- 与 红色 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Have a flower 8 ~ 10, give birth to inflorescence of form of total account umbrella into the top; Form of bell of corollaceous funnel shape, shallow meat is red, or white, there is gules spot inside the canal.
Paintings in different styles and different genres live and stretch here, with fresh breath, presenting the latest pattern of the booming cotemporary art in China.
By the catalyzed of F3H, F3'H and F3'5'H, the biosynthesis of anthocyanins branched three pathway to form pelargonidin, cyanidin and delphinidin separately. DFR, F3'H and F3'5'H are the most important genes for introducing new metabolic branches by genetic transformation to plants that lack some kinds of flower pigments.
花色素苷的生物合成主要由于F3H,F3'H和F3'5'H三个关键酶的作用形成3个分支,最终分别生成橙色到砖红色的天竺葵素糖苷,红色的矢车菊素糖苷和蓝色到紫色的飞燕草素糖苷,因此, F3'H,F3'5'H和DFR基因是利用遗传转化引入花卉植物原本缺乏的花色代谢途径的关键基因。
Twoanthocyanins ( cyanidin 32O 2glucoside and cyanidin 32O2rutinoside) and three flavonols ( quercetin 32O 2rutino2side, kaempferol 32O 2rutinoside and quercetin aglycone) were detected in the red inner perianths.
The introduction combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine below the experience of enteritis of noxiousness of fine ailment of remedial Tibet mastiff, in order to offer reference. 1 hair sick condition and clinical expression ill dog are 2~4 month more age young dog, majority is come on suddenly, anorexia or abandon absolutely, mental depressed, systemic symptom worsens quickly, produce acuteness sex vomiting and diarrhoea, puke is first feed rotten, afterwards is yellow or olive bubble mucus and hematic type thing, have diarrhoea dung has the sticky stiff thing of grey yellow, turn after for rare dung of effluvial shape of embedded mucous membrane, then shows hematic dysentery, because ill dog is acuteness vomiting and diarrhoea are rapid dehydration, eyeball cave in, temperature is shown two-way and calorific,℃ of the 40~41 at the beginning of disease, 1~2d falls it is normal to come, after 3~4d answer elevatory, die very quickly next, 4~5d of course of diseases, the temperature when on one's deathbed drops more to normal temperature the following. Bottom of stomach of dog of die in one's bed of 2 analyse check has haemorrhage sex inflammation, show cardinal, small intestine mucous membrane falls off, alvine wall attenuates, there is gules mucus inside, mix inside large intestine have show wine blood excrement and urine, there are a lot of haemorrhage places on mucous membrane, haemorrhage of rectum mucous membrane is more, mesentery lymph node enlargement, sometimes afterwards sends intussusception, alvine tangent plane bleeds, cardiac muscle is loose, color becomes weak, cystic plentiful, liver is qualitative fragile and brittle. 3 diagnose 3.1 epidemiology to diagnose this ill much hair at young dog, rather dog of epidemic disease have an inoculation feels the most easily, be affected directly or affect secondhand, basically pass enteron infection, this disease all can happen all the year round, but with cold...
Any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; cultivated as an ornamental.
The results show that the particles in the two phosphor samples are overall spherical-shaped with a mean size of ~300 nm, and their main emission peaks under 147 nm VUV excitation are located at 619 nm. In comparison with Y0.95Eu0.05PO4 phosphor, Y095Eu0.05 (P0.2V0.8)O4 phosphor is a more promising candidate for red-emitting PDP phosphor application due to its higher homochromy and its chromaticity coordinates closer to flammulated chromaticity coordinates (0.67, 0.33) regulated by National Television Standard Committee.
结果表明,制得的Y0.95Eu0.05P(下标 1-xVO4(x:0,0.8)荧光粉的粒径约为300nm,在147nm真空紫外激发下,发射光谱的主峰位于619nm;与Y0.95Eu0.05PO4荧光粉相比,Y0.95Eu0.05(P0.2V0.8)O4具有更好的色纯度,它的色度坐标更接近国际电视标准委员会规定的红色色度坐标(0.67, 0.33),是具有很好应用前景的PDP红色荧光粉。
Bright orange-red with urajiro lending a foxlike appearance to dogs of this color. Clear red preferred but a very slight dash of black tipping is permitted on the back and tail.
Inflorescence forked with a pair of racemelike, helicoidal cymes; perianth segments orange to reddish orange, inner ones usually with purple or reddish orange patches at middle
用总状花序状一对,螺旋状聚伞花序分叉的花序;花被片橙到带红色橙,有紫色或者带红色的橙小块地在中部的内轮通常 5 HEMEROCALLIS fulva 萱草
The decadent curl, the blue color contact lenses, the homochromy is the eye shadow and the eyelash pomade, the red lipstick and the red color jumper, the golden yellow big necklace, the skin color is very white, Europeanizes very much face.
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