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We isolate the LCA binding glycosylated proteins from anosia human liver cell extraction and liver cancer cell extraction by LCA coupled epoxy magnetic particles, and the glycosylated fractions were separated by 2D gels which were analyzed by 2D ImageMaster to established disparity expression spectra between Chang Liver and SMMC-7721 firstly.

利用该方法对健康人肝脏细胞Chang Liver总蛋白、肝癌细胞SMMC-7721总蛋白及健康人血清进行了蛋白的分离纯化,结合2D电泳技术及其图像分析,建立了健康人肝脏细胞ChangLiver和肝癌细胞SMMS-7721 LCA结合蛋白的差异表达谱,分别得到蛋白质点148±5和209±7个,匹配点数为127,匹配率为85.36%。

Besides, in view of the closerelationship between the pathological stage, grade and the binding of Fnwith WGA, it can be concluded that the increase of bisecting GlcNAc inN-linked sugar chains is more closely related to the malignant behavior ofBCa than the increase of antennary number.


These results suggest that anthocyanidin in E. pulcherrima mainly include cyanidin 3-rutinoside, delphinidin 3-rutinoside, cyanidin 3- benzoylglucoside, delphinidin 3-benzoylglucoside and an unknown component.

由这些结果可推断一品红花色素样品中主要含有 5 种组分:矢车菊花色素芸香苷、飞燕草花色素芸香苷、飞燕草花色素苯甲酰基葡苷、矢车菊花色素苯甲酰基葡苷和一种未知成分。

Spraying with chitosan of different concentration significantly increased the content of chlorophyll ,anthoxanthin ,chlorogentic acid, polyphenal ,soluble protein and total soluble sugar of Broccoli flowers. 40 mg L-l chitosan showed the most remarkable effet,compared to control, the content of chlorophyll ,anthoxanthin ,chlorogentic acid, total soluble sugar and soluble protein of treated Broccoli flowers increased by 64.4%,282.5%,35.6%,16.2% 22.7% respectively.PAL and PPO are key enzymes in synthesize of phenolics.No relation was found between phenolics synthesize and PAL activity in Broccoli flowers,but it showed positive relation between phenolics synthesize and PPO activity.

研究表明,本研究中,不同浓度几丁聚喷施对青花菜花球的叶绿素、类黄酮、绿原酸、多酚总量、可溶性蛋白及可溶性总的含浙江大学硕卜学位论文(2004)量有显著增加,其中以浓度为40mgL一'影响最为显著,花球中的叶绿素、类黄酮、绿原酸、可溶性总、可溶性蛋白分别较对照提高64.4%、282.5%、35.6%、 16.2%、22.7%,苯丙氨酸解氨酶、多酚氧化酶是酚类物质合成中关键酶,花球内酚类物质合成与苯丙氨酸解氨酶的活性没有一定的相关性,而与多酚氧化酶的活性呈正相关。

In order to reduce side effects of anthrone L-rhamnopyranosides, the introduction of Ac group into methylene proton at C-10 of anthrone was carried out.


The result showed that the activity of photoreduction,photophosphorylation and SOD in chloroplasts increased when reactionmedium added calcium with concentration of 0.04mmol/L,lessened theaccumination of free radical and the destruction of membrane system,which manifested the indirectly antiacid function.


Results: The changes following hydrocortisone intervention of rats could be identified by PCA, and the kidney deficiency syndrome rats entered a state of "hyperfunction", involving a series of changes in metabolic pathway and metabolic network. The response integral area of lactic acid (δ 1.37) increased, indicating the accumulation of metabolites of lactic acid. The amount of dimethylamine (δ 2.72) also increased, indicating that the disorder of kidney function was related to kidney-deficiency syndrome. The response of creatinine (δ 3.87), asparaginic acid (δ 2.83), taurine (δ 3.44, 3.28), and hippurate (δ 7.84, 7.56, 7.64, 3.97) all decreased significantly, indicating that the hydrocortisone might cause adrenal cortex excretion injury. The response integral area of succinate (δ 2.41) and citric acid (δ 2.53, 2.68) decreased, which was usually caused by disorder of the mitochondrial function.

结果:PCA方法处理肾虚证和空白对照大鼠尿液数据显示,两组大鼠的数据可以在得分图实现分类,与对照组比较肾虚组大鼠由于氢化可的松诱导,大鼠机体进入一个过消耗后衰弱的状态,相关代谢发生显著变化,乳酸(δ 1.37)代谢发生堆积;二甲胺(δ 2.72)的含量增加,提示肾虚与肾功能异常是密切相关的;天冬氨酸(δ 2.83),牛磺酸(δ 3.44, 3.25),马尿酸(δ 7.84, 7.56, 7.64, 3.97),肌氨酸(δ 3.87)等的相对积分面积明显下降,这预示皮质激素可能引起了肾上腺皮质分泌功能的损害;琥珀酸(δ 2.41)和柠檬酸(δ 2.53, 2.68)是三羧酸循环能量代谢及酵解的中间产物,其含量的降低,通常是由于线粒体功能紊乱所引起。

Dry weight and alkaloid of bulb of F.thunnbergii Miq were increased realated assumably to the rising of some enzyme activity during the secondary metabolism. The change of soluble sugar of old bulb was minished, but that of new bulb fluctuated. In our reseach the result of combined treatment about 4.25 kJ.m~(-2).d~(-1) was the best.


There were 70 strains isolated from each of the MRS and VJ at the different stage of the processing of dried beef. Staphylococcus warneri, Staphylococcus sciuri, Staphylococcus auricularis, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus xylosus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus were 8 predominate bacteria. The growth curve of predominate bacteria was studied. The result showed that growth of Pediococcus pentosaceus was faster than that of Lactobacillus plantarum; the growth of Staphylococcus sciuri is fastest and Staphylococcus auricularis was slowest.


Both automatic microorganism detection system and Rapid ID32 A system can read specific biological characteristic of Bartonella strains.

Rapid ID32 A系统检测结果:所有菌株脲素酶、半乳苷酶、葡萄苷酶阴性,不发酵甘露、棉籽

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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