英语人>网络例句>组织细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 组织细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Subsequently, the tapetum cell began to disorganize, and it kept the strongest Ca^2+ fluorescence intensity from microspore to pollen maturity until the tapetum was disappeared completely.


But in 2007, scientists made a revolutionary breakthrough. Three different groups simultaneously announced that they had converted unipotent, mature skin cells back into an undifferentiated state. In other words, they had created cells that behaved like embryonic stem cells without using any embryo derived materials. These new cells, dubbed "induced pluripotent stem cells" or IPS's could then be converted into a variety of different cell types, such as pancreas, muscle or brain cells. The IPS's were created by inserting certain genes into the DNA of the adult cells.


Tumor cells grew actively in the tumor tissues of the control group. Prodrug therapy group: small amount of tumor cells were denatured vacuously,others were infiltrated by lympholeukocyte,and the growth of tumor cells were surspressed.Prodrug themochemotherapy group: what we can see that tumor cells were denatured vacuously, mesoplasts crinkled, cellular boundary disappered, only a small number of tumor cells remained, fibroblast were seen scatteredly, tumor cells were invaded by a lot of lympholeukocyte and eosinophilic granulocyte. Normal liver tissues, stomach tissues, lung tissues, pancreas tissues, small intestine tissues, large intestine tissues showed normal shape.


Get high purity DCs by Cultured plastic-adherent monocytes isolated from healthy human peripheral blood with GM-CSF and IL-4 for 7 days. To observe the morphology of DCs by inverted phase contrast microscope ,electron microscope and laser confocal microscope. Analyse phenotype of DCs with flow cytometry. Investigate the endocytosis ability of DCs as a group by Horseradish peroxidase endocytosis assay. To appraise allogeneic mixed lymphocytes reaction of DCs by MTT reduction assay. Analyse the levels of IL-12 and TNF in liquids of cultured medium by ELISA and MTT reduction assay respectively. Soluble antigens of HCCs was obtained by 3 freeze-and-thaw cycles. Biological characteristics of HC soluble antigens pulsed DCs were monitored by flow cytometry. According to MTT reduction assay estimated the cell proliferation of self lymphocytes activated by HC antigens pulsed DCs. Get high purity BCG HSP 70 protein by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and determined its biological activity with ELISA. Analyse phenotype of antigen pulsed DCs primed by BCG HSP70 with flow cytometry. By MTT reduction assay estimated the cell proliferation of self lymphocytes and the MLR of DC based vaccine. Analyse expression of HLA-DR molecule on surface of HCC lines. The IFN-γ mRNA in lymphocytes after actived by DC vaccine and the Fas-L expression on DC and DC vaccine primed lymphocytes were detected by in situ hybridization and flow cytometry respectively. Specific cytotoxity lysis of T lymphocytes and nonspecific inhibition of liquids in culture medium against HCC lines were also tested. Detect expression of hAFP on four HCC lines with Cell-ELISA. Induce apoptosis of HCCs with actinomycin-D. Interaction of DCs and apoptotic cells was observed under transmission electron microscope. Growth inhibition test of DC against HCC lines was also performed. Establish the nude mouse model bearing human HC xenografts and indentify the characteristic of tumour by histochemistry and immunohistochemistry techniques. Prevent and treat transplanted human HC on nude mouse with Freezing and anabiotic HC specific lymphocytes.

用GM-CSF和IL-4从健康人外周血诱导DC;分别用倒置相差显微镜、电子显微镜及激光共聚焦显微镜观察DC形态;流式细胞术检测DC表型;HRP吞噬实验测定DC的群体内吞能力;MTT法检测同种异体混合淋巴细胞反应;ELISA法和MTT法分别测定DC培养上清液中IL-12和TNF水平;冻融法制备肝癌细胞可溶性抗原;流式细胞术检测负载肝癌可溶性抗原后DC的生物学特性;MTT法检测DC负载肝癌抗原后对自身淋巴细胞增殖的影响;SDS-PAGE制备电泳纯化BCG HSP70并鉴定纯度,ELISA测定活性;流式细胞术检测负载抗原DC经BCGHSP 70活化后的表型;MTT法检测肝癌DC疫苗对自身淋巴细胞增殖的影响和混合淋巴细胞反应;流式细胞术检测肝癌细胞表面HLA-DR表达;MTT法检测肝癌DC疫苗对自身淋巴细胞的活化;原位杂交法检测肝癌DC疫苗活化后的淋巴细胞IFN-γmRNA表达;流式细胞术检测DC和肝癌DC疫苗活化后淋巴细胞表面Fas-L;MTT法分别检测肝癌DC疫苗活化的淋巴细胞和其培养上清对肝癌细胞的特异性杀伤和非特异性抑制作用;Cell-ELISA检测人肝癌细胞hAFP表达;MTT法检测负载AFP表位肽和凋亡肝癌细胞DC对自身淋巴细胞增殖的影响;ELISA法和MTT法分别测定活化后淋巴细胞培养上清中TNF和IL-12水平;肝癌细胞凋亡的诱导和检测;DC吞噬凋亡肝癌细胞后的电子显微镜观察;DC对肝癌细胞的生长抑制试验;人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤动物模型的建立及其组织学和免疫组织化学鉴定;DC及肝癌特异性淋巴细胞预防和治疗人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤;冻存和复苏后的肝癌特异性淋巴细胞预防和治疗人肝癌裸鼠皮下移植瘤。

Results: IL-8 protein was located in the epithelium of viii. The expression of IL-8 was significantly increased in RSA group than that in the control group. Positive IL-8 cells was shown in decidua of RSA group, and its IL-8 level was higher than that in the control group. By hematoxylin-eosin staining. trophoblastic layer was found to get thinner, cells of trophoblastic layer denatured or necrotized, and turned acidophily, and the fibration of villous axis increased in RSA; decidual cells lost connection, a part of decidual cells appeared cytoclasis and turned more acidophilic, and nuclei disappeared in RSA.


The biomechanical tests showed that two kinds of artificial bones had not significant difference on compressive strength and Young\'s modulus(P>0.05),while the flexural strength of nano-nacre artificial bone was less than the control group(P<0.05).3.The results of CCK-8 showed that the difference were not significant in each group,the proliferation of osteoblast reached the peak at the 5th day;7 days after being co-cultured,the total protein content of study group was higher than control group and blank group(P<0.05),while the difference between control group and blank group was not significantP>0.05The difference of alkaline phosphatase activities among three groups was not significant(P>0.05The SEM view showed that osteoblast attached and grew well in two kinds of artificial bone.4.X-ray photography showed that two kinds of powder started to degrade in 2 weeks;this phenomenon became more appear in 4 weeks,nano-nacre powder degraded faster than micron-nacre powder,while the hole shadow was easy to be found;in 8 weeks,all the femoral holes recovered and returned to normal bone mineral density in all groups.Analysis of tetracycline fluorescent double marks in the hard tissue grinding slices indicated that new bone grew fastest around the bone defect area in study group,while most slowly in blank groupP<0.05 SEM(scanning electron microscope observation showed that nano-nacre powder degraded more quickly.The same result can be found through the demineralized sections morphometric analysis,and both of the composite artificial bones made from those two kinds of nacre powder had the good connection with the adjacent tissue in rats body without apparent inflammatory response.5.X-ray photography showed that rabbit\'s bone defects healed faster in study group since NNAB implanted than in control group since MNAB implanted.At 24 weeks after operation,bone density in radial defects had nearly accessed to the normal area,while lower in control group,and turned up nonunion in blank group;The checking of BMD showed that results in study group were higher than those in control group at 8,16 and 24 week(P<0.05), and the difference between the BMD values in study group at 24 week and those in blank group was not significant(P>0.05).The gross specimens showed satisfactory histocompatibility both in study group and in control group,with bone tissue growing from two sides into the center of implanted materials; Normal slices in HE stain and hard tissue grinding slices in Stevenel\'s blue/Van Geison\'s picro-fuchsin stain showed that the bone growth tendency was better in study group than that in control group,and the medullary cavity had been penetrated to the implanted materials in study group at 24 week;Analysis of tetracycline fluorescent double marks in the hard tissue grinding slices indicated that new bone in both groups grew fastest 8 weeks after surgery,while slow down at 16 week.

纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨与微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨分别与成骨细胞共培养后,其各时间点CCK-8法检测值与空白对照无显著差异(P>0.05),成骨细胞均在第5天达到增殖高峰期;培养7天后,实验组细胞蛋白含量高于对照组及空白组(P<0.05),后两者之间则无显著差异P>0.05碱性磷酸酶活性在三组间均无显著差异(P>0.05电镜下可见成骨细胞在两种人工骨上都有良好生长贴附能力。4.X-ray显示两种粉体在大鼠股骨骨洞植入第2周时都开始出现了降解,第4周时更为明显,纳米珍珠层粉较之微米珍珠层粉降解更快,而空白对照组骨洞阴影仍可见,至8周时,则所有组骨洞均己闭合修复,X-ray下已不可见原钻孔痕迹,恢复正常骨质密度;硬组织磨片四环素荧光双标记结果显示纳米珍珠层粉植入组较其余两组在骨缺损区周围新骨生长速度更快,空白组速度最慢P<0.05电镜观察及常规脱钙切片亦可见到纳米粉体降解较快;由以上两种原材料制得的纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨与微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨在大鼠体内均与周围组织结合良好,无明显炎症反应。5.X-ray显示纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨植入兔桡骨缺损区后其骨愈合速度较对照组微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨植入的快,至植入术后24周,实验组骨缺损区接近正常骨密度,对照组骨缺损区密度较低,空白组则呈现骨不连状态;骨密度测量结果显示术后8周、16周、24周实验组的骨密度值高于对照组(P<0.05,24周实验组的骨密度值与术前所测得的正常值无显著性差异P>0.05动物取材大体所见均显示组织相容性良好,骨组织逐渐由植入材料两端向中央生长;常规切片HE染色及硬组织磨片Stevenel\'s blue/Van Geison\'s picro-fuchsin联合染色均可见实验组骨缺损区长势优于对照组,至术后24周,实验组骨髓腔与材料已呈相交通状;硬组织磨片荧光显微镜下观察,两组材料在术后8周处于骨生长最快速时期,16周时速度开始减慢,术后4、8、16周时实验组的新骨生长速度均较对照组的快

The present study employed synchrotron-based infrared microspectroscopy to establish the correlation of kinetic physisorption between wax molecules and oral cavity cells/ tissues for diagnosing oral cavity cancer. The absorbance of v CH2 and v CH2 of waxed sample in the spectral range of 3000-2800 cm^(-1) enabled to be a signpost of wax remained onto the cells or tissues during the kinetic dewaxing procedures.


We found that 1 mutant EG4 cells showed typical characteristics of pluripotent stem cells which had no obvious difference with wild cells; 2 When induced by 10〓 M retinoic acid , mutant EG4 cells differentiated into adipocytes with high frequency compared with mutant cells, suggested that EGFR plays a role in adipocyte differentiation; 3 when injected into nude mice, mutant teratocarcinomas contained a large amount of connective tissues as well as skeletal muscle, while wild EG4 cells produced frequently cartilage, keratinocyte and neuroepithelium.

我们建立了稳定表达胞内区功能缺失的外源EGFR cDNA片段的EG4细胞,分析其生长分化特性,发现 1)突变型细胞可在未分化状态下维持长时间的增殖,表明EGFR对EG多能干细胞表型无明显影响;2)〓 M的维甲酸A(retinoid acid A,RA)诱导后,大部分对照组细胞分化为脂肪细胞,而突变型细胞分化为脂肪细胞的比例明显较少,表明EGFR在脂肪细胞的发育分化中具有一定的调节作用;3)畸胎瘤切片分析显示,突变型瘤组织分布有大量的未分化细胞和结缔组织,分化细胞以肌肉细胞为主;对照组瘤组织含丰富的角质上皮、软骨、神经管等依赖EGFR的分化组织。

At postnatal 1st week immunopositive reaction of NGF was detected mainly in sustentacular cells and the spermatogonia also showed positive staining. NGF positive staining in the testes was observed in interstitial cells, spermatogenetic cells, sustentacular cells and Leydig cells at 3rd week. After the postnatal 5th week, NGF-positive immunostaining was also detected in intersitial cells and spermatogenetic cells, but the intensity of reaction was weaker than that at 1st and 3rd weeks.


objective:to investigate the expression and significance of rb in the occurrence, development and regression of infantile hemangiomas.methods:the expression of rb was examined in the proliferative stage and catagen of human hemangiomas and normal skin tissues by using immunohistochemical technique.immunohistochemical technique for factorⅷ-related antigen was used to prove that the cells which expressed rb were endothelium.image analysis system was applied to measure the expression level of rb at different stages of hemangiomas and in normal skin tissues.results:the expression of rb was significantly lower in proliferating hemangiomas than that in involuting hemangomas(p.05).conclusion:rb might play an important role in the regression of human hemangioma endothelial cells and anti-angiogenesis.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
