英语人>网络例句>类化 相关的搜索结果


与 类化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let the combination of weighted grey relevancy analysis and fuzzy C-mean valued clustering algorithm be applied to the wear pattern evaluation system of diesel engine, taking the Bezdek criterion and the fuzzy entropy value as the measuring target to enhance the search ability in overall situation and determined the weighted exponent value m, the wear patterned fuzzy analysis model was established by means of the clustering centre and the normalized standard vector.

将加权灰色关联分析与模糊C-均值聚类(fuzzy center-means clustering)算法相结合应用到柴油机磨损模式评价体系中,以Bezdek准则和模糊熵值为度量指标加强全局搜索能力并确定了加权指数m值,通过聚类中心和归一化的标准向量建立了磨损模式的模糊分析模型。

Based on the analysis of the. traditional structured finite element programming this thesis makes partial modifications for FINITE, the structure analysis program developed by the object-oriented technology. Using inheriting technology of class expanded the existing classes and enhanced its performance and the program has been implemented in both console platform and graphic interface environment. The paper illustrates the advantages of object -oriented finite element programming.

本文在对传统的结构化有限元程序分析的基础上,针对有限元分析应用的特点,对现有的一个采用面向对象技术的结构分析程序FINITE进行部分修正,利用类继承技术,对已有类进行扩充,丰富其计算功能,并用Visual C++6.0在控制台和图形界面下同时得以实现,进一步论证了面向对象有限元程序的优越性。

Applying whitening process and Gram-Schimdt orthogonalization and orthogonal subspace projection, an optimal transformation matrix is designed to minimize the ratio of intra-class distance to inter-class distance while imposing the constraint that different class centers after transformation are along specifically directions that are orthogonal each other.


We discussed the syntheses of two different types of plant alkaloids in this thesis. In part A, we aimed at total syntheses in two kinds of aporphine alkaloids, lirioferine and boldine. In part B, we developed a tactic about radical cyclization in polyhydroxylated piperidine synthesis.


Background analysis of anomaly part consists of data partition, environmental correction, surface analysis. Anomaly analysis part consists of cluster analysis, factor analysis, correspondence analysis. Graph plotting part consists of histogram, cross section drawing, clustering spectral pattern, 2-dimensinoal factor scattergram.


An algorithm of cluster analysis with statistic significance test to classification was developed in this paper.


"On the other hand, the very worst cases on record in all medical history of hardening and turning to lime of the arteries all over the body, and in the kidneys and intestines particularly, have been found in Trappist and certain orders of Oriental monks who live almost exclusively upon starch and pulse-that is, peas, beans, and lentils, and abstain from meat entirely."

另外一方面,在所有医学史上有记载的关于全身动脉血管硬化和石灰化的最严重的病例,特别是集中在肾形矿脉和肠动脉附近的病症,出现在 Trappist 派和一系列东方的僧侣身上,他们主要以淀粉类和豆类食物为主,比如豌豆、豆荚、小扁豆这类,这些人完全不吃肉。

The descriptions of 300V and 8100 X-lite have only uninformative words about "100% Synthetic - Double Ester Technology" or "100% Synthetic - Ester Based", but how much esters contained in motor oils exactly?

在300V和8100 X-lite的包装说明上有著不太资讯化的字眼有关100%合成油-双酯科技或者100%合成油-酯类基础油,但有多少比例的酯类在这机油内呢?

To optimize the performance of the hybrid model,it applies k-means algorithm to perform vector clustering in the LSA vector space while the density function is used to initialize the centroid.


The paper introduces the process of embedding the k-medoids substitution method into the WEKA in which the classes and visualization functions of open source WEKA are fully utilized.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
