英语人>网络例句>系数 相关的搜索结果


与 系数 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dissertation analyses the observational data of the small town in Sichuan Province in 2005, bring forward the recommendation of the gas-consumption guide line、mensal peaking factor、daily peaking factor and hourly peaking factor, then compare the difference and similarity of the consumptive orderliness between small town and big、middling city.


A standard solid viscoelastic model was employed to fit the data obtained by micropipette method.

用标准固体粘弹性模型拟合微吸管实验结果后,发现表征细胞最大变形能力的弹性系数K1 增加,而另一弹性系数K2 粘性系数μ无明显改变,说明p16使K562细胞刚性增大。

At each fixed solvent composition,the mean activity coefficients of KI decrease at first and then increase with KI molality increases.At each fixed KI molality,the activity coefficients decrease with an increase of methanol in solvent mixtures.


On average, the SSC in winter is 2 times than that in summer; and the SSC in spring tide is 2.96 times than that in neap tide.(2) The correlation coefficient of the daily tidal range and SSC at a tide circle is 0.86, and it goes up to 0.96 and 0.93 with one day and two days lag of SSC. This reflects that there has a hysteresis of one or two days of SSC to the tidal range.


It is shown from the study results that (1) SSC has obvious neap-spring and seasonal variations with periods being 14.7 days and 368 days, respectively, on an average, SSC during the spring tide was 2.96 times as much as that during the neap tide, and SSC in winter was twice as much as that in summer;(2) correlation coefficient between daily SSC and tidal range on the same day in a mean neap-spring period of 15 days was 0.86, and correlation coefficients between tidal range and daily SSC with one day and two day lag were 0.99 and 0.93, respectively, which indicates that the effect of tidal range variation on SSC has a one day or two day hysteresis;(3) the monthly mean SSC was negatively correlated with the monthly mean water discharge at the Changjiang River Datong station, especially well with the water discharge with a lag of 19 days.

悬沙浓度具有显著的大、小潮和季节性变化,变化周期分别为14.7 d和368 d,平均而言,大潮为小潮的2.96倍,冬季为夏季的2倍;2)平均大、小潮半月周期中日悬沙浓度与同日潮差之间的相关系数为0.86,与前1日潮差之间的相关系数为0.99,与前2日潮差之间的相关系数为0.93,反映潮差变化对悬沙浓度的影响有1~2d的滞后效应;3)月均悬沙浓度与长江大通站的月均流量呈显著负相关,尤其与流量滞后19d的相关性最好。

Angle in flow path is the biggest influence factor to flow index, the relationship each other is negative, and the relationship between the discharge coefficient and angle is also negative.


First by testing the practical multilayer insulation in a cryogenic tanker, which is the carilometer in my paper,some affecting factors on multilayer insulation are analysed, then by using the low-temperature and vacuum environment caused by multilayer insulation, the effective thermal conductivity of multiple fiber paper with 5 layers is tested.Through Newton interativemethod,an empirical formula is deduced to computer the thermal conductivity of fiber paper,The errors between experimental thermal conductivity and the calculated conductivity by empirical formula are below10%,so the formula of fiber conductivity can be applied to practical enginnering.


The equiv alent viscosity method is used to account for the visco-plastic characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid.


Missirlis in article [1]. At the same time, a sufficient condition for convergence of the PSD method is given to be compared when the coefficient matrix A of the linear system Ax = b is a symmetric, positively defective matrix. In §3.2, an example is given to state that the range of our sufficient condition is wider than theorem 3.3 of article [1]. On the other hand, following a.n analogous approach of [14] and starting the functional relationshipwe have a perfect analysis for the PSD method to converge and optimum valves for the involved parameters under different conditions.Under the assumptions that A is a consistent ordered matrix with nonvanishing diagonal elements and the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix of A are real,we get necessary and sufficient conditions for the PSD method to convergence.The result is equal to theorem 1 of article [9].Under the same condition, we can see the optimal parameter and of corresponding spectral radius of thePSD method in [8]:(2)When A is a consistent ordered matrix with nonvanishing diagonal elements and the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix of A are imaginary or zero,we get necessary and sufficient conditions for the PSD method to convergence.In chapter 3, the optimal parameter and of corresponding spectral radius of the PSD method are given by table 3.3. Moreover, under the assumption 0


Used traditional measurement equipment and a new method-optimal approximation between measured and numerical calculation values, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of cornea was measured. It can be expressed by the equation of λ=0.10395+2. 75156×10〓t.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
