英语人>网络例句>糖 相关的搜索结果

与 糖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RESULTS:Six flavonoids 6-C-glycopyranosyl-8-C-glycopyranosyl apigenin(1),6-C-arabinosyl-8-C-glycopyranosyl apigenin(2),6-C-glycopyranosyl-8-C-arabinosyl apigenin(3),6-C-glycopyranosyl-8-C-xyloeyl apigenin(4),6-C-glycopyranosyl luteolin(5),luteolin(6),one chromone isobiflorin(7),and one lignanoid-isolariciresinol(8),were isolated from the n-BuOH fraction of this plant,respectively.


By the catalyzed of F3H, F3'H and F3'5'H, the biosynthesis of anthocyanins branched three pathway to form pelargonidin, cyanidin and delphinidin separately. DFR, F3'H and F3'5'H are the most important genes for introducing new metabolic branches by genetic transformation to plants that lack some kinds of flower pigments.

花色素苷的生物合成主要由于F3H,F3'H和F3'5'H三个关键酶的作用形成3个分支,最终分别生成橙色到砖红色的天竺葵素苷,红色的矢车菊素苷和蓝色到紫色的飞燕草素苷,因此, F3'H,F3'5'H和DFR基因是利用遗传转化引入花卉植物原本缺乏的花色代谢途径的关键基因。

Currently, most breweries grinded barley and corn together for dextrinization at 100 ℃ and then for saccharification. However, our experiments proved that it was unnecessary to dextrinize at 100 ℃ and saccharification could be operated directly without any additional enzyme.

但目前多数工厂是把大麦与玉米一同粉碎进入糊化锅100 ℃糊化,之后再进行化,本实验主要研究了大麦的化工艺,认为不需要进行100 ℃糊化,可以直接进行化,并且不需要外加酶。

Currently, most breweries grinded barley and corn together for dextrinization at 100℃ and then for sacchaxification. However, our experiments proved that it was unnecessary to dextrinize at 100℃ and sacchaxification could be operated directly without any additional enzyme.


Other polysaccharides are formed from other sugar, which rose by enzymic transformations of phosphorylated hexoes and sugar nucleotides.


Results The output rate of C11 was 61.97%, contents of polysaccharides, sulfate, and GlcA were 43.20%, 12.70%, and 9.78%, respectively. The sulfate linked polysaccharides on C2 or C3 equatorially, C11 was pyranose of β-glycosides mainly.

结果 C11的产率为61.97%,其多、硫酸基、葡萄醛酸质量分数分别为43.20%、12.70%和9.78%,多C11的硫酸根连接在的C2或C3处于平伏键位置,且C11为以β-苷键为主的吡喃

And wax gourd, lotus root of candy water chest nut, candy piece, the surface such as candy Jiang Pian hangs those who have clothes of a farinaceous white sugar to call icing preserved fruit, also cry " south preserved fruit " or " Na Mi ", it is the meaning that comes from the confiture of southern preserved fruit such as Fujian, Guangdong, Shanghai, its quality of a material is ringing, the capacity that contain sugar is much.


Objective: To observe the influence of You Tang Ming granule, which had the functions of replenishing qi and producting jing, nourishing liver and kindneys, activating channels of eyes to improve eyesight, on retinal microvascular and retinal gangliocyte in STZ-diabetic rats.

中文题名优明颗粒对尿病视网膜病变非增殖期作用的实验研究副题名外文题名论文作者刘路宏导师廖品正教授学科专业中医眼科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位成都中医药大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数55页关键词优明颗粒链脲佐菌素尿病视网膜病变视网膜疾病馆藏号BSLW /2001 /R276 /3 目的:探讨益气生津、滋养肝肾、通络明目中药复方优明颗粒对6个月病程STZ尿病大鼠视网膜微血管及神经节细胞等的影响及其机理。

MethodsOur study was to treat gastric ulcer by invigorating spleen and benefiting vital energy Chinese drugs through clinical observation and experimental research, and compared with mucosa protectant -gastropine and H2 receptor antagonist -famotidine about the mucosa mitochondrion 8-oxygen guanine DNA glycosylase, thymine glycol DNA glycosylase,3-methyl adenine DNA glycosylase, the effect of gastralgia, splenic asthenia and quality of ulcer recovery.

比较健中愈疡片、黏膜保护剂胃舒平以及H2受体拮抗剂法莫替丁对胃黏膜线粒体 8-氧鸟嘌呤DNA基化酶、胸腺嘧啶乙二醇DNA基化酶、3-甲基腺嘌呤DNA基化酶的影响,并进行健脾益气方药与黏膜保护剂胃舒平以及H2受体拮抗剂法莫替丁对胃溃疡愈合质量的比较和评价。

The ersults indicate that the formation of water soluble products were not simply due to the glucosidic bonds hydrolysis.It may be due to the breakage of the glucose residue cycle.The breakage of glucose residue cycle may produce reduce ends and result in unstablization of glucosidic bonds, leading to glucosidic bonds hydrolysis and release of water soluble produdts.


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