英语人>网络例句>约束优化 相关的搜索结果


与 约束优化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The formulation of power system transient stability preventive control based on optimal power flow is presents in this thesis, in which multicontingency is considered. The infinite dimensions nonlinear optimization problem in which differential-algebraic equations are existed is changing into finite dimensions difference-algebraic equations by implicit trapezoid method.


The method of Lagrange multipliers can be used to reduce optimization problems with constraints to unconstrained optimization problems.


The self-adpative trust region method is an effective method for unconstrained optimization problem.


The universal generating function was adapted to analyze the reliability of multi-state system,and the optimal model was solved using genetic algorithm.


The Wolfe gradient and the Rosen projection algorithm are used to solve this model.


The majior contributions are summarized as follows:1. Enhanced the concept of min-max transfer capacity, which is the conservative transfer ability against the optimistic transfer ability that ATC evaluates.2. Constructed a TRM model of bi-level optimization based on leader-follower decision-making model, and an analytic method of computing TRM is proposed. A bi-section search algorithm simplifies and speeds up the calculation.3. Proposed the min-max transfer capability model considering steady voltage stability. The BiGA algorithm used in this model is shown to be robust.


The three-dimensional hybrid layout optimization models with behavioral constraintsare established for packing cuboidal graph elements and cylindrical graph elements into thecuboidal space.


The mathematic model for optimization of the design parameters of cycloidal pump with singularity type of profile was proposed.


By time-varying filtering, we realize the signal selectivity and interference suppression, especially for the signals with time-varying power spectrum. It is shown herein that conventional eigenstructure based methods are lower dimensional special case of the time-frequency subspace fitting method. The closed-form array response estimation algorithms for blind source separation in wireless communication is also developed in the dissertation by exploiting the data structure of second-order statistics of the array output in the presence of multipath. The proposed method achieves array response estimation with little constraint on signal property and propagation environment such as scatters or angular spread. Moreover, the array utilized here can be of arbitrary geometry and even uncalibrated. Since the closed-form solution is obtained, no misconvergency may occur and large amount of computation can be saved. The equivalent feed model and corresponding optimization designation are proposed to realize the downlink multi-user selective transmission. By coherent and non-coherent superposition of the electromagnetical field, multiple beams can be formed using a single array, so that each co-channel user signal is transmitted in each beam and will not interfered with each other. The proposed system scheme implements the digital beamforming and the channel allocation in the base band, therefore is suitable for the utilization of the radio software technology. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model are proved by the RF experiment.

在窄带条件下,GSC-SSF方法还可以提高阵列的虚拟孔径,从而提高估计的性能;可以证明,Cyclic DOA 和SC-SSF方法可看作该方法的特例或近似; 3、提出了二维GSC-SSF方法和宽带谱相关DOA矩阵方法,利用信号的循环平稳特性解决了宽带条件下二维 DOA 估计问题,并具有阵元数少、计算量较小的特点; 4、提出了时频子空间拟合和宽带时频DOA估计算法,将联合时频分析的理论和方法引入到阵列信号的空间谱估计研究中,利用时变滤波实现信号选择性测向和干扰抑制,特别适合于谱时变信号;可以证明传统特征结构法可看作是时频子空间拟合方法的特例; 5、提出了多用户环境下阵列响应的估计方法——CARE方法,该方法对信号结构和传播参数(主要是散射源分布与角度散布)的约束较少,适用于各种几何结构的阵列甚至未校准的阵列,能够直接得到阵列响应的闭式解,因此计算量小、稳健性好,不存在收敛问题; 6、提出了针对多用户下行选择性发送的阵列等效激励模型、优化设计方法及其系统实现方案,通过空间场的相干叠加与非相干叠加使得单一阵列能够形成多个波束,并保证各波束内的用户信号各不相同且相互干扰最小;其系统方案具有在基带实现数字波束成形、信道分配并便于软件无线电实现的特点,其有效性已得到外场实测数据的证实。

The integrative usage of network optimization algorithm, cubic B Spline curve and Genetic Algorithm finds optimal and flyable curve .

考虑导弹飞行特点及机动能力的约束,利用网络优化算法、三次 B-样条曲线以及遗传算法寻找出性能指标最优的可飞行样条曲线;最后根据所求出的最优样条曲线给出导弹航路点。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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