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与 红土 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Driving up the mountainous road to the large Druze village of Beit Jann, I hadn't remembered the route as being quite so beautiful -- with knarled olive trees growing in the red soil scattered with white limestone rocks.


Lateritic is develop ed extensively in South China and Palaeoweather of South China was similar to that of Western Australia.


Shewushan is the first lateritic gold mine discovered in China.


In this paper, the main characteristics,commercial evaluation and mine construction program of the first large scale lateritic gold deposit are introduced, thus providing an example for exploration and exploitation of the same kind gold deposit.


In this study, The Taichung lateritic is improved with slag cement and admixtures with fly ash or water glass.


The alternating wet and dry climate and intermittent uplifting of the land, together with the excellent water drainage resulted in abundant lateritic bauxite mineral resources here.


It is indicated that source materials of type of lateritic gold deposit are rich-SiO 2 (quartz, SiO 2),rich-Fe and rich-Au ores or rocks.


In five sample plots respectively in limestone and lateritic gold deposit area,105 specimens of the bryophytes were collected from five limestone sites and five lateritic gold mine si...


Years 9 28, in the color of shares issued on the related party transactions bulletin, bulletin said:"According to a resource block in the first stage of geological work carried out by the result, the block now proven high-quality bauxite resources amounted to 160 million tons (Al2O3 an average grade of 37.91 percent, the average ratio of 12.18 Al-Si), according to China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association in January 2007 issued a "certificate of identification of scientific and technological achievements, Lao province of Champasak帕克松area is Quaternary basalt bauxite LATERITIC Sanshui bauxite weathering crust type, with abundant resources, the exploration and exploitation conditions are better, obviously the characteristics of the anticipated benefits.

二千零七年9 28在对关联方交易的公告已发行股份的颜色,公报说:&据美国地质工作的资源块的第一阶段所进行的结果指出,现在证明块高质量的铝土矿资源达160万吨(氧化铝的百分之37.91,在12.18铝硅平均比例平均成绩),2007年1月根据中国有色金属工业协会发布了科技成果鉴定&证书老挝的占巴塞省帕克松地区第四系玄武岩红土型三水铝土矿风化壳型铝土矿资源丰富,勘探和开采条件,更好,很明显的预期效益的特点。

The existence of dissociative iron oxide cause cementation between grains and it is the important reason of "artificial mealiness" and "artificial grittneess".


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
