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与 粘腺 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One hand mechanical obstruct led to the increase of veinous resistance and the obstacle of microcirculation, the other hand the adhesive PMN was activated in excess, the white blood cells released a lot of enzymes, in which PMN-elastase can decompose the components of cell and many albumens, inclusive of immunoglobulin、alexin and fibrication. These components induced the injury of the pancreatic capillary vessels and cell and lysosome enzy made the tissue protein hydrolyze and produced unsaturated fatty acids, which destroyed the structure and function of cellar membrane. The inflammatory cellar factors activate other immunocytes to produce the injury and necrosis of tissue, which aggravated the pathological injury and led to shock、pyaemia and MODS. So ICAM-1 and LFA-1 played an important role in SAP. Frossard found that the expression of ICAM-1 in the rat model, especially in serum、pancreas and lung. All these showed ICAM-1 is an important factor in AP and concomitant lung injury.


Stamens 5, usually inserted at base of corolla tube and adhering to stigma head to form gynostegium; filaments usually connate to form a tube enclosing ovaries; anthers 4-celled (Periplocoideae and Secamonoideae) or 2-celled, often with a membranous apical appendage; pollen tetrads contained loosely on a spatulate translator with a basal corpusculum, or pollen united into waxy pollinia, each attached through a caudicle to the retinaculum between adjacent anthers to form a pollinarium, pollinia 2 or 4 per pollinarium.


The distribution of ABH substances in humantissue cells of nonsecretors differs from those insecretors.the contents of ABH in cells of nonsecretorswere much less than those of secretors.ABH substanceswere demonstred in cells of deep part of gastric gland,Brunner gland of duodenum,acini and duct of pancreas,acini and duct of sweat gland and in endothelial cells ofblood vessels and heart.


Bjective To study the change of mucins of expression in lithic cholecystitis and cholecystic adenomatiod polyps.

目的 探讨粘蛋白(MUC1,MUC3)在结石性胆囊炎和胆囊腺瘤样息肉中的表达规律。

Results: Cell adhesion molecules (CD44 and E-cadherin) were preserved in ampullary adenoma and early carcinoma, but loss in advanced carcinoma.

结果:细胞粘黏分子CD44st与E-cadherin 仍会保留在壶腹腺瘤与早期腺癌细胞上,但在晚期腺癌细胞则会消失或是移位到细胞质中间。

In PsNPV infected treatment, the color of the gland was purple-black dyed with eosin and the cells were distortedly squeezed together. The tracheae nearby showed grievous pathological changes and a lot of white granules deposited around it. The pathological changes in PsGV infected treatment showed another pattern. The gland body was relative small with smaller individual cells, most of which were red dyed with eosin. The cell limits were obscure.In coinfected treatment,there were few gland cells colorated by esoin.


Pseudelatia separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) infected with Pseudelatia separata NPV and Pseudelatia separata GV and coinfected with the two viruses, the structural characters of its prothoracic gland and the ultrastructure of the gland cells were observed. The results showed that pathological changes appeared in the infected PTGs.

观察比较了粘虫核型多角体病毒(Pseudelatia separata NPV,PsNPV)、粘虫颗粒体病毒(Pseudelatia separataGV,PsGV)感染粘虫,以及两种病毒混合感染粘虫后,粘虫前胸腺的形态特征和前胸腺细胞的超微结构。

The results showed that nucleoplasmic viscosity of ASTC-a-1 cells and HeLa cells were respectively (2.55±0.61) cP and (2.04±0.49) cP at pH 7.4 and 37 ℃,consistent with the results by traditional methods,and nucleoplasmic viscosity was found to be larger than cytoplasmic viscosity.

结果表明:在pH 7.4以及37 ℃的条件下,人肺腺癌细胞(ASTC-a-1)和人宫颈癌细胞的核浆粘滞系数分别是(2.55±0.61)cP和(2.04±0.49)cP,与传统方法的测量结果一致,并且发现核浆粘滞系数大于细胞质的粘滞系数。

Subshrubs; leaf blade 1-2.7 × 1-2.5 cm, base cuneate, margin entire; petiole 0.5-1.3 cm; flowers purple-red; fruit clavate, with wartlike glands.

亚灌木;叶片 1-2.7 * 1-2.5 厘米,基部楔形,边缘全缘;叶柄0.5-1.3厘米;花紫色红;果棍棒状,具腺体。 2 C 。 lantsangensis 澜沧粘腺

Objective To observe the effect of PGE 1 on diabetic blood hyperviscosity.Methods 59type2diaˉbetes mellitus with blood hyperviscosity were invotved in a randmoized control clinical trial.30cases were treated with PGE 1 200μg solved in500ml inj dextran lowmolecular intravenously everyday for3weeks.29cases treated with the same basic hypolycemic therapy and blood-lipid lowering drugs as the PGE 1 group except500ml inj dextran lowmolecular inˉtravenously everyday for3weeks as controls.

目的 观察列腺素E 1 治疗糖尿病高粘血症的临床效果方法 59例糖尿病合并高粘血症患者随机分组对照观察,前列腺素E 1 治疗组30例给予前列腺素E 1 注射液200μg溶于低分子右旋糖酐注射液500ml中静滴,每日1次,共3周;对照组29例降血糖、降血脂等基本治疗与前列腺素E 1 组相同,另外只给予低分子右旋糖酐注射液500ml静滴,每日1次,共3周。

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Neither the killing of Mr Zarqawi nor any breakthrough on the political front will stop the insurgency and the fratricidal murders in their tracks.


In fact,I've got him on the satellite mobile right now.

实际上 我们已接通卫星可视电话了

The enrich the peopling of Deng Xiaoping of century great person thought, it is the main component in system of theory of Deng Xiaoping economy, it is a when our country economy builds basic task important facet.
