英语人>网络例句>糖基 相关的搜索结果


与 糖基 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We investigated constituent of triterpenoid saponins ofAlbizzia, two new compounds together with two known compounds were isolated from Albizzia julibrissin Durazz. by using column chromatography (macroreticular resin, silica gel, Sephadex gel, reverse phase silica gel),preparative HPLC methods et al.On the basis of spectroscopic analysis, including IR,ESI-MS,~1H-NMR,~(13)C-NMR,HMBC,HMQC,~1H-~1HCOSY and chemical methods, the structure of two new compounds were identified as 3 - O -[β-D-xylopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranosyl (1→6)-β- D -2- deoxy - 2 - acetoamidoglucopyranosyl] -21-O-[(6S)-2- trans- 2,6-dimethyl - 6 - O-β- D - quinovopyranosyl -2,7- octadienoyl] - acacic acid- 28 - O-β-D-glucopyranosyl(1→3)[α-L-arabinofuranosyl(1→4)]-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside acacic acid 3- O -β- D- glucopyranosy(1→3)-β- D- fucopyranosl(1→6) [β-D- xylopyranosyl (1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside ;two known compounds were acacic acid lactone 3- O -β-D- xylopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranosl (1→6)- 2-deoxy -2 -acetoamido -β-D- glucopyranoside ; acacic acid lactone 3- O-β-D-xylopyranosyl(1→2)-α-L- arabinopyranosl (1→6)- 2- deoxy - 2- acetoamido -β-D-glucopyranoside . The study lays chemical foundation and chemical reference substance for enhancing quality standard of Albizzia julibrissin Durazz.


Protease treatment of the plasma membranes could abolish the binding but NaIO_4 and glycosidase could not, indicating that nsLTP144 bound to plasma membranes protein without carbohydrate moiety. Using the homobifunctional cross-linking regent bissuberate (BS~3) and rice plasma membranes incubated with ~(125)I-Trx-nsLTP144, we identified, after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, a putative protein receptor on the rice plasma membranes with the molecular mass around 60 kDa. NsLTP144 can not trigger extracelluar alkalization in arabidopsis, but can abolish the extracellular alkalization effect of phytopathogen elicitor cryptogein, suggesting that cryptogein and nsLTP144 may bind to the same membrane protein. In vitro pull-down assay showed that nsLTP144 interacted with OsCaM1, a possible extracellular calmodulin, implying that nsLTP144 and OsCaM1 could function in the same signal transduction pathway. These results shed light on revealing the roles of nsLTP in vivo and make it promising to finally characterize the plasma membranes receptor of nsLTP.


Their structures were identified by chemical and spectral analysis. RESULTS Five compounds were isolated and identified as stigmasterol 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, 20β-hydroxy-ecdysone,β-L-thymidine, pennogenin 3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside and pennogenin 3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→4)-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→4)-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→4)-[α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→2)-]-β-D-glucopyranoiside.

结果 分离并鉴定了5个化合物,分别是Δ5,22-豆甾醇3-O-β-D-葡萄吡喃糖苷,20β-羟基蜕皮激素,β-L-脱氧胸腺嘧啶苷,偏诺皂苷元3-O-α-L-鼠李吡喃糖基-(1→2)-β-D-葡萄吡喃糖苷和偏诺皂苷元3-O-α-L-鼠李吡喃糖基-(1→4)-α-L-鼠李吡喃糖基-(1→4)-[α-L-鼠李吡喃糖基-(1→2)-]-β-D-葡萄吡喃糖苷。

Based on the above-mentioned, two kinds of target glycoclusters with different glycoterminus, flexible linkers and different scaffolds were designed, disaccharide glycocluster (including TM1-TM7) and trisaccharide glycocluster (TM8-TM9) respectively, with the purpose of obtaining glycoclusters with high binding affinity to anti-Gal antibody and thus better inhibiting the HAR.


By the partial purification of Arthrobacter nicotinovorus D-97 endocellular enzymes and the results of enzymatic reaction of enzymes of partition collection, it was found that enzymes related to trehalose synthesis were consisted of Trehalose-forming Enzyme and Trehalose-releasing Enzyme . Trehalose-forming Enzyme could convert maltooligosaccharides into non-reducing maltooligosyl trehalose by intramolecular transglycosylation, and Trehalose-releasing Enzyme could hydrolyze α-1, 4 linkage between the trehalose residue and the maltooligosaccharide residue to release trehalose and maltooligosaccharides with two glucose monomer lesser.

将食尼古丁节杆菌D-97胞内酶部分纯化并对各收集组分进行酶反应,发现其海藻糖合成酶系由海藻糖生成酶(Trehalose-forming Enzyme,TFE)和海藻糖释放酶(Trehalose-releasingEnzyme,TRE)组成,前者分子内转糖基将直链麦芽寡糖转化为没有还原性的麦芽寡糖基海藻糖,后者专一切割麦芽寡糖基海藻糖分子上麦芽寡糖基与海藻糖连接的α-1,4糖苷键,从而释放出海藻糖和减少了两个葡萄糖单体的麦芽寡糖。

By means of GPC,IR,GC-MS,~(13)CNMR,~1HNMR,Methylation analysisetc,structural properties of PST-1 were identified as follows:The Mwof PST-1 was 3.44×10~6 Da and its optical rotation was _D~(20)=+0.110°(c0.1, H_2O); PST-1 constituted 8 simple sugars and the molar ratio was 2,4-Dimethoxy-Mannose:Rhamnose:Ara-binose:Xylose:Galactose:D-Galacturonic acid:Mannose:D-glucuronic acid=2%:5%:24%:9%:3%:1%:46%:10%;The chief bone of PST-1 was 1,3,6-linked-β-D-Man residue and the side chains contained Furanoid and Pyranoid residues.

结合GPC、旋光度测定、IR、GC-MS、~(13)CNMR、~1HNMR、高碘酸氧化法、Smith降解以及甲基化方法等分析测试方法,得到PST-1的单糖组成及结构表征,实验结果如下:红豆杉多糖PST-1是重均分子量为3.44×10~6 Da的支链多糖,旋光度为20D=+0.110~0(c0.1,H_2O);PST-1单糖组成为:2,4-Dimethoxy-Mannose:Rhamnose:Arabinose:Xylose:Galactose:D-Galacturonic acid:Mannose:D-glucuronic acid=2%:5%:24%:9%:3%:1%:46%:10%;PST-1的骨架结构为:具有1,3,6-连接的β-D-甘露糖残基骨架,侧链分枝包括非还原末端的呋喃型α-L-阿拉伯糖残基、吡喃型α-L-阿拉伯糖残基、β-D-木糖残基、β-D-甘露糖残基、2,4-二氧甲基-β-D-甘露糖残基和α-D-葡萄糖醛酸残基;侧链的糖残基也可能存在2,5-二氧-取代呋喃型α-L-阿拉伯糖基、3-氧-取代的β-D-木糖残基、6-氧-取代的α-D-半乳糖醛酸残基、6-氧-取代的α-D-半乳糖残基、4-氧-取代的α-D-葡萄糖醛酸残基和2-氧-取代的α-L-鼠李糖残基,同时后者也可能穿插在主链上。

In this paper, the structures and the synthesis methods of glycosyl isothiocyanates are summarized, including the application as intermediates in the preparation of glycosylthioureas, glycosylheterocycles, glycosylguanidins and glycosylconjugates and so on.


Objective Through observing the ei'fect of the TCM decoction TangShenHuaYuJian on the kidney weight, index of kidney hypertrophy(kidney weight/body weight), blood glucose , blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, blood advanced glycation end-products, advanced glycation end-products in kidney tissue in the earlier stage of diabetic nephropalhy rats induced by injecting 3 -cytotoxins into abdomen, to explore the relationship between nonenzymatic glycosylation and diabetic nephropathy, and provide an experimental basis for clinical application and for further studying TSHYJ.

目的 通过观察糖肾化瘀煎对长期高血糖所致的早期粮尿病肾病大鼠(腹腔注射链脲佐菌素后诱导所形成)肾重、肾重指数、血糖、血尿素氮、肌酐、血糖基化终末产物AGEs、肾组织糖基化终末产物AGEs等指标的影响,从非酶糖基化角度探讨此制剂对糖尿病肾病早期的作用机理,并为糖肾化瘀煎的临床运用和进一步开发提供实验依据。

This work made preparations for the further in-vitro study on the activity of glycosyltransferase and the usage of different glucosyl.Several important factors for protoplast preparation from Amycolatopsis-orientalis were studied and optimized such as the type of substrate, the concentrations of the addition of glycin, the concentrations of lysozyme and so on.


Furthermore, proton singlets of Fmoc group were treated as internal standard because of their station in both starting material and product.

用HR/MAS NMR分析技术不仅跟踪优化了固相羟基氨基酸的糖基化反应条件,而且选择固载在树脂上的糖基化Nα-Fmoc保护羟基氨基酸〓H NMR中最低场,且分辨好的Fmoc保护基信号做为内标,糖上乙酰基的积分面积为标准直接定量了键合在Tenta Gel S NH〓树脂上氨基酸甙化的产率。

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