英语人>网络例句>糖苷的 相关的搜索结果


与 糖苷的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The sugar chains are usually trisaccharide or tetrasaccharide, and the aglycones are classified into three groups, i.e., solanidane, spirosolane, and other steroidal derivatives.


Compound 9 is glycosylated in the presence of TMSOTf with rhamose-derived trichloroacetimidates to provide target trisaccharide Saponin 1, oleanolic acid 3-yl-2,4-di-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl -p-D-glucopyranosideCoumpond 18 is prepared with oleanic acid and Bromide 11 through phase-thansfer catalysis glycosylation manner.

三糖皂苷Saponin 1是以葡萄糖齐墩果酸皂苷为起始原料,用BBTZ(1-苯甲酰苯并噻唑)选择性保护葡萄糖3′,6′-羟基得到化合物9,然后以化合物9为糖基受体,进行一步糖苷化可以在化合物9的2′,4′-羟基上同时引入两分子鼠李糖,最后脱掉所有的保护基得到目标化合物Saponin1。

Bacterially triggered CDDS 细菌触发型细菌触发型 CDDS The presence of azo reductase enzymes play pivotal role in the release of drug from azo bond prodrugs while glycosidase activity of the colonic microflora is responsible for liberation of drugs from glycosidic prodrugs.


RESULTS:Six flavonoids 6-C-glycopyranosyl-8-C-glycopyranosyl apigenin(1),6-C-arabinosyl-8-C-glycopyranosyl apigenin(2),6-C-glycopyranosyl-8-C-arabinosyl apigenin(3),6-C-glycopyranosyl-8-C-xyloeyl apigenin(4),6-C-glycopyranosyl luteolin(5),luteolin(6),one chromone isobiflorin(7),and one lignanoid-isolariciresinol(8),were isolated from the n-BuOH fraction of this plant,respectively.


By the catalyzed of F3H, F3'H and F3'5'H, the biosynthesis of anthocyanins branched three pathway to form pelargonidin, cyanidin and delphinidin separately. DFR, F3'H and F3'5'H are the most important genes for introducing new metabolic branches by genetic transformation to plants that lack some kinds of flower pigments.

花色素苷的生物合成主要由于F3H,F3'H和F3'5'H三个关键酶的作用形成3个分支,最终分别生成橙色到砖红色的天竺葵素糖苷,红色的矢车菊素糖苷和蓝色到紫色的飞燕草素糖苷,因此, F3'H,F3'5'H和DFR基因是利用遗传转化引入花卉植物原本缺乏的花色代谢途径的关键基因。

749Mg/ml and 0.778u/ml, respectively. 5. Study on the viscosity changes of reaction solution and analysis of enzymatic hydrolysis products by TLC, HPLC showed that ChiB was an endo-type cleavage enzyme. It decreased viscosity of reaction solution, hydrolyzed β-(1, 4) glucosidic bond of chitosan, acted on GlcN-GlcN, GlcN-GlcNAc and/or GlcNAc-GlcN glucosidic bond. It did not act on GlcNAc-GlcNAc glucosidic bond. Hydrolysis products of chitosan were composed of chitotriose, chitotetraose and chitopentose.


SPWSG contains α-glucosidic bonds;furthermore the type of the glucosidicbonds was pyranose;protein was covalently linked with carbohydrate by O-glycosyllinkage.


Main monosaccharide were Arabinose, Xylose, Mannose, Glucose and Galactose. The structure of SPG was studied by IR and alkaline β-elimination reaction. It was found that:(1) SFG contains α-glucosidic bonds;(2) the type of the glucosidic bonds was pyranose,(3) the protein was covalently linked with the carbohydrate by 0-glycosyl linkage.


The results indicated that GLP was a linear (1→3)β-D-Glcp main chain linkage. Its monosaccharide component was predominantly composed of D-Glc, and small amount of galactose, mannose, xylose and idose, residues of branches terminated with substituted at 1→6 by a small number of singleunit β-D-Glcp side-chains, it's also observed that the (1→3)-linked β-D-glucan contained a triple-helical conformation, which was composed of a repeating unit with a structure as below:.


Terpenoids are mainly occurred on marine algae, coral, sponge and some fungi by monoterpene, sesquiterpene, diterpene and triterpene. And glycosides with structures of lipid, steroid and terpenoid are distributed to marine algae, sponge, sea cucumber and starfish. Marine organism; terpenoid; glycoside; bioactivity


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