英语人>网络例句>糖 相关的搜索结果

与 糖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research displayed that yeasts Genus level can be discerned by agarose gel electrophoresis and polyacarylamide gel electrophoresis, but the latter is more advanced. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains ITS-1 sequences are most disalike, few of them are equal completely. The bigger differences are part of base pairs about Poly-T, others are exchanged by single base pair.

研究表明,以酵母菌株的rDNA ITS-1序列进行琼脂凝胶电泳,能把菌株分类鉴定到属的水平;采用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳能把部分酿酒酵母菌株分类鉴定到种的水平,区别效果较琼脂凝胶电泳有所提高;对rDNA ITS-1序列进行克隆、测序,经序列比对后发现,酿酒酵母属中酿酒酵母菌株的ITS-1序列大多数有差异,差异主要表现在ITS-1序列上游的一段Poly-T碱基上,其它处的差异仅是个别碱基的转换或颠换,ITS-1序列长度分布在360-370bp之间,G+C%含量均在35.3%左右。

At the same time, during the process of Pu'er Tea, macromolecular polysaccharide transforms into a great deal of new dissoluble monosaccharide and oligosaccharide.


The enhancement of eicosane uptake by rhamnolipid was mainly caused by increase of interfacial area, since the...


Specifically, itcontains 8 chapters.In chapter 1, the formation, structures, properties and the futureprospect of liposome were thoroughly reviewed;In chapter 2, the stibility and permeability of phopholipid -eleostericacid liposome were studied together with the effect of polymerizationof eleostearic acid. This membrane system was very sensitive to 〓,the effect of 〓 was clarified to increase the aggregation/fusion ofliposomes and made the permeability of mixed liposomes much higher;In chapter 3, two polymerizable conjugated diyne bolaamphiphiles were synthesized. They could form very stable mixed liposome, andthe diyne could be polymerized by UV light in bilayer liposomes, as aresult, the stability of mixed liposome against solvent or surfactantafter polymerization were enhanced. In chapter 4, two kinds of amphiphilic amino acids were synthesized andstable liposomes were formed therefrom After the condensationpolymerization of amino acid in bilayer liposomes, stable polypeptide liposomes were obtained, which had lower phase transition temperatureand higher permeability.In chapter 5, four kinds of glycolipids were synthesized and theiraggregation behavior in water was comparied. When incorporated intophospholipid bilayer membranes, they could increase the phase transitiontemperatures and inhibit the aggregation and fusion of mixedliposomesat lower temperature.In chapter 6 and 7, three kinds of steroidal bolaamphiphiles withdifferent chain lengths were synthesized. Incorporation of steroidalmoiety to the center of lipid bilayer membrane obviously increased themobility of lipid membrane and shifted Tc to lower temperature side incomparasion with cholesterol. The bolaamphiphile which was shorter thanthe hosted lipid bilayer membrane thickness influenced the lipid packingmore obviously.

全文共分8章:第一章对脂质体的形成、结构、性质及展望进行了较为详细的文献综述;第二章研究了磷脂-桐酸脂质体的稳定性,通透能力及桐酸的聚合对这些性质的影响;磷脂-桐酸混合脂质体为一类对〓灵敏的脂质体,〓的作用首先是使脂质体集聚然后使脂质体融合,并加速内包荧光物的释放;第三章通过合成两种可聚合共轭双炔双极性双亲分子DDCA,DDOL,研究了共双炔分子在双分子层脂质体膜上的聚合及对脂质体性质的影响,聚合可以提高脂质体相对于溶剂及表面活性剂的稳定性;第四章合成了两类氨基酸为极性基团的双亲分子,它们均可以在超声下形成稳定的脂质体结构;氨基酸基团可以在脂质体上进行缩聚反应,若聚合后脂质体表面仍有足够的亲水能力,则可得到稳定的多肽型脂质体;聚合后脂质体的相变温度降低,通透能力增加;第五章合成了四种亲水基团为单基的双亲分子GL-l,GL-2,GL-3, GL-4,研究了它们在水中的分散情况、集合体形态与分子结构的关系;在DMPC双分子层膜中加入脂分子可以使脂质体的相变温度提高,阻止脂质体在低温放置时的集聚与融合;第六章-第七章合成了三种不同碳链长度的双极性含胆甾环双亲分子 CL-1,CL-2,CL-3;它们可以象胆固醇一样与磷脂混合形成稳定脂质体,胆甾环基团位于脂质体双分子层膜的中间;与胆固醇的作用相反,它们可以增加磷脂双分子层膜的流动性,降低混合脂质体的相变温度;三种分子的作用与其碳链长度和磷脂双分子层膜的厚度有关,比膜厚度短的分子影响最大。

Now we don't know how aminoglycoside antibiotics damages hair cells, but there are some theories about it, such as:(1)AmAn affects the transformation among phosphoinositoln, inositol- 3-phophate and glycerine-2-acyl, also, it can cause the change of Ca2+ concentration in endocellular.

氨基甙类抗生素(aminoglycoside antibiotics, AmAn)损伤毛细胞的机制尚不清楚,但有以下几种学说:(1)影响了磷酸肌醇、三磷酸肌醇、二脂酰甘油间转化从而导致细胞内钙离子浓度的变化;(2)抑制G蛋白和鸟氨酸脱羧酶活性;(3)氨基甙类抗生素能引起内耳毛细胞的凋亡。

Endocellular enzymes of Arthrobacter nicotinovorus D-97 showed a weak hydrolytic activity towards α-1, 4 linkage and glucose, maltose, sucrose and lactose could not be converted into trehalose.


We fully enrobe each crunchy-crisp tart apple with a thick coat of warm, but tery caramel.


We fully enrobe each crunchy-crisp tart apple with a thick coat of warm , buttery caramel .


In this paper,one superior Aspergillus niger, which could secrete saccharifying enzym with high activity,was selected from Hexi savory vinegar material by useing the transparents ring as elementary index and saccharifying enzymic activity as secondly index.


Erysimum cheiranthoides is extracted from the seeds of Erysimum cheiranthoides, the pharmanology researches proved that it can obviously inhibit the activity of Na+-K+-ATP ase.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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