英语人>网络例句>糖 相关的搜索结果

与 糖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Refractivity was affected by protein and glucose but not by pH.Conductivity was affected by pH,but protein and glucose have no fluence on it.


The South African sugar industry is now standardised on refractometer brix.


And the African resurrection plant has sugars called trehaloses that allow it to dry to a crisp during droughts and then flourish again.


On the other hand, the structure of kaempferitrin contains two rhamnose, which could be used as a new way to produce rhamnose by hydrolyzes kaempferitr in.


Later discovered that some compounds structurally similar with sugar, but the composition could not be expressed to spend, such as rhamnose (C6H12O5), deoxyribose (C5H10O4) and so on.


Exogenous UDP-rhamnose, not free rhamnose, produced a similar effect when it was included in MS media for Arabidopsis culture.


It can be concluded that (1) forosamine on 17-carbon can be easily lost, but difficult for rhamnose sugar;(2) spinosad concentration decreased when irradiation time increased, degrading rate was up to about 70% for irradiating 484 min, and 11 degradates were produced. These degradates were products of the oxidation, reduction, and hydrolytic reactions.

结果表明,多杀菌素17碳上的福乐胺容易失去,三氧甲基鼠李很稳定;多杀菌素浓度随紫外光照射时间的增加而降低,在照射484 min后,降解率达到70%左右,形成11种降解产物,这些降解产物是多杀菌素A或D经氧化、还原及水解等反应形成。

When applied in ovule culture media, UDP-rhamnose, precursor of pectic polymer, was able to stimulate significant fiber elongation, while rhamnose was inactive in the same growth assay.


The crystallization conditions of rhamnose: Add some little crystals of rhamnose, adjusting the pH value of 1.5, crystallize for 24 hour.


Rhamnose synthase plays a key role in rhamnose synthesis which converts UDP-D-glucose into UDP-L-rhamnose in plants.

植物中, UDP-L-鼠李是细胞壁骨架的主要成分,由鼠李合成酶催化底物UDP-a-D-葡萄合成。

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