英语人>网络例句>类化 相关的搜索结果


与 类化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The azole drugs including fluconazole target lanosterol 14α-demethylase, the product of the ERG11 gene. Ergllp is one of the enzymes in the biosynthesis of ergosterol, the major sterol of fungal membranes and an analogue of cholesterol in mammalian systems.

唑类药物外流也是导致唑类耐药的主要原因,而与之药物外流泵相关的基因有ATP结合盒转运子基因(ATP Binding Cassette Transporter)——CDR1、CDR2和主要易化子基因——MDR1、FLU1,他们的过度表达可以导致唑类耐药的发生。

Libermann.The early researcheson this kind of manifolds were closely related to Physics and Mechanics.But since1991,S.Kaneyuki published his result on the algebraic condition for the existence ofinvariant〓structures on a coset space,Lie theory has played the most impor-tant role in the study of this kind of manifolds.In particular,dipolarizations in a Liealgebra are closely related to the homogeneous〓manifolds.Dipolarizationsin semisimple Lie algebras and the homogeneous〓manifolds associated withthese dipolarizations have been studied by S.Kaneyuki,Z.X.Hou and S.Q.Deng.Inthe partⅡ of this thesis we study the dipolarizations in some quadratic Lie algebrasand the homogeneous parakahler manifolds associated with these dipolarizations.


Using DFT combined with the orbital localized approach and Xu's covalence new concepts on a molecular fragment, it is concluded that the covalence of copper atom is 7 in 〓-type clusters and in inorganic fullerene-like molecule 〓, and there are Cu-Cu single bonds in 〓-type clusters.


The pigment in colored cotton fibers was extracted by methanol at room temperature. The results of color reactions HCl-Mg reaction, NaBH4 reaction, NaOH reaction, FeCl3 reaction and Pb(Ac2 reaction of the pigment extractive showed that the pigment extracted by methanol was flavone or flavonol with two adjacent hydroxide groups (Table 2, Fig. 1). The results of UV spectral analysis further proved that the pigment extracted by methanol from brown fiber belonged to flavone with two adjacent hydroxide groups in B ring, and that from the green fiber contained not only flavone but also flavonols with two adjacent hydroxide groups both in A ring and B ring and indican replaced a hydroxide group at 3-site of A ring Fig.


Second, plasticizers industry trends: the main production of plasticizer tends to continuous large-scale production, and special plasticizers tend to many varieties, small batch intermittent production; products, traditional, low-cost, security risk phthalate plasticizers are being new, safe but relatively high prices of citric acid ester plasticizers, trimellitic acid plasticizer replaced this trend performance in foreign markets significantly, and domestic prices because of factors, phthalate plasticizers will be substantial use.


The result was the same entirely. Explanation was set forth to samples of wrong classified.The datum of circulating supply water quality was centralized. Principal component matrix was rotated through factor analysis. Hierarchical cluster of multiple class was realized through factor after rotation. Key factor of influencing cluster was searched. The recipe was recommended and worked well.


First, this thesis introduces basic theory of CBR , and studies many aspects of typical part design case , such as case representation, case retrieval, retain etc. Second, regards design code as case code in order to integrate the case with geometrical and non- geometrical information, and realizes the parametric modifying function for 3D solid model in the condition of Pro/E. Third, for the purpose of making true of system's aided design requirement, this thesis brings forward to create part design knowledge base with AI language CLIPS, and integrates the rule based KB into the system; finally, collects and summarizes the knowledge of shaft,gear,sleave, and a sample with ladder—shaft is shown in order to verify the correction of theory research.


We introduce the notion of characteristic pairs and give the definition of dual characteristic pairs of Dirac structures on Lie bialgebroids. Using the dual characteristic pairs, we give the if and only if conditions for which a maximally isotropic subbundle of the double of a Lie bialgebroid is a Dirac structure.


In implementing the tear-off interface, you actually need to implement it in a separate C++ class, and instantiate this class separately from the main object class.

在tear-off 接口的实现中,你实际上需要在一个单独的C++类中实现它,从主对象类中单独实例化这个类。

With the observation of the outward appearances, it can be known roughly that if the sample was added with adulterations. Since the beeswax dissolves in the benzene but the adulterations, such as gypsum, starch and so on do not, these can be determined. By the verification of acid value and alcohol dissolve ability, the acid or non acid added can be determined. By the change of saponification value, the ester or non ester added can be determined. By the carbonification degree in the concentrated sulphuric acid, the mineral wax, such as paraffin wax added can be determined.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
