaped. Nv of neurons and nerve fibers in atria were more than in ventricle in some degree; Those in right part of heart were more than in left. Morphology of CGRP neurons changed in model group, the number of ring-shaped neurons increasing, while the round-shaped and oval-shaped decreasing, and Nv and Sv of model group were markedly less than normal. Expression of nNOS mRNA was overly higher than normal group, but CGRP was opposite.

心肌组织CGRP的含量由正常组、实验对照组至CHF组逐渐升高,差异显著;免疫组化研究表明心肌组织中存在nNOS和CGRP免疫阳性神经细胞及纤维,细胞形态多样,正常多以圆形和椭圆形为主,还有梭形、蝌蚪形、三角形、指环形及不规则形,细胞密度心房高于心室,右心高于左心;CHF组CGRP神经细胞形态有一定改变,淡染的指环形细胞增多,而深染圆形或椭圆形细胞减少,其面、数密度均明显低于正常组,差异显著;用RT-PCR测得CHF组nNOS mRNA极度表达,显著高于正常组,而CGRP表达明显低于正常组。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
