英语人>网络例句>糖苷的 相关的搜索结果


与 糖苷的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Glycosides of arabinose distribute widely in nature and most of them is biologically active.


N-Substituted chemical modification of valiolamine ,as well as the inhibitory activity of these compounds against porcine and rat intestinal maltase and surase are discussed in detail.

井冈霉醇胺、井冈霉胺和井冈胺等假氨基糖类物质是新型的α糖苷酶抑制剂,对其进行化学修饰可以得到糖苷酶抑制活性更强的N 取代假氨基糖衍生物。

Nine new compounds were characterized, and they were: opuntioside Ⅰ(11), 4-ethoxyl-6-hydroxymethyl-α-pyrone (14),--ester (22), 1-butoxyl--malate (24), ethyl α-L-rhamnopyranoside (26), opuntioside Ⅱ(34), kaempferol 7-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl (1→4)-β-D-glucopyranoside (46), methyl α-D-glucopyranoside-6-(methyl 4-malate)-ester (47), and opuntioside Ⅲ(48). Opuntioside Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and 4-ethoxyl-6-hydroxymethyl-α-pyrone belong to the skelecton of α-pyrone.


AVI may be protein matrix and it possesses neither a membrane boundary nor an internal structure,its formation is the result of the anthocyanins transported into the vacuole bind with a protein matrix. In vacuole, AVI is irregular and jelly-like in shape. In AVIs, the attachment of anthocyanins to the matrix protein is likely to be via H-bonds to a sterically restricted site. AVI is suggested to act as vacuolar anthocyanin "trap", preferentially for anthocyanidin 3, 5-diglycosides or acylted anthocyanins. The emergence of AVI can enhance color intensity and results in the "blueness" of color in the vacuole.


By the partial purification of Arthrobacter nicotinovorus D-97 endocellular enzymes and the results of enzymatic reaction of enzymes of partition collection, it was found that enzymes related to trehalose synthesis were consisted of Trehalose-forming Enzyme and Trehalose-releasing Enzyme . Trehalose-forming Enzyme could convert maltooligosaccharides into non-reducing maltooligosyl trehalose by intramolecular transglycosylation, and Trehalose-releasing Enzyme could hydrolyze α-1, 4 linkage between the trehalose residue and the maltooligosaccharide residue to release trehalose and maltooligosaccharides with two glucose monomer lesser.

将食尼古丁节杆菌D-97胞内酶部分纯化并对各收集组分进行酶反应,发现其海藻糖合成酶系由海藻糖生成酶(Trehalose-forming Enzyme,TFE)和海藻糖释放酶(Trehalose-releasingEnzyme,TRE)组成,前者分子内转糖基将直链麦芽寡糖转化为没有还原性的麦芽寡糖基海藻糖,后者专一切割麦芽寡糖基海藻糖分子上麦芽寡糖基与海藻糖连接的α-1,4糖苷键,从而释放出海藻糖和减少了两个葡萄糖单体的麦芽寡糖。

Galactosidase or melibiase is the enzyme of hydrolysising α-galactosis bonds, it is a exoglycosidase exist in nature widely.


RhaG hydrolyzed only the 6-C α-rhamnoside of ginsenoside Re, RhaR is able to hydrolyze the α-rhamnoside of rutin、hesperidin and naringin.


The connection mode of MOP was mainly that taking 1-4 glycosidic bond as the main chain and taking 1-6 glycosidic bond as the branched chain.


Other types of carbohydrates found in food are the condensed n-acetylated amino sugars of mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, and chitin; the condense deoxy sugars of gum, mucilages, and nucleotides; glcosides (sugars condensed with nonsugars); glucosinolates; cyclitols; and reductone, l-ascorbic acid.


Other types of carbohydrates found in food are the conde ed N-acetylated amino sugars of mucopolysaccharides, glycoprotei , and chitin; the conde e deoxy sugars of gum, mucilages, and nucleotides; glcosides; glucosinolates; cyclitols; and reductone, L-ascorbic acid.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
