英语人>网络例句>精心挑选 相关的搜索结果


与 精心挑选 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A week before, I've booked a Birth Cake and prepared a gift for you elaborately.


Because the reserve was so rich ecologically - and vigorously protected by Chinnappa and his dedicated staff, Nagarahole tigers can choose from an astonishing array of food items, ranging from spaniel-sized muntjac deer to wild-cattle known as gaur that weighing more than a ton.


Or, you may rest at Mid-lake lsland to have your feet on the grassy ground, to involve yourself into nature, and to enjoy peace, ease, unconstraint and sunshine over here.

湖心岛临水新建的具有多种房型和规格的别墅式客房 30 幢,内部装饰风格各异,可供社会各界人士的需求;射击馆备有 10 余种枪械可让你体验真枪实弹之妙趣,夺魁神枪手之风采;水上游乐可自驾快艇于 500 亩湖面高速驰骋,惊险刺激,独享其乐;多功能综合会所,其设施可供多种规格的会务、商务及休闲活动的需要;枪城海鲜馆多年来精心打造特色海鲜品牌,同时兼备精制的风味家常菜,可随意挑选细品其味;选择在湖心岛下榻,便可脚踏绿色黄土地,尽情拥抱大自然,亲身感受这里的宁静、轻松、自由、阳光。

The Olympic torch passed through the capital of Tibet today. The six-mile journey went through a handpicked crowd surrounded by hundreds of police and paramilitary troops.


The words in this book have been carefully chosen to help you learn what you need to know to pass any test—from standardized tests, to civil service tests, to college entrance exams, and to professional job interviews—and continue to build your vocabulary, even after you have finished using this book.


This album is a collection of melodies from Brian's previous albums. These songs were re-recorded in the studio with the BC String Ensemble.

这张专辑收集了 Brian Crain 之前已发行的数张专辑中所精心挑选出的旋律优美的曲目,这些曲目是通过 Brian Crain 的弦乐合奏工作室重新灌录而成。

The noblest female cones of fine Saaz hops, pure-virgin spring water, and the carefully selected grain of special Moravian barley, make this the lager for real connoisseurs.


To joining the company is also in the careful selection of franchisees to ensure that the overall brand awareness.


The use of wellchosen nonsense words makes possible the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning.


The extremes had at last collided. The emperor's bishops elected a new, carefully chosen, imperially minded "pope"--the lately deposed archbishop of Ravenna; the emperor came with an army to instal him in St. Peter's; and for years Gregory VII was besieged in Sant'Angelo.

皇帝的主教们选出了新的,精心挑选, imperially志同道合的&教皇&-在最近废黜大主教拉韦纳;皇帝带著一支军队来安装他在圣彼得;和多年格雷戈里第七围困在圣天使。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
