英语人>网络例句>糖基 相关的搜索结果


与 糖基 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The monosaccharides in LBP-4 identified by GC were xylose , galactose , mannose , Rhamnose , glucose and arabinose with the molar ratio of 4. 45: 1. 20: 1. 0: 0.98: 0.90: 0.85. The content of calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron in LBP-4a were 127. 9070mg·g〓, 32. 3953mg·g〓, 0.3845mg·g〓 and 0.2930mg·g〓, respectively. The content of galacturnic acid in LBP-4a was 55. 45% while the content of protein is 3. 80%. According to IR spectra, it contains -COOH group,-NH- roup,-OH group,-NH〓 group and β-D-glucose. The backbone of sugar residues chain in LBP-4a were contained 1→6 indican bond according to periodate oxidation and the results of β-elimination reaction indicated that the chain of polysaccharides and protein were connected by O-linked chemical bond. The photograph of LBP-4a got by laser scanning confocal microscope and scanning electron microscope showed that the LBP-4a combined both with each other and with itself in its crystalloid. The crystalloid was flake and anisotropic.


Monosaccharides are classified according to (1) the number of carbon atoms present in the molecule and (2) whether they contain an aldehyde or keto group, thus a monosaccharide containing six carbon atoms is called hexose; a monosaccharide containing an aldehyde group is called aldose; and one containing a keto is called a ketose.


The correlations of eleven floral and fruit quantitative traits of Liriodendron interspecific hybrids(L. chinense×L. tulipifera) and its parent species were analysized.The aglycone and glycoside of flavonoid and carotinoids of perianth segment in the three groups were studied qualitatively and quantatively by high performance liquid chromatography.The results were as followed: The aglycone such as cyanidin, 6-hydroxyflavone and trans-chalcone and the glycoside such as glucose, rhamnose and galactose were discovered in Liriodendron interspecific hybrids and Liriodendron chinense,carotinoids such as lycopene and β-carotene were also discovered.

本文对鹅掌楸、北美鹅掌楸和杂交F_1的花果共11 个数量性状进行分析,并应用高效液相色谱对上述三大类群花被片类黄酮糖苷配基和结合糖及类胡萝卜素进行了定性和定量研究,结果如下:鹅掌楸和杂交鹅掌楸花被片类黄酮糖苷配基为花青素、6-羟基黄酮和反式查尔酮,糖苷配基结合糖为葡萄糖、鼠李糖和半乳糖;类胡萝卜素为β-胡萝卜素和番茄红素。

Manycompounds, including glycosyl phosphates and their analogues were used as "tools" instudying the mechanism of the enzymes and new drugs.


Protein encoded by Sai-1,molecular weight of 61.9 kDa,contained a Glycosyl hydrolases family 32 conserved domain which catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose.

此多肽含有一个完整的糖基水解酶(Glycosyl hydrolases family 32)结构域,推测其具有水解蔗糖的功能。

Homology analysis demonstrated that, McChi5 protein, which contained a conserved domain of family 18 glycosyl hydrolyse, had the sequence similar to tabacco class V chitinases, several putative chitinases and chitinase-like proteins of Arabidopsis thiliania , and some chitinases from mammals, insects and bacteria.


Moreover, MeJA induced defense genes, such as pathogenesis-related proteins (PR2a), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, BX9, and TPS. MeJA also increased DIMBOA and Vannillic acid content of leaves and roots significantly but leaf p-Hydroxybenzoic acid concentration was decreased significantly and Protocatechuric acid was produced in roots only.

1MeJA叶片处理能诱导叶片和根系中丙二烯氧化物环化酶基因、糖基转移酶(BX9)基因、苯丙氨酸转氨酶基因的表达,使叶片和根系中丁布含量升高,同时,6μL/L MeJA处理使第二叶中原儿茶酸含量显著降低,诱导根中产生原儿茶酸,使第二叶中香草酸含量和根中未知物质峰面积显著增大。

METHODS Ca 2+ Mg 2+ ATPase activity was detected with peacock green calorimetric analysis in retinal tissue of diabetic rats at various times of diabetic course, and the relativity of course of disease with levels of fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin glycosylatio...

用孔雀绿比色分析法对糖尿病大鼠发病后不同时期视网膜组织中Ca2 + Mg2 + ATPase活性进行了检测,并对空腹血中血糖水平、糖基化血红蛋白含量与视网膜组织中Ca2 +和Mg2 +含量及病程的关系进行了分析。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Human tibial plateaus were procured from multi-organ donors, with the approval of the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Coimbra.


The sequences analysis indicated that complete open read frame of F gene of 3 isolates was 1662bp and encoded F protein of SS3 amino acids/There were 6 identically potential asparagine-linked glycosylation sites and the deduced amino acid sequence of the cleavage site region of F protein of the 3 NDV isolates that had the same amino acids pattern as velogenic strain was ~(112)R-R-Q-K/R-R-F~(117), which was accordant with the results of mean death time of chicken embryos and intracerebral pathogenicity index flCPI.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
