英语人>网络例句>系统控制接口 相关的搜索结果


与 系统控制接口 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unlike the actor concept originally proposed by Agha, actors in Ptolemy II do not necessarily associate with their own thread of control and stress concurrency and communicating abstraction.

目前推出的Ptolemy II[3]是Ptolemy项目组研制的第二代产品,它提倡面向角色的设计方法学,角色作为系统的基本组件,不同于Agha原来提出的角色概念,它在角色中不封装任何控制线程,而强调并行和通信抽象,认为时间是首要概念,并通过端口和参数定义的接口通信,而角色间的交互模式由计算模型控制。

Experience in analogue signal processing product design is a must.


Basing on VRML"S own dynamic perception node,realized sorting goods automatically in the high-level shelf, with script and JavaScript programming language that can take control of the moving of the goods and realize sorting electrically, and set the dynamic route of goods sorting. Has used Java language and VRML"S EAI programming connection, programmed with Java Applet that has realized the external control function such as viewpoint exchange and browse mode choosing.and also realizes dynamic revision on some logistics parts. Has given the concrete example for automatically sorting system.

即通过VRML自身的动态感知节点,实现了货物在高层货架中自动拣货;通过script节点和JavaScript脚本编程语言实现了对货物移动的控制以及实现电子拣货等交互,利用Java语言实现了对分拣货物动态路径的设定;通过Java语言和VRML的EAI编程接口,用Java Applet编程使浏览者通过外部控件进行视点切换和浏览方式的选定,并实现了物流设备的动态修改;对自动分拣系统作了具体实例。

LAN was composed of nodes controller based on CAN bus, and master controller could communicate with PC through serial interface. These formed an effective credible control system.


In this paper, dry-type transformers 10kV-circuit the development of a load voltage change-over switch, which uses advanced power electronics and opto-mechatronics technology, with the non-excitation voltage regulating transformer is converted to on-load tap changer functions, solve of the non-excitation voltage transformer without power interruption can not adjust voltage, voltage regulator is not convenient, and the shortcomings in time, and have the best communication interface

本文针对10kV 无励磁干式变压器研制一种有载调压转换开关,它采用先进的电力电子技术和光机电一体化技术,具有把无励磁调压变压器转换为有载调压变压器的功能,彻底解决了无励磁调压变压器不停电不能调整电压、调压不方便和调压不及时的弊病,并具备完善的通信接口,可方便地嵌入配电系统的电压无功控制和电力监控中,提高了变压器供电系统的自动化水平。

But these control sets have their own character: blocked, and short of unitive and standard opening interface.


The front part performs data collection, charger and discharger control and so on. Based on PSTN, the front part can communicate with the user interface and perform battery management in unattended communication stations.


A closed-loop control system using Motorolas MEK6800D2 microcomputer for a quick-acting free-forging hydraulic press aggregate is described.


This system was composed of a temperature controlled tank, switch measurement circuit, temperature control circuit, interface circuit, an industrial manipulative computer, and so on.


The single-wire digital temperature sensor used in this system can give digital temperature signal directly, which is connected to the port of SCM AT89C2051 to form a water temperature control system with simple structure and low cost.

本系统采用 DS18B20单线数字温度传感器,直接输出数字温度信号,与单片机 AT89C2051接口相连,形成水温控制系统,结构简单,并且制作成本低。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
