英语人>网络例句>糖基 相关的搜索结果


与 糖基 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When BMSCs proliferated to enough cell number (7×106). 500 000 cells were centrifuged to a pellet and cultured in chondrogenic medium supplemented with DMEM high-glucose, insulin, transferring, selectin, pyroracemic acid, 2-pyrrolidine carboxylic acid, BSA, dexamethasone and ascorbic acid for 6 weeks.

当培养的骨髓基质干细胞达到7×106个细胞时,将每500 000个细胞离心制成高密度细胞微球,在含有DMEM高糖、胰岛素、转铁蛋白、选择素、丙酮酸、脯氨酸、 BSA、地塞米松、抗坏血酸的促软骨细胞分化培养液培养6周。

When BMSCs proliferated to enough cell number (7×10^6). 500 000 cells were centrifuged to a pellet and cultured in chondrogenie medium supplemented with DMEM high-glucose, insulin, transferring, selectin, pyroracemic acid, 2-pyrrolidine carboxylic acid, BSA, dexamethasone and ascorbic acid for 6 weeks.


Synthesis with carbocyclic compounds, such as cyclodienylsilane, quinic acid and norbornene etc, as starting materials is discussed in detail.


The identification of protein were performed by searching the mass spectrometry data from the NCBInr database using the software of Sequest Bioworks3. 2. The results indicated that over 25 protein components including acid and basis phospholipase A2, nerve growth factor, presynaptic neurotoxin, hemorrhagic factor, thrombin-like enzyme, serine protease, glycogen synthase, metalloproteinase, maturase, L-amino acid oxidase, plasminogen activator, adhesion, cysteine-rich secretory protein, disintegrin, fibronectin-binding protein, fibrinogen clotting inhibitor A chain, vascular apoptosis-inducing protein 1, pyranose 2-oxidase, carbamoyl-phosphate synthase, as well as the homology proteins of snake venom ablomin, ablomin, catrin, mucrofirase, pallabin, salmosin and triflin homologues were identified from the GSSV.

从GSSV中鉴定出超过25种蛋白组分,主要包括:酸性磷脂酶A1、碱性磷脂酶A2、神经生长因子、突触前神经毒素、出血因子、类凝血酶、丝氨酸蛋白酶、糖原合酶、金属蛋白酶、成熟酶、L-氨基酸氧化酶、纤溶酶源激活物、外源凝集素、富含半胱氨酸分泌酶、去整合素、纤连蛋白结合蛋白、纤维蛋白原凝固抑制因子A、血管凋亡诱导蛋白1、氨甲酰基磷酸合成酶、吡喃糖-2-氧化酶以及ablomin, catrin, mucrofirase, pallabin, salmosin和triflin的同源蛋白。

Basal and lowermost leaves coarsely dentate; stigma subentire; fruit (5-)8-11 cm; Sichuan, Xizang, and Yunnan

基部和最下的叶粗牙齿;柱头近全缘;果(5-)8-11厘米;四川,西藏和云南 3 E。 wardii 具苞糖芥

Here, by introducing C-terminally 6xHis-tagged human Nap1 gene into Escherichia coli and exploiting the nickel-charged sepharose gel system to purify the human Nap1 protein, we show that the Nap1 enzyme function is preserved in human as in lower organisms such as bacteria and plants using succinamic acid as the substrate.


A series of adsorption cation resins were prepared by loading different metal ions on macroporous sulphonic resin(D151)respectively,and the adsorption property of isomaltotriose on these resins has been investigated.


Aryl tetralin of lignans in podophyllotoxin has significant anti-tumor activity, which podophyllotoxin glucoside derivatives etoposide (VP-16) and teniposide (VM-26) is widely used in clinical.

芳基四氢萘类木脂素中的鬼臼毒素具有显著的抗肿瘤活性,其中鬼臼毒素的糖苷衍生物etoposide(VP-16)和teniposide (VM-26)被广泛用于临床。

Benzoylated phenyl a - and B - 2 - thio - D - fructofuranosides were synthesized and coupled with protected sucrose acceptor to synthesize a - D - fructofuranoside - linkage stereospecifically by employing NIS/AgOTf as catalysts.


Objective Measure contents of HCG,HCGβ with RIA to diagnose early pregnancy or unpregnant's pathology phenomenon.


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