英语人>网络例句>纯净 相关的搜索结果


与 纯净 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To have discarded, as I believe, all usual frailties , to have become incapable of envy, ambition, malice, the desire to score off my neighbour, to enjoy this purification even as I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of the water.


Can you remember, the watercolor days that we have ever had?


According to Ryback, the one book among Hitler's extant prison readings that left a noticeable intellectual footprint in 'Mein Kampf' is a well-thumbed copy of 'Racial Typology of the German People,' by Hans F.

这本书的作者是汉斯。古恩特( Hans F.K.Gunther,他因其极端的种族纯净论被人称做:"种族古恩特"。

Visit Whitsunday Island and walk the pure white, silica sands of Whitehaven Beach.


It is known that They wrought Azeroth from pure chaos and formed it into the world it is today.


The Chengzihe Formation in Zhangxin area of Jixi basin,Heilongjiang Province is intruded by the algorite sill. The mafic rocks are pure, porphyritic and contain no xenolith.


It includes the following steps: extract trivalent iron ion and divalent iron ion in water phase through organic extractant, get predecessor of; absterge it with secondary distilled water for2-3 times and get pure load metal predecessor of organic phase; mix organic phase of Mg2 and Fe3 with mol rate of 1:2 and introduce them into autoclave, add distilled water according to the rate of 3:1 or 4:1 of organic phase and water phase and airproof it, and then mix it fiercely, stripping with hydrothermal method at temperature between 200 degree C and 300 degree C and make them react for 2.5 hours; cool it to the room temperature under natural condition, separate liquid and centrifugalize it, absterge it with absolute alcohol for 2-3 times and dry it at temperature of 50 degree C for 30-180 minutes, then get product of magnesium ferrite.

包括如下步骤:通过有机萃取剂来萃取水相中的三价铁离子和二价镁离子,制得有机相前驱物;用二次蒸馏水洗涤2-3次,获得纯净的负载金属有机相前驱物;按照Mg 2 和Fe 3 摩尔比1∶2将有机相混合均匀后引入高压釜中,按照有机相与水相的比例为3∶1或4∶1加入蒸馏水,密封后,对溶液进行强力搅拌,水热反萃的温度在200-300℃之间反应2.5小时;自然冷却至室温,分液,离心分离,用无水乙醇洗涤2-3次,在50℃下干燥30-180分钟,得铁酸镁产品。

DESCRIPTION】the ingredients of the product comes from abyssopelagic fishes of special pure and clean sea areas, adopting Limited Enzymic Degraded Technology, a self-owned intellectual property, that is using compound bioenzyme preparations at a low temperature to extract active ingredients through a special low-temperature extraction process and specific sheared protein to ensure the bioactivity of Collagen.

本品原料来自纯净、无污染的特定海域中的深海鱼类,采用具有自主知识产权的限制性酶切制备多肽技术(Limited Enzymic Degraded Technology),在低温下使用复合生物酶制剂,通过特殊低温萃取工艺提取有效成分,通过特异性的剪切蛋白质,保证了胶原蛋白原有的生物活性,并将原分子量为30万左右的胶原蛋白分子降解成3500左右的胶原蛋白多肽(约含30个左右的氨基酸残基),其分子长度降至30—50nm,集中度达到99.5%以上,呈白色或淡黄色,无异味,无杂物,不添加任何激素和化学物质,没有任何毒副作用。

Located in the city's 'Museums Park', and adjoined to the original villa of 1851 by a sheltered walkway, this two – storey pavilion is a pure.

位于city's 'Museums Park'和毗邻对原始的别墅1851年由一个被保护的走道,这二–楼层亭子是纯净的。

I like the snow of whiteness, pureness,coldness and tranquility,like the fresh air atfer snowing.and even more the wander under the sky flying over snow.see the facile and graceful snow in the half sky,i can heard of her dance tone,i can see her aglimmer eyes.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
